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"AyaAyaAyaAya!" I excitedly squealed through the phone when I got home.

The unnamed puppy started sniffing around her surroundings, taking her new home. I dropped her leash so she could explore, then went and plopped on the couch.

"What~?" She whined through the phone.

"Guess what! Guess!"

"What?! Did you find your dumb kitty?!"

"Nope! I found her!"


I nodded, momentarily forgetting she couldn't see me. "Hai! Aya, she's perfect! She has the most beautiful eyes! And her hair is just wow! She's the perfect lady, Aya! You'll have to come meet her!"

"But you just said you swore off dating--"

"It was love at first sight," I continued, cutting her off. "Can you come over tomorrow?"

"Don't you think you're moving a little...too fast?" Aya cautiously asked.

"Really? Okay, maybe I am. I'll have to get her adjusted to my place before she meets new people." I looked over to see the puppy sniffing into the hallway.

"She lives there now?! Was she homeless?!"

"Kinda sorta. I gave her a new home!"

"So, you're in love with a stranger?"

"Not for long, Aya-chan."

"Sometimes I worry about you. I'll see you and your new lady friend in a few days, Ami-chan. I have to calm down a crying girl."

I narrowed my eyes. "That girl is not crying."

"What? Huh? I--can't--hear--you."

I rolled my eyes at her childishness. But this is Aya we're talking about. And you gotta love her.

"Later," I said before hanging up.

The puppy wandered over to me with her sniffing. I reached down and patted her head. "What am I going to name you?" I wondered.

The puppy laid her head in my lap, and I ran my fingers through her fur. She's so soft.

There was a knock on the door, and the puppy just looked and whined. She's awfully quiet.

"Who is it?" I called, standing up, and going to the door. The puppy followed.

The mail man smiled when opened the door. We bowed to each other respectfully. Then his eyes went to the puppy beside me.

"Whoa, a dog! I wouldn't have even known she was here," he said, handing me my mail.

"I know. I just got her today."

"What's her name?"

"Mmm...She doesn't really have one yet I was just thinking about one when you knocked."

"She's a quiet thing. Well, have a nice day."

"You too...And arigatou!"

That's it! I know the perfect name! I shut the door and turned to the brown puppy looking up at me.

"Your name is Shizuka!"

She wagged her tail, apparently happy with the name. Maybe she was named that before I got her.

"It's perfect. Just like you." I bent down and played with her for a bit. I've never had a dog before, but I know I was in for a huge change. A good change.


My best friend, Aya, smiled as she walked in my house a few days later. We hugged before she took her shoes off and I led her to the living room. I was so excited to show her Shizuka.

Puppy Love // E-girls' DreamWhere stories live. Discover now