Chapter 63

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I didn't expect this to even be remotely hard. Maybe it's just because it's a new change to my life. Maybe because I'm glad the fight is finally over. I can find a way to move on now, I can get on with my life. "When is he dropping her off?" I ask Josh, who hands me an apple juice bottle. "In about five minutes," He says, walking back into the kitchen, to finish up making dinner. I cross my legs and ponder. You know, not once, even once, if you asked me five years ago what I'd think I'd be like in 5 years, it wouldn't be this. I mean my life has been insane, once upon a time a few years ago I was shy and quiet, had one close friend, introverted, alone, confused, and looking for answers. Where as now I think I finally have everything figured out, and I'm going to new states and new cities twice a week every other year. My life now is insane, but crazy enough I wouldn't have it any other way. *DING DONG* "I got it!" Josh says, running into the room. He throws me an oven glove and to my surprise I catch it. I toss it to my side and Josh opens the door, "Hey," "Hi, here she is," I hear him say, Amara wobbles in and grabs Josh's leg, "Daddda," she mumbles, "Hi babygirl!" he says, ruffing up her hair. "Bye man," "Bye." They say to each other, Josh goes to close the door but I quickly stand up, "Josh wait, there's something I need to do." I say, quickly setting my apple juice down and trotting over to the door. Josh looks at me as if I'm about to clock him, but I give him a look and he takes Amara into the kitchen, carefully watching what I'm about to do. I open the screen door so I'm facing him, he looks sad that he has to give up Amara but he did this to himself. "There's so much I could do and say to you. I could hit you, scratch you, stab you, hurt you, call you names,but I'm not going to do any of that. I'm going to thank you, " He now looks superbly confused, "I want to thank you for making me a better person, for making me teach myself how to be strong, for making me teach myself to not be affected by words people like you make, for educating me on how to teach my daughter to stay away from people like you. Like I said, I could do so much to you but I won't, every part of me urges to, but I won't. Because I'm a better person than you....., I'm a better person than you, Gabe. I hope you find your way in life, so maybe one day you can have a family and be happy like I am. Goodbye, Gabe." I say, shutting the door. I look at the door and smile, feeling for once in my life, complete. Still smiling I turn around and see Josh walk out of the kitchen, looking dumbfounded. "And you thought I was about to pick a fight," I say crossing my arms, "Is it possible to fall in love with someone all over again?" He says seriously, I giggle and walk towards him. We embrace tightly, we won, its finally over.

"A toast," My brother Ethan says standing up, clicking his wine glass with his fork, "To new beginnings and getting on with life." He says, "Amen," I say, clinking my glass with everyone while they all say cheers. We're having a celebratory feast and everyone's family and friends are here. Jenna's family, Tyler's family, Josh's family, my family, Katie and her mom and Dad, everyone. "I'm going to go give Amara some food really quick, I'll be right back," I say to Katie, she smiles and me and Josh stand up. We walk over to the food and break up everything into small pieces, putting them on a plastic plate. We then walk the plate into the living room and onto a small kids table. She weeble wobbles over to the food and stares at it a while, before she starts grabbing it and throwing it into her mouth. Me and Josh sit-down on the couch together and he puts his arm around me. It's quiet for a moment and we just sit there and watch Amara devour her food, and then Josh brakes the moment and says, "So on a level from 1-10, how much did you want to clock that guy?' "Oh a solid 100," We both laugh, "I'm proud of you yanno?" he says, I look towards him, "I'm serious, you've changed, and I like it." "Oh so you didn't like me before?" I say jokingly, "No, no no, no. That's not what I meant. I've changed too, if you couldn't tell. We've both changed, I feel like we're better people than we were two years ago." He says, "You didn't have to explain, I just like listening to you talk." I smile, he chuckles and pulls me closer. "What do you think she's going to be like when she gets older?" He says, rubbing my shoulder. "Tons of boyfriends," I say, "Uhm not if I have anything to do with it," I laugh and lightly slap his chest. "No but really, I bet she'll be kind, I bet she won't listen to any of your and Josh's music just because it's a family thing." I say, " Yeah, she'll probably end up listening to Brendon, Melanie, or Fall Out Boy."  "Or Green Day, maybe she'll even be into some of the pop hits." Me and Josh look at each other, then laugh, "Hey! Pop music is not that bad!" I say defensively, "Fine, name of few." "Wish I Knew you by the Revivalists, Viva La Vida by Coldplay, Bad Liar by Selena Gomez, Congratulations by Post Malone, Feels by Calvin Harris, Humble by Kendrick Lamar, Believer by imagine dragons, I'm a Rebel Just for Kicks by Dunez,  Location by Khalid, Attention by charlie puth, shall I go on?" "Wow, nope, I think you made you point." I smirk, I won. He laughs and then we hear Tyler yell, "Lily, Josh, get in here!" We stand up and hand in hand, we walk into the dining room. We see a cake on the table and Jenna lighting the candles, "Awe you guys shouldn't have!" Josh says, looking down at the 3 tier cake. It reads, "Congratulations!" On the front, "Thank you guys," I say smiling at everyone. "You deserve it kid." My dad says, rubbing my back from his chair, I look down at him and blow a kiss. "Blow em' out!" Tyler's mom says from across the table, everyone cheers us on and I look at Josh and smile with glowing eyes. Then in unison we bend down, blowing out all of the candles, everyone cheers and claps. "Let's eat cake!" Josh yells, wrapping his arm around my waist.

*Last Chapter to this book goes up tomorrow* 

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