Chapter 23- zero to a hundred

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      I open my eyes and the sun is peaking through the window. "Hey." I turn my head and see Josh propped up on one arm, I smile at how is hair is all over the place. I pick up my arm and run my fingers through his hair, "That's better." I say and he laughs, he's so cute, I smile and just keep staring at him obsessing over all his features. "What?" He says says sitting up, I grab his muscular arm and pull myself up, I shake my head still smiling. He grabs my arm and rubs it, "C'mon babe it's got to be something." He says tilting his head, I smile and say, "You're just too cute." He laughs and moves his hand up from my arm to my jaw , he leans in for a kiss and I gladly accept it. He pulls away and gets up, he puts some pants on and grabs the room key, "I'm gonna go get some wine, Tyler said we are all staying in tonight, Tyler and Jenna are next door and you can text me if you need anything. Love you." He says giving me a hug before leaving. I sit up and grab Josh's shirt and through it on, it smells like him and I lie back down. I'm still pretty tired and I might take a na-"Good Morning!" Tyler says in a sing song voice barging through my door, so much for a nap. Tyler skips to Josh's suitcase and searches for something, he's shirtless, wearing his Black jeans. I sit up and rub my head, sighing, "I was gonna take a nap but..." I say, Tyler turns around with a smirk, "Why? Were you two up late doing something something?" He says coming over to sit on the bed in front of me. I blush and roll my eyes, he crosses his legs and put his hands in his lap, he sits up straight and says, "So how was it?" I don't answer him but I do raise an eyebrow, his facial expression drops and he becomes overly excited, "Wait, you two actually did it?!" He almost screams, I nod my head and he screams fanning himself, "You're such a girl." I say hitting him. He stands up and goes back to Josh's bag, "So why are you all excited and in our room?" I ask leaning my head on the bed frame, tired as all h*ll. He picks up a shirt from Josh's bag and throws it on, "Number One. I'm in your room because Jenna is still sleeping, I don't want to wake her, and all my cloths are dirty. Number two. I have actually no clue, just a great day to be alive right?" He finishes sitting in the chair by the window. He pulls out his phone and he puts a really weird face on, "Oh my god," he laughs, "Have you ever read the fan fictions about me and josh before?" I pick my head up and grab my phone, "What ones? The many ones about Josh? Or the very few ones about you and someone else?," I sit up straight and snap my fingers, "Or the ones about Joshler?" I say and we both laugh. I open my phone and go through my messages, Tyler laughs and says, "When I get bored sometimes I'll read some of them and..." He trails off, looking back down to his phone. "I know, some of the things the clique write are, well I don't really know the word for it, outrageous maybe?" I say and he nods, I laugh, set my phone down, and open up my laptop. I open up the Internet and it's slow as all crap. "The Internet is way to slow." I complain but my stomach drops as I see the first headline on the Internet. Does he know yet, oh god, what do I do, I grit my teeth. "Lily?" I slam my computer shut, I'm like a deer in the headlights. I try to put on my most calm face as I turn to Tyler and tell him it's nothing. He seems to calm and I feel a burn at the back of my throat. "I gotta brush my teeth and get dressed, you can stay but I'll be in the bathroom if you need me." I rush out before speed walking to the bathroom. I lightly shut the door behind me to lower suspicion, I lock it and turn on the fan so no one can hear anything. I collapse to my knees over the toilet and let everything come out. After I'm done throwing my guts up, I lean against the tub. How did this happen, there's no way I'm letting him on the Internet, ever, at least until he finds out. I run my hand through my sweaty hair and stand up. I feel dizzy and through my hands on the front of the sink to catch my balance. I look up at myself sweating and panting, what do I do?

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