Chapter 56

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*phone call with Josh
J- "Hey, how's your first day back?"
L- "Unpredictability insane, I forgot how fast-paced everything here is. These forty-eight hour shifts will be the death of me."
J- "How many hours do you got left?"
L- "Four, I got a two hour nap in the on call room though."
J- "That's good, we miss you, anything exciting happen today?"
"Incoming!" I hear an ER nurse yell.
L- "Something right now, love ya, gotta go."
I end the phone call and put it in my blue scrub pocket. I rush over to dressing area along with some of the other interns, and throw on pink gowns and gloves. We run over to the ambulance entrance, and in rushes first responders with a gurney, "Head lack, hypertensive, v-tach, found unresponsive at the scene." The Doctor ventilating the patient says, "Uh-um, Lillian and Allen, welcome to the case," The ER nurse shouts through the cluster, score!
         "How was your day?" "Days, and long," I say to Josh, exaggerating the s, I jump and lay down on the leather couch, I bring my arms up and rub my eyes, and then pillow my head with them. I rest my eyes and I feel the cool air from the vents slide on my silky legs. I hear Josh stand up and walk into the other room. I just worked for 48 hours straight, I mean considerably 46 since I slept for 2. I've watched one person die, I helped save 4 people, and I put IV's in tons of patients. It's been a long day, nothing's more relaxing then laying here on my couch. "Here, she missed you." Josh says, sitting down on the floor on the side of the couch, face level with me. "Hi baby," I say in a tired, kiddish voice, she drools and coos and I smile. "Lets show momma our new trick." Josh says, looking down at her with his big, brown, glimmering, eyes. She looks up at him and giggles, reaching for his bright yellow hair, that's got to look interesting to her. He lifts her up and sets her on my stomach. I look at her and Josh removes his hands from her, "Wow! Look at you! You can sit up on your own now!" I say happily but then a grave rush of sadness rushes over me and I start to whimper. "Awe, what else am I going to miss when I'm at work!" I cry out, a tear rolls down my cheek, Josh wipes it away and he caresses my cheek. "Babe, it's ok, I'll record anything you miss so you can watch it on repeat for hours from now on, ok?" Josh says kindly, laughing a little, I calm down for a bit. But then something else crosses my mind and I start to cry again. "What is it?" He says, I alarmingly stop crying and blurt out the first craving that comes to mind, "Cookies." "Huh?" I gently push Amara back into Josh's arms with an hmph, and I stand up and start walking to the kitchen. Cookies, cookies sound really good right now. Need. Cookies. I start frantically opening cabinets and then I finally find soft, M & M, cookies. I take a sigh of relief, and I spin around, slamming the box of cookies on the wooden counter. I whip it open and start stuffing cookies in my mouth, one, two, three, "You ok?" Josh says laughing walking into the kitchen. "Yes," I say, but it comes out muffled becuase my mouth is stuffed. He laughs, "Are you sure? You're acting a tad bit strange." He says still laughing. My eyes start to water, strange, who's he calling strange, he's strange, not me, I feel a tear run down my face, "You think I'm strange?" Once again, it comes out muffled and barley inaudible. Josh sets down Amara in her play area and then rushes over to me, still chewing my cookies, while saying, "No, No, No, No, No, No, lils, you aren't strange, your beautiful and kind and amazing. You've just been acting a tad, 'off', lately and I just want to make sure you're ok?" He sad still laughing a bit. I finish the cookies in my mouth and whimper, "Well I was fine.... then you called me strange." I pout and he bursts out laughing. My face drops, and I feel no emotion, "I'm tired." I say in a babyish voice and he picks me up bridal style, "Obviously," he laughs. I put my hand against his firm chest and his musk almost puts me to sleep instantaneously. He walks me back into the front room and lays me in the corner of the huge couch. I close my eyes, and I feel him gently lift up my head and put a soft, fluffy, pillow beneath me. He walks over to the closet and I moan, feeling my sore, and tired body, finally starting to rest. I guess I am starting to act strange lately, hell, I haven't felt this way since last year. He walks back over to me, his soft footsteps, ascending towards me, against the floor. He lovingly lays a soft blanket on me, and strokes my resting body. He kisses my cheek, and I feel his hot air against my face. My stomach flutters and he whispers in my ear, "Night love," my cheeks hotter, I feel him whisk away. Calm, and at peace, from a long day, I drift to sleep, thinking of the house, we will purchase tomorrow.

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