Chapter 31-Past

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So I've been posting every other day, but they haven't been uploading? Is that just on my phone or can you guys actually see them? I've gotten up to chapter 40 already. I'll post one each day until I run out of the ones I wrote for the inconvenience. Thank you all enjoy! ❤️

"I think you wouldn't want Josh finding out about this either now would you?" He says starting to walk out of the room. "That's what I thought. just remember Lily, think twice before you act." He finishes with a chuckle walking out of the room. The thunder rolls almost as if it was on cue when Tyler slammed the door. I sigh and look down at my fidgeting hands. I look outside at the storm, what the did I get myself into.
Katie's POV

Me- lily hasn't answered her phone in a week
Ty- so why should I give a fuck
Me- quit being a dick ty
Ty- her and I's relationship is over, she can't even answer her phone
Me- you don't think somethings wrong?
Ty- No and if there is her parents are there, idrc
Ty- wow your a little bitch just like Lily
Me- whatever
I roll my eyes and grab the keys to my car off the rack. "Hey mom I'm going to check on Lily be back in 20!" I yell up to my mom. I get in my car and drive to Lily's.
      "Helloooooo?" I yell out, I swear to god I've been ringing this doorbell for ages now. I'm starting to get impatient and start pounding in the door, no response. Maybe she's gone with friends? I walk through the green grass to my car but before I get in I notice her car is in her driveway. I slam my door and start to stomp to the back door, it's always unlocked and I walk in. "Hello?" No response. It's really quiet, usually Lily would have music playing or netflix but I guess not today? I walk upstairs to her room, "Hel- LILY!" I scream, I get down on the ground and lift up her head, my hand gets sticky and I take my hand out from under her head, blood. I look down at her wrists, it looks like she's tried cutting through her artery. There's also pills, lots of pills sprawled out. "Oh lily." I grab my cell phone and call 911.

"How is she?" I say. Me, her mom, her dad, and her brother are all around her hospital bed in the ICU. "Not well, he artery is shred and only being held together by bits and pieces. She lost a lot of blood. We tried pumping her stomach for the pills but Im afraid we were too late. it doesn't look like she will make it." Dr. Nowe explains. Lily's Mom screeches on falls down sobbing on her daughters hands. Repeatedly she says why, her father paces around the room yelling at the doctors, her brother seems upset at his father for yelling and he's tensed up. I can't think or act, or feel for that matter, I need to remove myself from this situation and fast. I grab Ethan's hand and pull him out of the room. You can still hear the sobs and yells from the room as we walk down the halls. We walk into a supply closet and Ethan sits on the ground with his head in his hands. I lock and stare at the door, is this even real life? I take a few calm breaths and calm myself. "This can't be happening," I hear Ethan say and stand up, "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!" He yells and punches the wall. The floor rumbles and Ethan pulls back his hand, he's left a hole in the wall but who can blame him.
It's been about three months since Lily was first in the hospital, today's the day we take her off life support. The morning sunshine rays were gleaming through the window shades. I turned over on my bed and opened my eyes, the morning sun was making the dust in the sky visible. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and and got up groggily. I look over to my alarm clock and it reads 7:16am, I walk over to my shades and open the curtains slightly.  I sigh and look at the photos of me and Lily on my wall. I wipe my eyes and walk to put clothes on, I walk downstairs into the living room with the rest of the family.
Lily's POV
    "Alright let's begin the procedure" "How long, you know? Do we have after?" "There's no way of telling how long, her body will probably try to fight for a while but it's just too weak." "Oh lily please wake up" Wake up, Wake up, WAKE up, WAKE UP. I screech when I open my eyes and am greeted with blinding lights. Why does my throat hurt? Tube maybe? No clue, can everyone leave me alone, it's loud as hell. I try to scream get off but a mere squeak comes out. The doctor pushes everyone away, thank god. "Hello Lily, welcome back!" The doctor says flashing a bright light in my eye. I wish I was dead.

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