Chapter 9- forest

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    Lily's POV
"Go on back" the security guard says pointing me and Jenna towards the stage. "Your just standing back here, like every concert?" I ask Jenna, basically screaming over the loud roar of fans as Tyler and Josh go out onto stage. "Only the ones I come too" Jenna screams over the crowd. "I bet if fans knew that they'd go ever crazier" I yell to Jenna and Tyler jumps on his piano and screams, "Who's happy to be alive tonight!"  You'd think the crowd couldn't get any louder but it did, Me and Jenna screamed along with the fans. It's crazy to think that just a few days ago I was one of the many in the crowd and now I'm backstage with Tyler's wife, and I've even slept with Josh a few nights. Tyler starts his speech and I try my best to pay attention but it's hard when all I can think about is who this mystery person is I'm meeting tonight. Before I know it I hear the beginning to Heavydirtysoul, Josh starts bouncing up and down on his seat playing the drums. I wish he would play with his shirt off but right now him and Tyler are wearing their red tuxedos and their black masks, ew lily stop thinking like that! I stare at Josh a while, then I stare at the crowd. They are all so excited and so happy, and they're all here for one reason, Tyler and Josh. It's crazy how I know these two people who are adored by so many people. I look at Tyler flipping off his piano, then I look at Josh, I seem to catch him staring and he jumps a bit, he snaps his head back to his drums and a drumstick flies out of his hand over by Tyler's piano. Tyler looks at the drumstick, then at Josh, Josh shrugs and grabs another stick out of a box besides his set. Heavydirtysoul ends and both Tyler and Josh take off there masks and throw them out to the crowd. It never made sense to me how their hair could stay so fluffy even after being in a mask. They then rip off their tuxedos as the entrance to The judge begins. A loud roar from the fans escape and Jenna jumps up and down beside me telling me to look at Josh, yes Jenna I see jos- holy...... This is the first time I've been this close to a shirtless Josh. It takes me a moment to realize my phone is having a seizure in my back pocket because I'm so mesmerized. I try my best to ignore my phone but my curiosity takes control and I check the messages. I open Instagram and check my notifications 4,078 new followers, 1 new tag, 983 People mentioned me in comments, 23000 likes what the h*ll? I check the tagged photo and it's a picture of Josh looking at me backstage and me looking at him. Who would've taken that photo? Probably one of the many fans. *buzz 27 missed text messages from 'Katie'
"Hey Jenna where's the bathroom I really gotta pee!" I scream over the crowd. Jenna points down a hall and I start walking when I hear her scream, "Be careful!" I continue walking till I come up on a public women's bathroom. Every stall is packed except the handy-capped, sorry but I go in and lock the door behind me. I don't even use the bathroom, I just sit on the ground against the wall going through social media.
Katie- dude your like famous now!
Me- no I'm not don't say it like that
Katie- uhm, well you kinda are
Me- really?
Katie- yah lil' bit. But why are you texting me? Enjoy the concert
Me- I ran to the bathroom stall after I figured out my phone was having a seizure
Katie- oh, well, calm down and don't worry about it now, go back out there and we'll deal with this later.
I stand up, put my phone in my back pocket, take in a deep breath and open the stall door. I wash my hands so I don't look gross and I start to walk out. This line got long real quick! I'm trying to make my way through all these people,"Hey! You! I know you!" A girl says with her mom besides her. She looks to be 14 maybe? "Aren't you Josh's girl friend or something?" She says, dear god. I don't reply and I give her a confused look. "Can I get a picture with you?!" She basically screams, someone wants to get a picture, with me? "Sure!" I say and her face lights up, she gives her mom her phone and she dashes towards me, "Say cheese!" Her mom says and snaps a photo. "Thank you thank you!" The girl says hugging me, I hug her back then I try to leave. I just got a picture with someone, someone genuinely wanted a picture with me, huh?

Later that night

I finally hail down a cab and tell the lady where to go. After the concert ended I kinda lost Jenna and I didn't see Josh or Tyler anywhere. Katie's been texting me non-stop and I've made the decision to turn off notifications for my social media. I look at the window playing with my hands, nervous for whom I'm about to meet. "Is this it?" The lady pulls over on a curb. "Yep thank you!" I say to her, giving her some money. She gives me a smile and I open the car door. She pulls away, I take a deep breath, and start walking down the trail. It's kind of spooky and the trail gets darker the more I walk. I consider leaving until I see a glow in the distance. I keep waking until I see a gazebo with white Christmas lights on the inside, and purple flowers all around, and vines. I walk into the gazebo and smile at its beauty, I pick a flower off the vines and smell it. "Hey there familiar face." I heard a deep voice from behind me. I jump from the voice but turn around to see.... Josh? "Josh!" I say running over to him to give him a hug. He gives me a hug back and chuckles, "You did great tonight!" I say and he shrugs, "Nah." Wait I'm suppose to meeting someone here, I mean like meeting Josh here is amazing but still, "I'm suppose to be meeting someone here." I say and he steps back, he flattens out his shirt and says, "I'm that someone." I'm confused, if he's that someone than...., "woah" is all I can get out. He frowns and says, "is that a problem?" No it's definitely not a problem! I've been talking to Josh Dun for so long it's crazy! But wow. How could I have been so blind. Lily, you didn't know. Wait... This is crazy! I-I, "Is that a yes?" He says biting his lip, I put a hand on his arm and my eyes grow wide at how much muscle he has, this is all too much! "No! No. It's definitely not a problem. It's just crazy!" I say, I feel my cheeks get hot, mentally face palming. He puts his hand on my arm that's holding his arm making me blush more, God d*m-"Crazy in a good way, or bad?" He questions. I look up to him seeing him red as well, "Good." I smile. He hugs me again which I gladly accept. My mind is fried, all this information is killing me. "We should head back to the hotel." I say starting to walk towards the trail again. He catches up to me and says, "I want to show you something quick." He says and I nod, he grabs my hand and starts pulling Me off the trail. If this was anyone else pulling me into the woods off a spooky trail, I'd be scared as all h*ll, but it's not its Josh I smile to myself. He pulls me onto open land and I see an old bridge with a stream running under it. "Josh it's... beautiful." I say standing at the beginning of the bridge, running my hand on the old wood. "I thought you'd like it" he says huskily behind me, making me shiver. I walk to the middle of it and look into the stream. "What are those?" I say pointing to stuff glowing in the water. "I don't know, some kind of bug , maybe?" Josh says coming up next to me, leaning on the bridge. "How did you know this stuff was here?" I say looking at him. "I've got my ways." he smirks looking down to me. I laugh a little taking in the amazing view. I lean my head on his shoulder, totally falling for him. "Can I sleep with you again?" I roll my eyes at his request, "Of course" I say laughing a little. Eventually we have to leave, although I want to stay there forever. We start heading back and he takes out his phone, he presses a few things then shows me is phone. "Is this alright?" he says as I look at his phone. He's about to post a picture of me smelling the purple flower in the gazebo with the caption 'She's amazing' I smile and nod at him. He tags me and posts it. I love him so much, if only he loved me.


Hey guys! Please vote, it gives me the inspiration to keep writing this. Also no they didn't 'do it' that night, I know, what a shame, ;). Love you all thanks for reading!

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