Chapter 34- all in an instance

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A/N- Hi everyone! I'm currently on spring break, everyone's in Florida but I'm not so prepare for MANY uploads. Also I plan on bringing this story back to tour around chapter 36 or 37, just incase you were wondering. Also I'm going to stop naming chapters because it's hard to think of good names that REALLY describe the chapter. Also should I make each chapter longer or shorter? Have a great day! ❤️

Lily's POV
"Please stop.... please." I whimper, "You worthless piece of meat, you disgust me." He laughs, not a good laugh though, the one that sends shivers down your spine. He picks up a shovel, "Now are you gonna do what I say or no?" I bring me head out of my arm and look up at him, "You can't control me." I say and he laughs again, "Watch me." He says before he swings the shovel at my head. "Lily? Can you hear us? Charge the pattles." Everything seems foggy, then I hear statics and cold cold metal touch my bare chest. "CLEAR!" I hear a doctor yell, then I feel electricity surge throughout my body bringing me back to reality. I gasp for air and try to move, suddenly claustrophobic from the straps holding me down and the wires forcing my mouth shut. I can't breath, "Her bpm is 200 and rising!" I hear a doctor yell. "Do something!" I hear Jenna yelling over everyone. Josh runs over and unstraps me from the table. I hear the doctors start to yell at him repeatedly and I keep thrashing around. I almost fall off the bed but josh grabs me and cradles me in his arms. "Shh, shh. Your fine, it's gonna be alright. I'm here. Close your eyes, I'm here." He starts cooing me. He plays with my hair and the doctors stop flipping out. "Whatever you doing keep going, her bpm is dropping. 190, 180, 160, 110, 89." I hear my doctor say, I look in Josh's loving brown eyes, and he holds me like a child. "Give her 100 grams of Propofol" My doctor says, Josh looks the up at my doctor and gives her a nod. I don't take my eyes off him and he continues to put his attention towards me, "I love you, I'm here..." is the last thing I hear before I drift off to sleep.
I wake up to the bright sun seeping through the window. "Good morning Lily." It takes a second for my eyes to focus on the person sitting on the chair but I realize it's Tyler. He stands up with a laptop and sets it on a pillow in my lap. I give him a confused look and he sits back down on the chair. "Anything you type in there will say it out loud, just something I found while I was on the internet and you were sleeping. Yanno, now you can talk, kind of." He finishes, "Try it out!" He says excitedly gesturing to the laptop. I try to smile but my lip gets caught on the wire in my mouth so I stop instantly. I type in a few words and press the green speak button on the screen. "Hello, Tyler Joseph." The speaker says robotically. Excited I look at Tyler and begin to type happily. "Hello, Lily." Tyler says imitating the computer. Happy I finally get to talk in a faster way than drawing on my white board I press the speak button. "This is not your fault by the way, I was going to run away anyway, Tyler I promise. You don't have to tell Josh, or anyone for that matter. I made WAY to big of a deal out of that and I'm sorry." My computer ends, Tyler looks down at the floor and comes over to my bed and sits down. He grabs my hand and begins to talk, "It's ok, I told him. He ignored me for a long time but eventually got over it. But Lily, that's in the past, right now all we care about is you," He hesitated a moment and stood up with his back turned to me, I heard him sniffle and I saw him look up, "And that's why Josh is giving you a kidney." I sit up immediately, it causes me a lot of pain but I'm not focused on that right now. I try to yell and speak but I remember I can't so I grab my computer and frantically type. I press speak as fast as I can and the words spill out of the computer, "HE WHAT?! Where is he? Bring him to me now! Tyler I'm not kidding! Where is he? He can't!" Tyler walks back over to me and grabs my hand once more, "I can't bring him to you," I go to grab for my computer but Tyler shuts it, "I can't bring him to you becuase he's already in surgery." My eyes widen, shocked. I start to bawl, this isn't fair, non of this is! I hear the monitor start to beep like crazy and I start to become claustrophobic once more. Tyler gets up off of me and presses the nurse call button. I try to grab at my wires and pull them off but their too strong. The wires puncture my hands and I try to break out of the straps. "I told her Josh was in surgery and she started freaking out please do something!" I hear Tyler scream at my doctors as they rush in. My doctors all huddle around me and hold me down, as if I wasn't trapped enough. I continue to scream, get me out of here please! "Her bpm is sky high doctor." I hear an intern yell. "Give her 200 grams of propofol." My doctor says, but I feel no change. I continue thrashing around, I hear another monitor start to beep frantically. "Doctor!" I hear another intern say and point to the monitor. "Damnit, her organs are failing." I hear my doctor yell, "Prepare for emergency transplant surgery," she points to another intern and says, "Alert the OR, we're on our way down." She says, the doctors back away and I suddenly become weak. I feel the bed beneath me start to move and they roll me out. Tyler, holding my hand runs next to the bed. "You're gonna be ok Lily, ok stay with me, your fine, Lily!" Are the last words I hear before everything goes black.

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