Chapter 11- accident

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"This is gonna be sooooo much fun!" Jenna screams and Tyler shushes Jenna telling her to be a bit quieter. Our uber driver laughs creepily and says, "Aw she's a alright, let the girl scream I don't give a f*ck" We all look at each other in the back seat, obviously all freaked out by this guy. I don't know, he seems intoxicated or on drugs. I just can't wait for this ride to end, especially because Josh is waiting at the sky diving lounge for us. I've never been skydiving, it sounds fun but I'm really nervous about falling, well not falling, but falling out of the harness and- "You know when I was you kids age," the uber driver starts groggily, he then turns completely back looking at us. The uber driver starts mumbling random stuff to us but I'm not focused on that I'm focused on the car about to hit a wall and go over a Clift. "THE ROAD!!!!" I scream but it's too late. The uber driver turns around and starts cussing. Jenna screeches Tyler's name with pure terror and sadness. The car breaks through the wall to the bridge and the car starts plummeting thousands, and thousands of feet. Jenna clinges to Tyler for dear life, her head on his chest. I can't think, or cry, or.. Anything. I'm gonna die. I feel Tyler grab and squeeze my hand, but he lets go and pulls me to his chest with Jenna. "I love you guys!" Tyler yells. A big crash, my ear, I can't hear. Jenna's cries disappear, Tyler's beating heart.... Gone. Me..... Gone.

Josh's POV
Oh my god how long is it gonna take for them to get here. "C'mon Tyler answer your texts!" I scream at my phone. A lot of people look at me like I'm crazy. I've been waiting here for 4 more hours than I should be. I'm not even mad about them showing up late, I just want them to show up. God please be okay! I stand up and try my best to find a bathroom, "Josh! Joshua Dun!" I hear a girl screech. Any other time, but now? "Can I get a picture with you?" She says, she seems to be 20 maybe? I try to hide the face of complete worry and agree. She gives the phone to her, I assume boyfriend, He snaps the picture and she thanks me I nod and start to walk away. I feel her grab my arm and turn me around. "You're not okay. What's wrong?" She says, a tear escapes my eye as I say, "I don't even know." My voice cracks and she releases her grip. I tell her I'm fine and she'll most likely hear about it if something happens. After I make her feel better I immediately run to a bathroom and burst out crying. I look at myself in the mirror, my eyes are bloodshot and my nose is running. Where are they?!
          "Sir the lounge is closed now. Do you have a place to stay?" The sky diving manger says to me. I've been sitting here, on the ground, outside the sky diving lounge for 11 hours, waiting. "Yes I do, thanks for asking" I say getting up weakly. He nods at me and leaves. I can't.... I can't.... My thoughts aren't even clear because I... I just can't. A tear escapes my eye, my mouth is wide open but why close it. I try my best to find my way back to the hotel but, I... I'm not.... I can't.... Not going back there. I sit on the ground by a park bench and lean my head back. It's dangerous, but I'll sleep here. I mean like what's the point. Point of..... Living. No Josh stay alive there's hope! What hope, my best friends, their gone..... Gone. And with that thought I fall asleep.

Few days later

"Hi this is Emily from Davenport hospital may I speak to Joshua" the phone call says. "Speaking" I say putting her on speaker, laying on Lily and I's bed. "Hi Joshua, I was told to have you come in for a Tyler Joseph, would you happen to know who that is?" She says, and I jolt up. I take her off speaker and put the phone right up to my ear so I can hear everything. "Yes! Yep I do." I say biting my lip. "Great, could you come in about 15 minutes?" I agree and hang up. He's alive! "YES!" I scream not caring how loud I am. I run into the bathroom and fix my hair. I look at all the scratches on my arms, face, and chest. Well..... I run to Lily's suit case and open it up, it smells just like her. I grab her makeup and run to the bathroom with it. I first wash off all the dry and wet blood. Then I put what I think is called foundation, alllll over my body. Good. I throw on a hoodie and some joggers and run out of the hotel. I don't even care about hailing a taxi, I just run. I run all the way to that d*mn hospital.
I walk into the waiting room, sweaty from running, Tyler, Jenna, lily, anyone? I look around and I see no one. I feel like I'm about to break down again when I hear screaming, coming towards me, "Josh!" I hear sobbing as this thing squeezes me. I look down to see, "Jenna!" I hug her tight, but then pull away with my hands on her shoulders, "Tyler? Where is he? Is he-?" "He's alive! Josh I swear to you... He's alive. He only broke his arm, Josh I swear. He's in the bathroom, he's ok!" Jenna says between her sobs. She didn't break anything, she has a few bandages and stuff, probably from cuts. I hear a door open and turn to see Tyler out of the bathroom. "Tyler..." I say a tear escaping my eye. He looks at me and doesn't move. He causally walks towards me and gives me the tightest hug I've ever had in the world. "I was afraid you were dead." I say and I start to cry. Tyler squeezes me tighter and says, "I can't leave my best friend." We break away and all go to take a seat. It's silent for a moment. But it's ok. I'm glad to know their alive. If they would've died..... Let's just say I'd die too. "Lily, she, urm................ She has a tiny concussion and she broke her whole arm and hand. You can go on back if you'd like, room # 181" Tyler says his voice cracking a few times. I stare at them two, they both nod holding each other's hand. I hope me and Lily will be like that one day. I get up and start walking the halls.

Hey guys I want your opinion, should I make the chapters shorter, longer, or just stay the same?

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