Chapter 5-first night

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     We all stand in the elevator talking about our plans for tomorrow. "Well me and Lily are going to get our nails done tomorrow." Jenna  said, "Can we join?!" Josh and Tyler said at the same time jumping with joy. "I guesssssss" me and Jenna said at the same time making them really happy. The elevator finally stopped at the    10th floor as we all got out. "This is me and Jenna's room, here's your keys guys good
Night" Tyler said handing us each a card with a room number on it. "Good night guys!" Jenna said shutting the door behind us. We started walking towards our rooms, "181" I read to myself. "182" I heard Josh mumble looking down at his card. "Is this how it always is?" I say to Josh looking up at him as we continue walking down the hallway. He looks down at me, "Always like what?" He says looking back forward. "You getting you own room and Tyler and Jenna getting a room together, it seems..... Lonely" I say still looking at him. He keeps his eyes forward as he sighs and says, "No, not always, only when Jenna comes, when she's not here me and Tyler usually get a room together. And yes it sometimes does get... lonely" he says looking down at his shoes. Awe, he seems sad, I gotta cheer him up, "You're always invited to my room if you get lonely" I say giving him a warm smile, he smiles back at me and we keep walking. We get to our rooms and unlock them, "goodnight lily" Josh says pushing his door open, "goodnight Josh" I say before opening my door and slamming it behind me. I shiver with happy feelings jumping up and down. This is crazy! I turn on my light, "Holy five star" I mutter to myself. I slowly walk in my room, this day just keeps getting better and better. My wall is glass looking out into the dark blue sky and the city. My bed is raised on stairs with a blue light seeping out of the top of the walls. Everything is so high tech and updated. I set my bags on my bed and rush to the bathroom. The floor has heated tile and my shower has many settings and blue lights coming through the roof in the shower. The bathroom has the toilet up on stairs too, like a throne. Then I see the huge mirror and God, I look gross. I put my hair in a pony and take off most of my makeup. I put on an oversized t-shirt and take my bags off my bed. I'll put stuff where it goes tomorrow. I walk over to the wall window looking out into the city. I stand against the wall and slide down it. With my knees to my chest as I look out into the city admiring the night sky. It's beautiful, I look down to the bracelet my mother gave me 'almost as beautiful as you' I smile to myself. Speaking of my mother tomorrow marks the day- I hear a knock at my door. I never take my eyes off the window as I hear my door open and shut and I hear footsteps coming towards me. The footsteps stop and I look over. Josh is standing there giving me an questioning look, I nod at him and he sits on the ground with his knees to his chest on the other wall, looking out into the city. "What's wrong?" He says after a few minutes, I can feel his eyes burning into the side of my head as I keep my eyes looking out the window. "Nothing, how about you? Get lonely?" I say looking at him. He chuckles and looks back to the window. "I guess you could say that" he says. God his voice, it's low and husky tonight and it's hot. "So no, really what's up?" He starts. "Noth-" "Nothing, no it's not nothing." He says cutting me off, looking back at me. "Can I tell you tomorrow?" I say as he gives me a sad look and takes in a deep breath. "Ok" he says getting up. He lets down his hand and helps me up. I walk him to the door. "Goodnight Lily, you know you can tell me anything right." He says as I look at the ground afraid I'll start to cry. "Thanks it's nice to know that, goodnight Josh." I say. He pulls me in for a hug which I gratefully take. We stop hugging and he leaves. I slam the door behind me and burst into tears. I'm not ready for tomorrow.

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