Chapter 39 (Super Long Chapter Enjoy ;))

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"Thank god we're finally here, it's been like 3 days since we left for tour." Josh says, I laugh and roll my eyes, "That's becuase it has been 3 days since we left." I say grabbing his hand. He looks down at me and squints his eyes, I laugh and our elevator reaches it floor. The ding indicates we are finally on floor 17, "Who would've know this hotel has 43 floors." Tyler says pulling his luggage behind him as we all walk down the hall, "Well we are in Cali." Jenna says walking next to him in front of me and Josh. Tyler nods his head while he looks down at a card and looks up at a room number. "Well," he says stopping, turning around to look at us, "This is our room, you guys can go wherever but let's meet back here at 6 and we all can decide what to do for dinner." We agree and walk away. "Sooooooo, what are we gonna do first?" I say walking a few steps to our room, unlocking it. We walk in our room, huge and luxuries as hotels were last year. "How about a run around the city trails? Let's adventure?" He says picking up his brown suitcase, setting it on the small couch near the blue window. I lay my suitcase down by the bed and unzip it, "Sounds like a plan, let me throw on my some clothes and we can get going." I say grabbing a bunch of my clothes putting them on the bed. I decide on Nike shorts and a Nike sports bra, I grab my clothes and run into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I strip and put on my shorts, I try to be as quick as possible so we can go, a morning run actually sounds good. I finish putting on my shorts and start to look for my bra, I used to run all the time. It'll be nice to run finally after being stuck in that hospital for so long. Frick where'd I put my bra. I start scrambling all over for it, Suddenly annoyed I unlock the bathroom door and run out. "Josh!" I say, wait WHOA whoa whoa whoa, I cross my arms over my chest remembering I have nothing on but shorts. He turns around and doesn't make any reaction, I relax a bit and realize we're close enough anyway, "Can you through me that?" I say pointing to my black bra on the edge of my bed. He grabs it and tosses it to me, "I just need to throw on a shirt and then we can leave." He says as I catch it and walk back into the bathroom. I put it on and take a deep breath, these mf mood swings Man. He's gonna find out sooner or later Lily, should I tell him now? No, let's have a good run then maybe I'll consider telling him. I walk out and squat, grabbing a few waters out of the small black fridge. I stand back up and *coughs, chokes "You ok?" Josh says laughing walking towards me, a shirt in hand. Your shirtless, that's the problem. Fric horomones! "Yea, yea just swallowed down the wrong hole." I say throwing him a water a bit harder than anticipated. He catches it with an umph and says with a laugh, "Are you trying to kill me?" I roll my eyes and brush his chest with my hand where I threw the water bottle at him, "Of course not."
          We've been running pretty much all over town and the mountains. The city has huge buildings and lots of build boards and lights. It's almost like the big apple only smaller. The mountains were breathtaking, tons of fresh air and the mountains were just pretty in general. We start slowing down as we come upon a wooden dock covering a lake. I put my hands on my knees as does he. I take my bag off my back and open it up, grabbing our waters. I give one to him and stand up, opening up mine. I take a drink, somehow the water is still cold and refreshing. I close the cap, "Ahhhhh." I say after I drink my water. I lift up my bra strap looking at my skin, "Wow," Josh closes the cap on his water bottle saying ahhhh just like I did, "I actually got a tan." I say snapping my strap back on my skin. He pulls his shorts waist strap out a bit, "Looks like I did too." He says smiling. "Do you want your shirt back out of my bag?" I say as I squat down putting my water in my bag as he gives me his water. "Do you want me to put it back on?" He says running his hands down his body. "I'm sorry what?" "I saiddddd, I'm a bit sweaty right now so probably not a good idea." He says, I shake my head, standing up, "Of course, of course." Great now I'm imagining things. "It's only 1, wanna go to the beach?" He says as I throw my bag around my back. "By time we run back to the hotel and get our swimsuits it'll be like 3." I say as we start to jog away from the pier. "I'd figure we swim in our clothes." He says running next to me, both of us looking forward. I smile and start to run faster, "Race ya there." I say before taking a turn, sprinting towards the beach.
