Chapter 54

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"This'll be a LOT easier if you just tell me where my kid and the brunette went." He says pressing. "Let's say I don't, what happens then?" I say, alarmingly calm. "Well yellow, in that case, I'll blow some lead in your head," I see something out of my peripheral vision and I look over at Ethan, he gives me a look, and I know he saw it too, "What's that look? No giving looks," he says, looking back between us both, frustrated. He points the gun at Ethan, "Brown, what's that look mean?" Ethan smirks at him, "It means your gonna get the hell out of here," he says, looking at me, I tilt my head and smile at the man, "You're screwed," Then, we hear gunshots hitting the side of the porch, the man jumps and me and Ethan split, my dad storms in between us with a shotgun. "This isn't over!" he yells before turning around and running away, my mom and Lily's mom follow him from the side of the house with handguns and they chase after him until he's off our street. Luckily this is the country, so we're allowed to carry guns, they run back to the house and shut the door behind them, handing the guns to my dad. "You missed, you hit the porch," I say to my mom, "Oh, you didn't think I'd actually shoot anyone dear," she says in the sweetest voice, I laugh, she gets tiny burst of anger and it's hilarious. "How'd you guys even get out of the house?" Ethan says, rubbing the back of his head, "Its called the sliding doors to the kitchen son," Lily's mom says, laughing. She has the same laugh as Lily, I guess I know where she gets it from. My dad puts the guns in the closet and my
mom walks into the kitchen. We all walk to the couch and sit down, "So he's back, what is it he wanted?" My dad says, kicking his feet upon the ottoman. My mom comes out of the kitchen handing everyone beers, "Thanks," I say, "I believe he wants custody of Amara," Ethan says, popping his beer open, "Oh?" Lily's dad says, "What's the probability of him gaining custody?" I say popping my beer open, "Considerably it can't be high. Right?" Ethan says, "See, that's where you wrong, as of now, there's no proof he's an 'unfit' parent," My dad says, "He's no damn 'fit' parent," Lily's dad, Keith, says, "What do you mean 'as of now'," I ask, "They have no proof of what he's done yet, so they have to reason to prove him guilty of an unfit," my dad, Bill, says, "How do we prove him guilty then," my mom, Laura, says, "We need Lily's medical records, medical records of his past victims, all of that," Kieth says, "So we need to do a fuck ton of research basically?" Says Ethan, "Eh..., basically," Kieth says, "What's a fit parent? Like, does Lily meet all the requirements, is she fit?" I pipe in, the room falls silent. No one's thought of this, this situation hasn't popped in my head once. "No," Kieth says, I tilt my head in confusion, "No what?" I say, "No, she doesn't meet 'fit'," Kieth says and I say, "Why?" The room falls silent again, "She'll need to get a steady job, a home, then she'll need to baby- proof said home." Kieth says, welp, there goes next tour's plans, "Medical school, she's wanted to go back to being a surgical intern since Amara was born, we were thinking about holding it off until next year, but," I say, everyone nods their head, "Ok, you don't have to start looking for a home yet, we can wait at least a week, give you guys a little bit to process everything," Bill says, I don't think any amount of time will help us adjust. "Where's lily? Someone go get her, she needs to be included in this," Kieth says, setting his beer down, "I don't think that's a good idea, I know my sister, and I know she's probably scared out of her damn mind right now," Ethan pipes in, "I agree," I say biting my lip, looking over at Ethan. "Listen guys I'm sorry, I know where your coming from, I really do, but Lily needs to snap out of it, welcome to reality, if she wants to keep Amara she's going to need to stop being scared and grow up." Kieth says, as much as I know he's right I still don't like the idea. Ethan glares at his dad and stands up, lending me a hand. "We'll be back," Ethan hisses at his dad, I take his hand, standing up, and we walk towards the stairs. We climb up them, both heated, "This isn't right," Ethan says, "I know, but I guess he's right," I say, "Damn straight he's right, I just feel like it's the wrong move," Ethan says, it's quiet as we make our way down the hall, "This situation we're in, it's uh.... fuck me man." Ethan says, putting his hand on the door nob, "I know," I say and he opens the door.

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