Chapter 35- post operation

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"Josh, josh, wake up." I hear a gentle voice say repeatedly. I groan and go to put my hand in my hair. My arm is tugged by the IV so I use my other arm. "Lily, where's lily?" I say groggily. The nurse gets up and walks over to the sink with a paper cup. I'd sit up but I am beyond tired. She walks back over and holds the cup filled with water. "You need to sit up." She says, I try but I fail. She grabs my arms and raises the bed so I'm sitting up. She hands me the cup, my hand shakes as I grasp for it. I grab it and poor it down my sore throat. "Lily?" I see the doctor give me a sad look and says, "You'll see her soon. She's still in surgery right now." Gaining my strength back I sit up higher, "Surgery?!" she pushes my chest back down on the bed, "You need to be careful, you just had major surgery. About Lily, I'm sorry I'm not her doctor, when we get you to a room and when Lily's done with surgery I'll send her doctor over right away." She finishes, I sigh and continue to drink my water.
       "-freaking out and then her bpm was overly high and then her organs failed and they went into emergency surgery." Tyler ends. "Luckily I went into surgery as soon as I did. Have they said anything on her yet?" I say drinking orange juice. Tyler, holding Jenna, says, "No, nothing." My mom sits by me holding my hand, "Any word on how your surgery went?" She says, I say no and fidget with my fingers. It's silent in the room except for the Sitcom that plays on the elevated box tv. After a while we hear knocks at the door. "Come in." Jenna says and in comes my doctor, Lily's doctor, and 6 other doctors. "Alright Josh let's start off with your surgery," My male doctor starts to speak, "You lost a lot of blood but other than that the surgery went well, you just need to drink a lot of orange juice and eat a lot of food to regain your nutrients. Also your recovery time should only be about two weeks, we'll have you up and walking around as soon as tomorrow." My doctor says proudly, stepping back from my bed as Lily's doctor steps up. "As for Lillian," she says, "Her organs started failing and we had to send her into emergency transplant surgery. She too, lost a lot of blood, which is very common for transplant patients. The bad news is, she threw a brain clot mid surgery, luckily we caught it soon enough to deal with it. She's not in a comma or anything and we won't know if she has any brain defects until she wakes up. Other than that, we outlook that her kidney will hold, considering you two were such a perfect match we are certain her body won't reject the organ. Her full recovery time will take about a month, her jaw should heal in about a week and we can clip the wires. All in all things are looking up for the both of you, you'll be able to see her as soon as she wakes up." The doctor finishes, we all stop holding our breaths and tears form in our eyes from the good news.
      "We should let you know, considering she just had brain surgery she will be extremely exhausted and she may not cooperate at first." Her doctor, Amy, says. My mom pushes my wheel chair closer to her bed and everyone gathers around. "Remember she may have brain deficits. Her parents and brother are on their way over but for now it's best if someone she loves encourages her to wake up and see if she is still the same. It may be hard since she can't speak but get her to move her arms and such." Amy finishes, I put the arm without the IV on her arm as Amy injects something into Lily's IV. "She should wake up now." She says and I nod my head. "Lily, lily. Wake up." I say remembering how the nurse said that to me gently  as I woke up from surgery. I hear her groan and I figure she's awake, "Welcome Back Love," I say hovering my hand over hers, "If your awake, and you can hear me, grab my hand..." Lily lies there, motionless, I bite my lip now worried, "Grab my hand..." I repeat, she whimpers and she moves her shaking hand up into the air and weakly grabs my hand. Everyone laughs a little, relieved, "Good job Lily, good job," I say looking at Tyler, Jenna, and My mom relieved. "What's your name?" I say, but confuse myself, she can't talk josh, she's probably too weak to type or draw, "Ok lily, draw your name on my hand with your finger ok?" I say, still shaking she starts to slowly draw on my hand, L...I......L..Y "She did it, she drew her name." I say relieved, "Ok you hear my voice, who am I?" Everyone holds their breath becuase she's motionless for a while, and then she starts drawing, J..O....S..H. "She did it again, she's ok!" I say happily, everyone laughs in relief and puts their hand on my shoulder. "These are all good signs!" Amy says, stroking Lily's arm softly. Everyone's hugging each other as I stroke Lily's forehead and bandage covered hair, "You did it Lily, I am so, so, so proud of you." I say holding Lily's delicate body. She's ok!

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