Way ahead of Josh I stop for a second and catch my breath. I kick my shoes off and the hot sand sinks between my toes. I look out at the sun glimmering on the water and I suddenly start to hear footsteps gaining behind me. I look back and see Josh's sweating body run past me. "I'm gonna beat you, I'm gonna beat you, Ha Ha Ha, Ha Ha Ha." He says in a sing-song voice, running towards the water in front of me. "JOSH!" I yell starting to run towards the water as the hot sand burns my feet. "Wait up!" I yell and the hot sand turns damp under my feet. Josh starts to run into the water as I start to also. The warm water crashes against my skin and the resistance of me running against the water slows me down. Josh starts to swim out deeper into the water so I jump up and dive down into the water. Suddenly everything becomes silent and all I can hear is the water. I start to swim as far out as I can under the water and then when I feel like I'm about to drown I come up for water. The shore is behind me now and Josh is only a bit ways in front of me. I hold my breath sinking under the water again, while under water I grab a huge wad of sand and do a flip. I come up for air and when I do I take my wad of sand and whip it at Josh and it hits him with a thud. He freezes, the warm sand seeping off of his exposed back, he slowly turns around, "Sooooo that's how you wanna play huh?" He says diving towards me, a good rush of adrenaline surges my body and I jump up and dive in a different direction. While under water I laugh, loosing my breath I grab a chunk of sand and come up above the water. I thrash around looking for Josh, suddenly I feel something hot and watery on my head. The sand starts to fall down from my hair and onto my face, "Josh I swear to god!" I yell turning around splashing a wave on him. "Hey!" He says, splashing me with water as I swim away. I start to kick my legs hard against the water, constantly splashing him as I swim towards shore. The water becomes shallower and I stand up and start to run onto the sand. Josh is still swimming in and I can hardly stop laughing, "Woah! Your Lily!" I hear my name behind me and I snap around. Two girls looking to be 16 run up to me and fan their eyes as if they were about to cry. "Can we get a picture with you?!" I laughed remembering the first time someone asked me to do that. "Sure," I say turning to the water motioning Josh in, "Hurry up slow poke!" I yell and Josh sprints his way over to us, the girls squeal and one of them leans over and whispers in my ear, "My god your lucky." I smile, laugh a little, and nod my head. Josh comes over, wet, and puts his arm around me. "Can we get a picture with you two?!" One of them screams, Josh says of course. He takes the girls phone and asks someone who walks by to take it. We all pose and the flash that indicates the picture is being taken, flashes. The girls run to their phone, squeak, say thank you, and run off. We look at each other and laugh. "I remember the first time someone asked you for a picture." Josh says as we start walking off the beach, "One, I was just thinking of that. Two, how do you know? You weren't there." I say conspicuous, grabbing part of my shorts and ringing them out, "You told me all about it remember? How it felt weird to you that someone wanted your picture. How all you did was go pee and someone recognized you." He says and I laugh at the memory, "I was so confused why someone wanted a picture of me, and yes, I remember now." It's quiet for a minute and then I chuckle and continue to talk, "I also remember when you posted your first Instagram post of me and then the next morning I was attacked with notifications." He laughs and says, "Is that a-" "HOT SAND!" I interrupt, stepping on sand burning from the sun. "Whaaa-HOT SAND!" He says, "HOT SAND!" We yell together dashing towards the grass.
Jenna throws a bag full of unshucked corn in my arms. "Shuck." She says as she walks over to Tyler and Josh who are attempting to cook BBQ ribs. I laugh as Tyler yells in frustration, I walk out onto the hotel balcony and take out a piece of large corn. This hotel room is amazing, it has a kitchen, living room, and a bedroom. I start peeling the corn and continue to hear the 3 stooges trying to make ribs. I laugh to myself and put the piece of shucked corn into a tin bowl filled with water. I grab another corn and shuck. I stop for a second and open my phone to my camera, I press record and set my phone down, "This is the story of my life so far," I say shucking corn, "I'm making this video in case a relative, friend, or family texts me and asks how my life is going. I'd type it but honestly my life is so busy right now and honestly I'm just to lazy. Plus there's so many things to say. Where do I even start, I guess we will start at the beginning of tour number one. It was great, awkward at first but great. The bus ride was amazing and when we go to the hotel we all got our separate rooms except Jenna and Tyler. Oh and how could I even forget, meeting them was like a dream come true. I had a hard time when it was the day my mother died but Josh was there and he made it a bit better. Speaking of Josh, sometimes I wonder why there aren't more guys like him in the world, he's so sweet and caring and funny, oh and btw I'm in a relationship with him. I don't know if you could tell that by what I've said already. Oh and, I'm shucking corn," I hold up my peeled corn, throw it in the bowl, and grab another, "The boys and Jenna are in the kitchen attempting to make