Chapter 16- memories

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  Buzz Buzz Buzz "Are you gonna get that?" Josh says above me. My head is still on his chest and I don't want to leave his heartbeat. "Do I have too?" He nods, I groan and I sit up and answer my phone, "Hel-" "Oh my god sweetheart I'm so glad your alive!" My mom screams making me pull the phone away from my ear a little. Josh looks at me and then puts his hands behind his head. "Yes mom I'm alive" I say with a little laugh trying to reassure her everything's ok. "I heard what happened and I was worried, are they taking good care of you or do you need to come home." I look down at Josh and smile. "No it's ok mom they're taking really good care of me, I promise" I say, Josh looks at me and laughs. "Good, ok baby girl if you need anything call me or text me ok?" I agree and we say we love each other and I hang up. "Was that your mom?" Josh says, I look down at my bracelet and say yes. I fall back on his chest and he says, "I need to go get dressed and go set up the stage with Tyler" he says attempting to get up, I stay on his chest so he can't. "Well I'm not letting go of you" I smirk, he laughs, "Well I guess I'm going to have to find a way to get you off" he says flipping over so he's on top of me. He starts tickling the frick out of me and I constantly screech his name. He stops looking at me, "What's wrong you don't like paying the price?" He says leaning down to kiss me. I kiss him back and I through my arm around him bringing him closer to me. I love this guy so much. "Woah hey ok love birds let's keep it PG" Jenna says and Josh jumps off of me. "For now" Josh says getting up to get dressed. Jenna rolls here eyes and struts over to me. "C'mon lets get dressed for the concert, Tyler told me he's gonna do something memorable tonight." Jenna says taking out her makeup bag, it seems like us getting dressed together for concerts is just a routine now. I always thought all their concerts were memorable but maybe that's just because I'm was a fan. Josh leaves the room and Jenna starts putting makeup on me, "It's about time he kissed you!" Jenna says crossing her eyes. I laugh and say, "Yea, he kissed me first last night." Jenna gives me a confused look and says, "So are you guys like, an item now?" I look up and she puts concealer on me. "I mean like, we never made it official-" "But you kissed?" she says interrupting me, I blush remembering how good it felt to finally kiss him. "Well yea" I say with total love in my voice. "Awe, well tell me all about last night, I'd love to hear." Jenna says and I do while she finishes my makeup.

