Chapter 42- Baby

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       I open my eyes, the morning sunrise glaring through the window. "Ugh" I say throwing the sheets over my head. I run my hand through my soft hair. The hotel room reeks of breakfast smell, particularly bacon and eggs. I throw the covers off me and trot to the bathroom. I through up almost on schedule, I roll my eyes and brush my teeth. I put on some pink velvet shorts and plain white T, and head over to Tyler's room. "Good morning!" I'm greeted by everyone as I walk in, "You can smell breakfast all throughout the halls and into our room." I say, grabbing my glass off of the table, filling it with apple juice. "That's what I was going for," Tyler says winking, emptying the frying pan of the smoky links onto everyone's plates. "Make the neighbors jealous much?" Jenna says, I hand her the carton and she starts pouring herself a glass of apple juice as well. Josh brings over a plate of eggs and pancakes and sets them in the middle of the table. He sits down, as does Jenna and I. Tyler points at the items on the table as though he's doing a mental check list, "Syrup, ketchup, salt, butter, knives, forks-" "Its all here babe, take a seat." Jenna says pulling out a chair next to her. Tyler sits down and begins to grab his food, everyone follows his lead while we talk. "So this baby that's growing in my stomach..." I start off, breaking the ice. "Yes! We were actually planning on talking about that this morning, funny you brought it up actually." Tyler says, lathering his pancakes in syrup. "So, Lily, how far along are you again?" Jenna says salting her eggs, I snatch the syrup from Tyler and say, "Well if it's not already obvious, I'm bigger than usually, I'm 6 months along." I hand Josh the syrup and he says, "Awe, our little munchkin will be running around here in no time!" He says generally excited. It's nice, you know, to know he's so supportive of this, to know he's more than happy to be taking on the father roll for this child, I mean he's already calling it 'Our child'! "Are you aware of its gender?" Tyler says, dipping his smoky links into some ketchup. "Not aware." I say devouring some eggs, I'm eating like a pig but then again, I have the excuse that I'm eating for two. "Not aware?! We are DEFINITELY having a gender reveal party right here in this hotel room!" Jenna says slapping her fork down on the table. "How do you do that?" I say while chewing through my eggs. "It's easy! You go get an ultrasound, you have the doctor write down the gender in an envelope, then you give it to me, and I'll give it to a bakery that will bake the inside of your cake blue or pink." Jenna finishes, she fills her face with bacon, so I begin to speak. "Sounds fun. I'll go get an ultrasound today and the cake should be done by tomorrow? I'll take a picture of the cake and send it to everyone in the family so they know also. This is great!" I say filling my face quickly with food. "While your at it you should take a picture of that ring and send it to your family also." Josh says smirking, picking up my hand, showing it to Jenna and Tyler. Jenna stands up and Tyler chokes on his apple juice. "YOU TOO GOT HITCHED!" Jenna says screaming jumping up and down running to the other side of the table to give me a hug. "CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!" Tyler says standing up over the table giving Josh one of those man hug things while I stand up and receive Jenna's tight hug. We get calmed back down and everyone sits down to finish breakfast, rambling on and on about everything. "Lets finish eating Lily so I can take you to get an ultrasound." Josh says over everyone talking.
"The Baby looks healthy and is developing just the way it needs to! So the gender? Would you like to know or will it be a surprise?" Dr. Chavaila says, I look at Josh and smile, "If you could write it in an envelope please? We're having a gender reveal party." I say, squeezing Josh's hand. She smiles at us and grabs a piece of yellow paper, we see her write something down and she slides it into an envelope with monkey stickers on it. "Here you are Mr. Dun." She says, handing Josh the envelope. He stares down at it like it's the most important thing he's ever held. "I'm going to get your wife cleaned up here and you'll be on your way." She says wiping off her tools. Wife, I like being called that.
