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WARNING: Talks about suicide and other sad stuff is in this chapter. You're going to hate me.

I couldn't find a picture of a sad Ami in my Camera Roll, and I was too lazy to look one up. SO MY BABY'S IN THE MEDIA!!


Okay, I done. :3

The morning was quiet between Erie and I. Oddly, I had woken up in my bed, all alone. And Erie was on the couch when I went to investigate. My eyes couldn't help but stare at her bruise on her cheek. Because it was my fault.

Last night, I had terrible dreams. Of Shizuka and I breaking up, everybody leaving me, me being alone, everybody hating me. More than once I woke up crying. I cried out for somebody, but nobody came to my rescue. Nobody came and comforted me or rocked me back to sleep. I felt so unloved.

"Next time we're in a fight, sleep in your own bed," Erie said, sitting breakfast down in front of me.

I wasn't hungry, but I picked around with it so it seemed like I was eating. I felt like crying but I didn't want Erie to see.

"You need to eat, Ami."

"Why do you care?" I mumbled.

"Because I don't want to see your health deteriorate."

Erie was looking at me; I could feel her gaze. But I merely dropped my chopsticks, got up, and left the dining room. The tears were already out before I got to my bathroom, where I locked myself in.

I'm so stupid. I can't do anything right. I'd be a shock if Shizuka didn't leave me.

Shizuka...I love Shizuka so much...I gained her and lost her within an hour. I don't deserve anyone.

I stayed in there the whole day, crying and sleeping. Erie would keep knocking on the door, demanding for me to come out. But I stayed in there and cried.

I hate myself.

"I hate myself," I admitted out loud.

"You don't mean that," Erie said.

"Yes I do. Leave me alone!"

"No, you're being stupid! Come out so we can talk."

Being called stupid wasn't doing to make me come out. In fact, I knew I was stupid, so it strengthened my argument and I wasn't going to come out.

And what was the point in going out there? We were going to fight and scream at each other, and I would be driven back into the bathroom, so it would be useless.

"Why are you still up? Isn't it late at night? Aren't you supposed to be asleep? Stop worrying about me."

I laid my head against the wall again, feeling fresh tears come out. Maybe I'll dehydrate before they come in. Then I'll die.

The thought scared me at first. Resorting to death was a huge thing. But then I wouldn't be able to screw up anymore lives. Erie would leave me alone, Shizuka would still be a human because she didn't fulfill her mission, a sad human, but a human nonetheless, and Aya wouldn't worry about me being a horrible friend. I wouldn't pondered the idea for a while, and found myself liking it more and more. I don't have a future, so why not end it all?


I heard Shizuka's voice from the other side of the door. I wanted to go and open it so bad, but instead, I went over to the tub and turned the water on. I'll just drown myself!

"Ami? What are you doing?" She asked.

"Taking a bath."

"But...but you don't like baths.  You said so yourself."

"Yeah, but it's time for a change."

"But you don't have changing clothes or anything."

"Oh well. I'm not going to need them anyways."

I heard her whimper. "Erie? Something's wrong!"

But I stayed on the floor, waiting until the bathtub was filled with cool water. The door was locked, nobody could get in.

There were muffled voices at the door, then I heard Erie say, "She's trying to kill herself! AYA!"

I calmly waited until the tub was filled to the top, then I turned the water off.

"Ami?! Open this door right now!" Aya demanded.

"No," I simply said.

"Somebody find me a bobby pin!" Erie exclaimed. I forgot she knew how to pick locks. But by the time she finds one and unlock the door, I'll be gone. Forever.

"Why?!" I heard Shizuka start to cry. "I love you, Ami! Please don't do this!"

I really was about to open the door. Seriously. I couldn't stand Shizuka crying. It broke my heart.

"I'm sorry," I said.

There was silence at the door, and I stepped into the water.

"NO!!" Shizuka screamed. "AMI DON'T!! PLEASE DON'T!"

"AMI YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" Aya shouted, starting to cry as well.

Then I heard the lock being picked, so I submerged my whole body under water. Instead of holding my breath, I breathed under water, feeling the water rush in my lungs. I coughed, of course, and I slowly started to see black in my line of vision.

This is it. The last time I see the world. The last time this world will see me. And I don't regret it one bit.

I closed my eyes as I slowly began to feel myself slip away...

Okay, this was really sad, so don't hate meeee!

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