Chapter 34- fatal

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      6 months later- Josh's POV
    "Josh come here a sec?" I hear Tyler yell from his room. I'm hesitant at first, still upset at him. I look down at the bright pink frosted cupcakes and roll my eyes. I know he's sorry, "Coming" I say and I start to walk down the hall. It's summer and the summer winds are blowing throughout the house. The wood floor creaks below me and I enter Tyler's room. Tyler seems to be crying as he says, "It's for you." I give him a confused look, for me? I slowly walk over to him. I can't read him this time, he's either really happy or really sad. I grab the phone out of his hand and he gets up and bolts out of the room. I watch him run out and still confused I look back at the phone. I don't recognize The number and I put the phone to my ear. "Hello, we would like to speak to Josh Dun." A mans voice says. "Speaking." I say forcefully and still confused. "We were told to call you by Lillian Gilchorn, she is in West Bev Hospital." Suddenly worried I fall back on my bed and sit down. "Why is she there?" I say and run my hand through my hair. "I'm sorry sir, I'm not her doctor and I don't know. I'm sure her doctor will explain everything to you if you come to visit?" He finishes, I end the call by saying, "Of course, of course! I'll be there." I quickly stand up, grab a shirt and throw it on. "Tyler!" I yell running out of the room. He's throwing in his coat as I run my way into the front room. "Jenna and your mom are already in the car." He says, I throw him his phone, he catches it and puts it in his coat pocket. I nod my head and run to my room and grab my phone, I take a deep breath, then I run my way out to the car.
      "We're hear for Lillian Ginchorn." Jenna says and looks at us nervously. The lady behind the desk types Lily's name into the computer and looks up at us. "Her room number is 181 but recommended by the doctor, you need to visit family room number 14 before you visit her." Under my mothers breath I hear her mutter, "Well that's not good." I look up at the ceiling and sign, this is surreal. We all start to walk down the white and steril smelling halls to the family room. We walk in expecting to see no one but instead are greeted with a woman in a lab coat, "Hello, take a seat, is there anything I can get you all?" She says in a kind voice. Her brown-reddish hair is up in a bun and bounces as she walks around. "No thank you," my mom says and we all take a seat on the brown couch and love seats. "Alright then, let's get started. I suppose your here for Lillian?" I nod my head and grab a designer pillow and hug it against my stomach. "Ok so, there is no easy way to say this so I'll just rip the bandage off. Lily was a victim of human trafficking," I drop my head and I feel Tyler and Jenna squeeze my shoulder, "If you don't know what that means it means that, she was beaten and take as a sex slave," I clench my jaw and squeeze my eyes shut, I feel Jenna and Tyler's hand tighten on my arm, "She's been here at the hospital for approximately two weeks, when we first brought her in she had lost hearing in both her ears, her jaw was shattered, both arms had old brakes and new brakes, and her legs the same. We had to brake her bones to repair them in surgery, her bones are still healing except in her left arm which is completely healed, her hearing has came back but her mouth is still wired shut so when you talk to her she'll have to draw on her whiteboard. Luckily she seems to have lost all memory of the past year and doesn't know what has happened. We have told her what happened though and why she's here." The doctor finishes and everyone in the room is crying. How could this have happened, I should've keep looking for her, this is my fault. I feel like I've been hit by a truck and it feels like someone has stabbed my stomach. I feel a burning sensation in my throat, I stand up and run over to the bathroom that's in the room. This is unreal.
         All feeling sick and battered with, we slowly walk down the halls to her room. It seems as everything is moving in slow motion and everyone sound is elevated. Baby's crying, beeping monitors, god I hate hospitals.
Lily's POV
I hear a knock at my door. There's not much I can do so the person outside the door walks in. It's my doctor along with 4 other doctors. She takes out a clipboard and starts to speak, "Well your BP is holding steady, and you seem to be healing well, but, honey there's no easy way to say this, both your kidneys are failing," my heart stops, I close my eyes shut and start to frantically write on my white board, "We've already put you on the transplant list, and now we wait. A nurse will be in here soon to take your updated stats and give you food." She says and I finish writing but she and the other doctors walk out of the room. The board is facing the door and I set it back on my lap. "CALL JOSHUA DUN." I grab the board and through it at the wall with what strength I have left.
             I turn my head, and I clench my fist in pain. I look out the window, it's night and the light of the city illuminates the sky. How did I get here? How? One second I'm on tour living the dream, and now I'm here. I hear a knock at the door. Don't these stupied doctors understand knocking doesn't really make a difference? I turn my head expecting to see my doctor but instead, JENNA! I yell her name but it comes out a mumble. She runs over and hugs me, I flinch becuase she pulls my feeding tube a bit but I hug her back with my one working arm. There's so much I want to say but I can't. She releases the hug the hug and a tear escapes my eye. I see Josh and I attempt to sit up but am pulled back down by the straps holding me to the table. I yell Josh's name too but it comes out a mere mumble again. He comes over and caresses my face, he looks at my body and starts to cry, I grab his face and position him to look in my eyes. I try my best to give him a look that says I'm ok, "Oawh Lily." He says before hugging me tightly, I flinch at the pain but like Jenna I hug him back as tight as I can. He gets up crying and his mom comes over and grabs my hand, "You are so strong sweetie... so so strong." She says squeezing my hand and she starts to cry too. I move my head a little and try to form my lips into a kiss and I kiss her hand. Tyler comes over, he looks guilty, I start to cry and he hugs me. There's soooo much I need to say, to everyone, but I can't. At least not yet.

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