         "I promise you, this bakery sells the BEST tasting cake you'll ever taste in your life." Josh says, as we pull up to a bakery, you can smell the pastries and sweetness even outside of the shop. "And who told you that?" I say stepping out of the car and he does the same. "Reviews." We both laugh, he walks around the car and we link arms, as we walk into the  sweet smelling bakery. "Hello! How's your day going?" We are greeted by a preppy red head. Me and Josh look at each other, "Today's insane," Josh says looking back at her, "But in a good way, How's your day?" I say smiling at her and I see Josh start eyeing up fudge. "Well, I haven't burnt myself today so for that matter, fairly well." She says with a chuckle. Josh take the envelope out of his pocket and hands it to her, "Hmmm, and what would this be for?" She says taking the decorated envelope in her hands. "It's the gender of our baby, more specifically our baby's gender written on a small piece of yellow construction paper." I say linking my arm with Josh's, "How early do you think you could get a cake done that has the batter that color of our baby's gender done?" Josh says squatting down to get a better look at the fudge. I slightly kick his leg and look down at him, he stands up as the redhead begins to speak,"I can have it done tomorrow morning, or I can have it done as soon as tonight by 7, by it'll cost a bit more to get it done tonight." She says, Josh looks at me and smiles, "Tonight will be good, I'll come and pick it up around then." I start taking out my wallet and Josh pushes it away, "I'll pay for it tonight, don't worry about the cost." He says. "Sure?" I say, "Positive." I look at the red head, then at Josh, then I look down at the fudge, then back up at Josh, "We'll take five pieces of your fudge, My treat." I say pushing Josh's already open wallet away. She starts bagging them up and once she gets to the last one I say, "You keep the fifth one, as a gift for you being the first to know the gender of our kid." I say, she smiles, and puts the piece of fudge on her desk. "One, thank for you! Two, I'm really the first?" She says surprisingly, standing up, walking over the register. "You, and the doctor, but she doesn't count." I say with a wink as she starts ringing up our fudge. "Here you go, congratulations on your baby you guys!" She says handing me the fudge, I take it and look up at Josh, he smiles and says, "Thank you and I am very excited to be a father! I'll see you around 7." He says and we begin to walk out, how did I ever get so lucky.
Later on that night
             "Is it weird to say I miss wine for these occasions?" I say sitting on the lawn chair on our porch. Tyler and Jenna and sitting on chairs also holding red wine glasses in their hands. "Well, since your considerably surrounded by two people who are drinking right now, no it's weird at all." Tyler says standing up, making his way to the kitchenette. Jenna and I stand up and follow him and when we get to the kitchen Josh walks in with a white , decorative box. "Cakes here!" Josh says setting the box on the marble counter. "Let's eat!" Jenna says excitedly, pouring herself another glass of wine. "What's on the menuuu?" Josh says sitting down, taking a whiff of the food. "BBQ pulled pork sandwiches," I say anxiously, grabbing a yellow bun. I'm excited to finally find out the gender, but I'm also hella anxious. My stomach is tied up in knots over it, and you can tell everyone else is anxious about it as well. Everyone makes their sandwiches and tells about their day, eventually everyone has made their sandwich and are settled down to eat. "So," Tyler says, starting off, "I say when we figure out the babies gender, we make a small nursery for the baby in the tour bus." I choke on my food and say, "You'd really be willing to give up part of your couch area for a nursery?" "If it means I get unconditional authority to hold the baby than I see no problem with it, sure." He says with a giggle. "I'm so excited to start shopping for baby clothes and pacifiers and stuff." Josh says as he leads himself on, "Just think, I'm going to raise a HUMAN. Like whatever you," he points his sandwich at me, "and me say or do impacts this kid and how he will behave and act as a person." "Well that's kinda the idea of having a baby." Jenna says sarcastically laughing. I laugh to, I'm really excited to have this baby now that I know everyone is so supportive of it. We talk about this baby for the rest of the dinner, talking about bottles, milk temperate, buying a portable crib, how we think the baby will look, names, everything you can think of, we talked about it. Then it was time for the big reveal. Josh stands up, bringing the cake over in front of me. "Well, here goes, whatever color is in that cake is what we will be preparing for, for the next three months." Josh says grabbing the over dramatic knife the redhead provided us with. "You have to cut it together," Jenna says, never taking her eyes off the cake, "Its like a tradition, or something like that." Tyler says, eyeing up the cake just as much as Jenna is. "Ok, Josh grab my hand and we'll do it together." I announce, his warm hand touches mine and I look up at him, "Let's do this." I say and look back down at the white cake that has 'Congratulations! The gender of your darling is...' written on it in green. "On the count of three," Josh starts and everyone says the countdown, "1.... 2.... 3!" My heart stops and my grin becomes unconditional, I look up at Josh smiling, he's smiling too and I already feel tears of happiness springing from my eyes. We both look at Jenna and Tyler and say in unison, "IT'S A-"

It's a cliffhanger!

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