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Shizuka laid her head on my chest as I laid in bed. Erie had left a few minutes after I walked in here. It was rude, but I just couldn't sit there any longer with her. I was jealous. Jealous that she was able to find someone better than me, while I'm here, wallowing in my own sadness.

The puppy whined and nudged me with her nose. Then she hopped off the bed and walked to the door. For a puppy, she sure is intelligent. She knows when she has to use the bathroom. Which made me wonder if she was... different?

Nevertheless, I let her out to use the bathroom. While I waited, I went through the texts Erie had sent me while I ran into my bedroom.

Erie: I'm sorry, Ami

Erie: I'll come over later

Erie: I love you♥

I frowned. Whenever she says she'll come over 'later', it usually means a week or two later. But I'm happy because I won't have to see her beautiful face, her adorable smile, or heat her angelic voice. For the next two weeks, I'll solely be focused on school and Shizuka.

After bringing the puppy back in, I proceeded in doing laundry. Shizuka sat in the laundry roll with me as I got my clothes ready. A squeak behind me told me she was playing with a toy I had recently got her. I chuckled to myself before throwing my clothes in the washing machine and walking out, Shizuka on my heels.

I quickly shot Aya a text, saying Erie had stopped by. She was probably busy with cooking, since she wants to be a chef. I had to admit, Aya can cook really good. I can't even do half the stuff she can.

Shizuka ran in front of me with the rubber chicken in her mouth. She dropped it in front of me and sat down. I couldn't help but grin. She's the cutest thing ever!

"I'll go play with you," I said, kissing the top of her head.

Picking up the chicken, I walked to the front door and slipped on my shoes. I grabbed the leash to put it on Shizuka's collar, then grabbed my keys. And then we were on our way out.


"Why haven't you answered my calls?!" Aya asked me as I walked Shizuka away from the dog park.

After tossing her toys around and having her return them all, I had let her roam the dog park for a new friend. That didn't work. She found two other dogs, who started playing roughly with her. I thought it was okay .at first because dogs will do that. But she was much younger than them, and I heard her starting to squeal. That's when I came to her rescue and picked up up and carried her away.

So, yeah. When I say 'walked' I mean carried.

"Gomennasai, I was playing with Shizuka," I replied.


"The dog park. Then zone other dogs started playing with her rough and I had to come get her. Poor baby."

"Ami, she's a dog. Dogs do that."

"She's only a puppy!"

"Puppies play even wilder!" Aya exclaimed.

"She started to cry! I couldn't just watch her!"

"Really? Wow. She's different. So, about Erie..."

I bit my lip as I reached the passenger side of the car. "They're still there, Aya. And I can't get rid of them."

"What? Your feelings?"

"Hai. She just...I miss her so much."

"Everything will be fine, Ami-chan. Somebody better will come along to sweep you off your feet."

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