No General POV

The concert starts and Jenna and Lily stand backstage watching their boys play. Tyler and Josh feed off the crowds energy. Even though its tiring Tyler's love for performing rises every concert, seeing how much passion the crowd has for them. Josh always loves preforming but gets nervous and shy at the beginning of concerts. Tyler walks back to his piano and the intro to Car Radio begins. The crowd screams and Tyler begins singing the lines, Josh starts bouncing up and down on his seat and he is happier than ever. Finally confessing he loved Lily to her last night really boosted his confidence. Also hearing her say she loved him back made him feel loved, which he had not felt in a while. "Jump along with me now!" Tyler screams over the song, everyone starts jumping up and down like Tyler does, including Jenna and Lily. The crowd sings along with Tyler the last few verses of Car Radio, the song ends and The stage goes black. All you can hear is the crowd going absolute wild. The lights go on and Tyler says, "This is a lot for me, Thank you all for coming" The crowd gets louder. It's nearing the end of the concert and Jenna and Lily worry Tyler forgot to do something memorable, Josh has completely forgot about it and is smiling. Tyler walks to the front of the stage and the light is focused in on him, "Alright-" "TYLER JOSEPH" one of the fans scream. "hi" Tyler says waving his hand smiling, people from the crowd laugh, Tyler walks across the stage and waves. He laughs then looks at Josh, "That's funny, I've never seen something like that" Tyler says and waves to more fans. Tyler puts his hand into the air still smiling as he says, "Hold on, Hold on, It'd be funny but, don't say anything just wave back to me it'd look really weird ok?" He waves to the crowd and everyone waves back in silence, Tyler breaks out in laughter and the crowd does too. Tyler walks over to Josh and points at the crowd, "You see that? it's funny looking." Josh laughs and Tyler says, "We should Instagram it or something." The crowd screams and Tyler asks someone for a phone. "Hey Josh lets get a picture, we never usually do this but" Tyler says referring back to the crowd, josh gets off his drum set and walks over to Tyler. "Do you think this is what he meant by memorable?" Jenna asks lily, lily shrugs her shoulders and says, "If it is, it'll be pretty memorable to the fans" Just at that moment a fan throws a phone at Tyler, he picks it up and says, "This is someone's phone" the crowd laughs again. The crowd cheers for Tyler to take it with the fans phone, Tyler doesn't know how to work the phone and doesn't want to mess anything up so he gives it back to the fan and tells him to bring up the camera. Tyler and Josh then both notice something odd in the audience and Josh points to the fan, "Is this a car radio?" Tyler says pointing to a fan with a car radio. Tyler grabs it and holds it in the air and says something inaudible because the crowds laughs, and cheers are all too loud, Josh gives the fan a high five making her more happy than ever before. When the crowd gets quieter Tyler looks at Josh and says, "That's a first right there I love that" and they both laugh. He goes and sets the radio down on joshes drum set, "Thank you now I can finally listen to music!" tyler says and grabbing the one fans phone. He and Josh hold up the phone and tyler yells, "Selfie with the clique!" The crowd screams and tyler gives the phone back to the fan telling him to tag them in it. Fans continue to through phones at tyler and tyler picks them all up handing them to the fans, "Stop throwing phones at me" He says in his cutsy voice with a smile. Tyler walks around the stage and says, "So this is the part in the set where, we uh, are suppose to lie to you and tell you theres only one song left, but that's not true," the crowd cheers and tyler goes on, "So whats gonna happen after this song, we're gonna do a song, and then we're gonna pretend like we leave, so don't tell anyone and if you're youtubing, pause" he says trying to be serious but cant help smiling and the crowd laughs, "Youtubes everywhere, they got people everywhere, and uh lets pretend like I didn't ask you all t-to cheer for us to play another song, we will play like we were completely taken off guard, we didn't have this planned" He continues putting his innocent face on, "But we'll play another one" He finishes walking back to his piano but turns back around to say, "Theres also a part in this next song where-" A fan says something to tyler and tyler points at the fan and says, "Sir whats your name?" "Ryan." Tyler thinks of something funny to say as he remembers his promise to Jenna to do something memorable, "Ryan?" "Yea" "I'm talking to Ryan" he says and the crowd laughs, "Alright Ryan, so theres a part in this next song- are you from phoenix?" he says cutting himself off, "Phoenix, born and raised!" the fan yells receiving many cheers from fans who proably are from there too, "No one cheer that's ,that's" Tyler says and josh laughs in the backround, "Sorry, you'll be able to make up for it," Tyler says referring back to ryan, "Imma tell you something Ryan right? cool. theres a moment in this next song ryan where," tyler points to his piano, "Where imma stand on my piano" "WOOO" a fan yells tyler puts a finger their way and everyone laughs at his sassiness, "And I'm gonna take my shirt off," the crowd goes wild and Tyler makes a cutesy face and throws his arms out, "listen, listen though, there's a more important part, when I do that I'm gonna look you right in the eyes and we're gonna have a moment," the crowd laughs and Ryan sticks an arm out to Tyler, "Don't touch me" he says backing away making the arena fill with laughter, "So what's gonna happen, when you feel that, that moment, your gonna think about later when you go home, I want you to take your shirt off too," and everyone cheers loudly, "And don't you worry Ryan from Phoenix because there's gonna be a whole bunch of people who take their shirt off with you," Tyler knows he's made a slight mistake with words when he hears the loudest cheer come from a small fan in the front row and he says, "Ohhhh woah that's weird, is this your daughter?" He says pointing to a fan, "How old are you?" "10!" The fan screams and Tyler looks off Into the crowd and laughs, "Ok so we have a 10 year old in the front, how old are you 10 too?" He says pointing to another front row fan, she agrees and he says in a kiddish voice, "Well I'm older than both of you so, but there's still gonna be a moment like, you've gone swimming before right?" Tyler says and Josh, Lily, and Jenna try to think of things of Tyler might say, "So when you go swimming and you have your bathing suit on and guys have their shirts off that's cool right? So it's ok if some guys take their shirts off here?" She says yes and Tyler makes an impression of how the excited girls face looked when she say yes, "She goes..." He makes the face. Tyler walks back to the front of the stage and feels like he needs to get something clear, "And if you're a girl don't take your shirts off just hold something up like, here do what I do." Tyler finishes and walks over to Josh's drum set. He picks up a glove and the lights get dimmer, Josh starts playing his drums and Tyler holds his gloved hand to the sky, everyone in the crowd puts a hand up to the sky like Tyler. He turns his hand into a gun as everyone in the crowd follows, the intro to Guns for hands begins and everyone starts clapping. "Do you think that's what he meant by memorable?" Jenna screams over the music. Lily nods her head as it was pretty memorable for everyone.

Hey guys I felt like I wanted to put that in there because my cousin was at this concert that this actually happened at and so there is a YouTube video to this and If you want the link to it comment below. <3

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