Chapter 57

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    I wake up and, burrrrr, It's cold in this house, I pull the blanket up higher on my body so I'm wrapped like a cocoon. I roll over on the couch, the new, untouched, and ice cold leather brushing against my skin. I shiver and stretch, yawning. I rub my tired eyes and am startled when I hear a voice, "Morning sunshine," I put my soft hand on the edge of the cold couch, and lean over looking down, "You slept on the floor all night?" He puts his arms behind his head and groggily looks up at me, "I had pillow and blanket," he says, smiling at me. I chuckle but then I feel my stomach cramp, for a minute I roll up into a ball and groan, but then I go back down to my normal position. "God my stomach hurts," I say, rubbing my stomach. "Probably because you ate like 5 cookies in a matter of a minute last night, literally," he says, sitting up, wrapping his arms around his legs and resting his head on his knees. I brush my hair out with my fingers, still lying down, "So what's the first house we're looking at today?" I say to start conversation. He turns his head towards me, "Three bedroom, two bath, 1 story, large basement, and a huge backyard," "Enough place for a pool?" I say, innocently smiling. He laughs, "Enough place for a pool." I sit up and throw myself into the same position he's in. I look down and him and he smiles, "I'll go get Amara," he says, standing up. His foot steps slap against the wooden floor as walks his way to the kitchen. I stretch and yawn, rubbing my eyes. I rub my goosebumps on my arms and shiver. "AHHHHHHHH!" I hear Josh scream bloody-murder from the kitchen. Startled, I whip the blanket off of me and stand up, sprinting my way to the kitchen. "WHAT IS IT?!" I yell, running into the kitchen, I stop and my hair whips to the side. Confused, I see Josh with a huge grin on his face, bouncing Amara who is perfectly fine and bubbly. "Say it again, mommy wants to hear." He says, ecstatic. I calm down a bit, my stomach in knots, I put some hair behind my ear and look at the two of them. Amara looks at Josh giggling, and between she mumbles, "Da... ddy." I scream and jump up and down along with Josh. "It speaks!" Josh yells in a funny voice, I laugh and continue to dance around. "Our baby can talk, our baby can talk," I sing, twirling around the room.
         "Ok, so this is the most expensive out of the three houses. It's three bedroom, two baths, huge backyard, one story, and here's the best part. It's fully renovated and modern, and also is fully furnished with a master bedroom, a gender neutral nursery, and a decent sized guest bedroom. So let's go right in." The realtor says, leading us onto this large porch. There's a lawn swing on the cement porch, and the grass and water hose surround it. We step up to the brick house and the realtor pushes open the large white and glass paned door, and we walk in. "This is the back entrance. As you can see on the left of us there are two sets of stair cases. One big one leading to the basement, and one small one leading up to the house," we step up the tan carpeted stairs and onto a platform, there's this showing area over the stairs to the basement and directly across from that is a bathroom. "To the right you see the first bathroom, and in front of us in the walkway to the kitchen." We walk into the burgundy kitchen, and he flicks on the can lights above us. I give Josh an approving look and he sends one back at me. We walk our way through the kitchen and then stop, "To the right you'll see the guest bedroom, and as we walk through it you'll notice it leads to the hallway." We walk through the bedroom with apple wood floors and into a small hallway with many closets. "To the right, is the main bathroom. In front of me is the nursery and right beside it is the master bedroom, let's take a look at the nursery shall we?" We nod our heads and walk into the decent sized, grey room. "Awe Josh, it's an elephant wicker trashcan, isn't that the cutest thing in the world!" I say excitedly, grasping onto his arm. "The owners were going for more of a neutral style bedroom, hence the yellow and grey ," "Thank god they did, our daughter just loves elephants," Josh says, I thought his hair was the brightest yellow I've seen, but I suppose not. This is the most perfect room for Amara I've seen all day, I can definitely see myself in here with her. I can also see this turning into a normal bedroom when it becomes the time. She'll love the diamond chandelier, also that chair looks comfy for me to sit in for the nights she can't sleep. "Ready to look at the master?" He goes on, "Can we have a minute?" I ask politely, he smiles, "Of course, of course." He walks out of the room, shutting the wooden door behind him. "Ok, this is fucking insane." I say starting to laugh. He starts to laugh too, "Look at us, we're buying a house, a house Josh!" I say still laughing. "Ok, but seriously, in all reality, what are your thoughts on this house." Still smiling, he says, "Quite honestly, I see myself here, with you, Amara, I see us having Tyler and Jenna over for get togethers, and having Amara's birthday parties here. I see Amara running to the living room for Christmas presents. I see us coming home after a long day on tour or at the fireworks and falling fast asleep. I see us having a life here." He looks at me almost as if he's said too much, "Fantastic, because I've been feeling the exact same way!" I say excited, squealing. "You think, you think this is the one?" He says grabbing both of my hands. "This is it!" I say and we both jump around again like idiots, holding hands. "Hell, we haven't even seen the rest of the house yet!" I say, "What are we waiting for?" He says, and we walk out of the door holding hands.

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