BBQ ribs. Last year was crazy, our uber driver drove us off a cliff, I found out my internet bud was actually Josh in disguise, people actually WANTED to get a picture with me, I saw so many different views and cities, Josh gave me a promise ring on stage, Tyler's brother died and we spent about a year back in Ohio, well I didn't spend a year, I was kidnapped and uh.... I don't-I don't really like to get into that. But afterwords they didn't think I'd survive and, well, here I am! Crazy isn't it? Tour number two started up right when I got done with physical thearpy. I'm fine now, everything is seemly back to normal, me and Josh went for a run around the city today and went for a swim in the beach. Oh and also I'm pregnant. I'll text you about the pregnancy though, becuase as of now I'm too ashamed, or whatever about it to say it. But Now I'm here, shucking corn, preparing dinner, would you look at us? We're like one big happy ol' family," I hear Tyler yell, I turn my head over to look inside, Jenna asks what's wrong and Tyler says he burnt himself, I laugh and look back at the camera, "I guess maybe some aren't as happy as others. Well that's basically all, I'm well, fantastic even. My life is amazing and is something 2 years ago that I would have NEVER thought was possible. Love you, hope your well." I smile and reach over, stopping the camera from recording. I finish sucking the corn and grab the bowl full of corn and water and walk back into the room. I set the corn next to the stove and begin to put the corn into an already boiling pot of water. "Jenna pass time the tongs," Josh says from the counter, Jenna grabs them and walks them over to him. In front of him are a huge plate of ribs that looked to be cooked to perfection, "Now how in the h-," "I know right! These are so perfect, I'm a 5 star chef now, did ya hear?" Josh says picking up the plate of ribs, "I am too!" Tyler yells from the other room. Jenna runs up to Josh taking the plate from his hands, we all follow her over to the table as she says, "Well then if your a 5 start chef, I must be a 10 star chef becuase I cooked wayyyyyy better than you did." She sets the plate down on the table and josh says, "You thought." Jenna turns around and laughs, "I didn't think, I know." Josh walks over and starts setting plates on the table while Jenna grabs the napkins. "Lily! Come help me with drinks please." Tyler yells from the other room. I turn around and start to walk to the room. I walk in and Tyler has four crystal glasses lined up on the counter. "Can you hand me the red wine please?" He says polishing a glass. He opens the bottle with a pop and we both laugh, he starts pouring the glasses and I start to get nervous when he gets to the 3rd glass. I can't have wine for 6 months. He gets to the final glass and he looks up at me, I clench my teeth, I make no emotion and just stare right back at him. He squints his eyes and looks away, I unhold my breath and Tyler walks over to the mini fridge pulling out grape juice and my eyes widen, "I got you covered," he says unscrewing the grape juice. "How'd -," "I know the signs, also I had a really close friend who was pregnant twice. By the way, CONGR-" I put my hand to his mouth and he shuts up right away. "What's the proble- Oh...... OH! HE DOS-," I glare at him, "He doesn't know yet?" He whispers, I nod at him and smile. "I won't tell him, don't worry. But awe your gonna be a great m- I'm gonna be a great uncle." He says, I roll my eyes and laugh, grabbing two wine glasses. Tyler does the same and we walk out to the neatly set table. I give Josh his wine glass and I keep mine. Jenna walks over with a bar of butter and throws it into the bowl of steaming corn on the cob. "Wow, look at us, dinner looks actually really good." Josh says taking a sip of his wine sitting down. I sit across from him and Jenna sits down next to me. Tyler turns on the diamond and gold chandelier above us and walks over to the table, sitting next to Josh. "This is by far, one of THEE best hotels we've stayed in." Tyler says drinking his wine. I smile and lean in, "Cheers to another tour together," I say standing up, "Cheers to being alive," Josh says getting up, "Cheers to all being happy and healthy," Jenna says standing up, "And cheers to staying positive even after everything we've been through." Tyler says getting up, "Cheers!" We all say smiling, clinking our glasses together. We sit down and start to grab for food, "What should we even start with?" Josh says looking at the food as if he was 11 and the food was candy. "I say we start with corn." I say grabbing a piece of warm buttery corn out of the bowl. The buttery is silky on my hands and I set it on my plate. Everyone grabs a corn, and at the same time everyone takes a hugeeee bite. When we do corn splatters off our cobs and onto everyone. With a mouth full of corn, and corn all over us, we start to hysterically laugh. I take another bite of corn and it flies over onto Josh. All still laughing Josh and Tyler take obnoxious bites out of their corn and it splatters on me and Jenna. Continuing to laugh, we all start eating our corn like crazy, my stomach hurts from laughing so hard and I start to hear Tyler snort. Josh chokes on corn but still laughs. Who knew corn could be so fun?
       ~In memory and dedicated to my~
                        ~Grandma Rita~
                  ~Rest is peace Love ❤️ ~
*if your confused about her pregnancy don't worry, your suppose to be ;)

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