Chapter 1-contest

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Summer was ending, I had my window open letting the last few summer breezes flow through my room. It was dark and rainy outside, the tree's were swaying outside of my window.  I was starting to hang up my Halloween decorations as I heard my phone buzz. I walked over from my door to my bed and read the text message.
Katie- lilyyyyyy
Katie-guess what?!
Katie- wait you know who twenty one pilots is right?
Me- ya I know a few of their songs
Katie- good so. For the competition you have to draw fan art and the best fan art wins
Me- fan art?
Katie- oh my lord 😂 look it up
I put my phone in my back pocket of my skinny blue jeans and jumped up on my neatly made bed, standing on it. I started putting up my purple and orange lights around the top of my white room. Should I consider entering this competition? I mean like I know a few songs of Twenty-One Pilots but I'd have to look up what fan art is because honestly, I have no idea. Well I guess if I'm even considering entering this contest I better get inspired. I sat down on my bed, my back to the wall. I unlocked my phone and went to Pandora and typed in "Twenty-One Pilots radio". I clicked on the radio and waited for the first song to play. My phone is really slow, I groaned and sat my phone on my bed and continued putting up my Halloween lights, waiting for the song to play. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" I heard my phone start to play the music. "Hey I know this song." I said over the music, I started singing along as I finished putting up my lights, "We don't believe what's on tv... Because it's what we want to see... And what we want, we know we can't believe... We have all learned to kill our dreams... I need to know that when I fail you'll still be here... Cause if you stick around I'll sing you pretty sounds and we'll make money selling your hair... I don't care what's in your hair I just wanna know what's on your mind... I use to say I wanna die before I'm old but because of you I might think twice... YEAH YEAH YEAH!" The volume of the music went down and my phone buzzed. I jumped down from my bed onto my carpeted floor and I saw the message was from Katie and it read...
Katie- *listens to twenty one pilots for inspiration
Me- you know me so well 😂
I sat down myphone with a smile on my face, I love my best friend.
   "Honey come down for dinner!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I walked out of my now spooky, lit up room and down the carpeted stairs.  My brother, sister, and my mom and dad were already at the table. "Come, sit. We have ham, potatoes, and carrots tonight," my mom said, her red hair bouncing as she put the Ham on the table. I sat down next to my brother, Ethan, he is 2 years older than me. We started to eat and I thought about telling my family about the contest. "Hey can I ask you guys a question?" I said, fondling my food with my fork. "Of course," my mom said looking up at me. Ok here goes nothing, "Ok s-so there's this band I'm really into, t-twenty one pilots and um.. they are having a contest where you make fan art and the best fan art gets to go on... gets to go on tour with them. I really want to go, it's a one in a lifetime opportunity," I finished, stuttering. It's probably gonna be a no, shoot why'd I even ask-"Well... How long would the tour be?" My mom said sending my dad approving looks. "Probably 3 or 4 months," I said still unhopeful. I heard my parents sigh, look at each other a few seconds, and then smile. "If it's something you really want to do, you can do it." My mom said sending me a warm smile. "Wait really?!" I screamed standing up. "Ya I mean YOLO right?" My dad said. I laughed at the fact that my dad even knew what the word 'yolo' meant. I ran over to them and hugged them thanking them endlessly. I sat back down in my seat and tried to hide the smile on my face. Maybe I'm more excited about this than I thought.

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