Chapter 40- Proposal (Gone wrong?)

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"Good morning, Lily." Josh says as I roll over to look at him. The satin sheets are almost as soft as his hand caressing my face. "Mmm, morning." I say smiling at him, the morning glow bouncing off his yellow hair.  "So," I take my hand in his and rub my thumb on his top hand, "What do we have planned today?" He looks down at our hands and begins to trace out all my fingers with his index finger. "Lets do something fun, your choice." I giggle thinking of what we could do, we've done the fair, running, beach, movie, swimming, but what else? I look up at him and smirk, "Dinner and a shopping spree?" He smiles and giggles,  making me feel warm inside. "I guess if that's your idea of fun babe, sure." He says sitting up, I sit up also and say, "You know, shopping CAN be fun. How about we do this, one by one we each pick a shop and then when we go into said shop, and we buy one thing for the other person. Then, when we get back to the hotel room we open up our 'Gifts'." I end smiling. "Ok, sounds fun. Lets get dressed and we can go." He ends smiling, planting a kiss on my lips. I feel butterflies in my stomach but for all the wrong reasons. I end the kiss, "Better go start putting my makeup on hey?" I say smiling trying not to show my eagerness to get away from him and into the bathroom. I close the door, put the fan on, run the water, and blair my music before I empty last nights dinner into the toilet. "What a subtle reminder that I'm pregnant." I mutter flushing the toilet. I brush my teeth, throw on some mascara and eyeliner, put maroon shorts and a white t shirt on, curl my hair, and then I'm ready to go.
"This store!" I say as we pass a forever 21, Josh slouches and says, "Okkkkkkk, good luck trynna find something for me in there though"
He laughs and we enter the store, blasting the song Chained to the Rhythm. "1, 2, 3, Go!" We both say and start walking opposite directions. Hmmmm boys, what DOES this store have for boys. I start walking away from the clothes and over into the accessories area. I can't really get him any clothes so let's see what they have here. "Bracelets", I say brushing my hand against the gold metal bracelet, "Ummmm," I walk past the bracelets, "Hand bags," I say rubbing the leather, still walking. "Phone cases," I say eyeing up the glitter ones, there's not any male cases here but I feel this is my best bet. There's taco phone cases, glitter, plain clear, pink leather, odd catch lines, keep calm and..., and fluffy ones. Not much variety. I pick up the clear phone case and eye it thinking of ways I could spice it up. I could tape a picture of us to the back, but I feel like that idea is overused and too cliqué. I could glitter glue the tøp logo on, maybe that's too generic although. Think lily. What is meaningful enough to Josh that is eligible and quick enough that I could incorporate into this phone case. Hmmmmm. "Oh!" I GOT IT! I hope I still have this in my back pocket, I think reaching into my back pocket. I feel a small tube and pull it out to reveal a black sharpie. "YES!" I say in a whisper, excited tone. I look around for Josh but mainly for store workers, I see none and I unbox the phone case a bit. I bite the cap to the sharpie as I open it and start to write on the phone case, "You mean the world to me, stay awesome, love you handsome. -Lils Gilchorn" I finish signing my name with a heart. I pack the case back up and my sentence and signature is on the case in my handwriting. I say that's a pretty uniqué gift if I do say so myself. I go to pay and meet Josh out side of the shop and we swap bags, "Onto the next store." He says, we go from store to store, from food shops, to jewelry shops, to soap shops, to art shops, to diy shops, to everything. We come out of our last store and I'm confident in the gifts I bought Josh. "Alright, 12 bags each, ready to go to dinner?" He says handing me my last bag which feels fairly heavy. I smile adding the bag into my filled hands. "Of course, I'm famished!" I say as we start to walk to our rental car.
      "I'll have the half rack of BBQ ribs," I say closing my menu, handing it over to the young waitress, "As will I, also." Josh says handing the girl his menu. I smile, she leaves, and I pick up my glass of coke and take a swig. "Ahhhh." I say and mouth pop becuase the drink is so refreshing after a long day of shopping in the sun. "So," Josh starts reaching under the table, "I brought in the bags from the Earth Oddies shop, I figured we can start this night off right with opening a gift at dinner." He says searching for the bag that says his name on it, "Thank god you brought your sharpie so we can mark the bags." He exclaims, handing me a bag. "Thank god I did!" I say remembering my drawing I made on the phone case earlier. "You first." He says and I smirk, opening the plastic bag. I pull out a little black box and look up at him intimidatingly, I snap open the box and , "You've got to be absolutely kidding me!" I yell starting to laugh, I pull out of the box, a blue fidget spinner. "This thing is cancerous," I say giving it a few spins, I start rethinking my comment, "Ok," I say giving it another boost, "It's addictive." We both laugh and I set it down and let it spin while I say, "How romantic, your turn." I say smirking. He laughs and starts unwrapping his gift, he pops out a little black box and holds it up, looking at me, "I swear to god," he says snapping the box open, out falls a red fidget spinner on the wooden table. We both look at it and then look back up at each other. Biting my lip, we both begin to laugh hysterically.
"Ok I saved the best for last," Josh says as I swipe all the empty bags off the bed and onto the floor. Josh sitting on the love seat, throws me a small velvet bag from the jeweler. He picks up his small velvet bag and holds it in his hands. "You go first." I say smiling. He slowly unravels the velvet bag and pulls out a tag that says "Josh <3" on it. He smiles and pulls out a small black box. He pops it open and pulls out the rose gold chain I bought him. He runs it through his fingers until he reaches the silver heart charm on it that has "J + L" engraved on it. "Awe Lils!" He says, looking at me with loving, warm eyes, "I love it! Come put it on me!" He says handing it over to me as I hop off the bed. I wrap it around his neck and clip is on, "Hope you like it." I say walking back to my spot on the bed. He looks down at it, grasping the charm, "Like it? I love it! It's your turn now!" He says excitedly putting one of his hands in the pocket of his shorts and the other on his phone that has the new phone case I bought him already on it. I smile like he did, rubbing my small hands on the velvet of the bag. I pull out a small card that says "Lils <3" on it, I love that nickname he chose for me. I giggle and pull out the small black box. I inhale deeply and pop it open to find, "Empty?" I say my stomach drops thinking that whatever expensive item he bought for me is already lost. Josh stands up and gives me a daring look. He pulls out a rose gold, diamond ring from his pocket, "This?" He says raising an eyebrow. He gets down on one knee, "Oh my god." I say, my grin becoming wider and my heart rate rises, "Lillian Gilchorn," he says taking my hand in his strong hand, "We've been through thick and thin, and we've recovered from everything. This makes me think that whatever we go through in life we can get through it together. Your smart, gorgeous, an amazing cook, light up any room you walk into, hilarious, have the most contagious smile, and are a person I want to spend the rest of my living days with. So, Lillian, will you be my wife and marry me?" He ends, "Oh, Josh," the room is silent, it seems although the world is standing still, every part of me dies to say yes, except for the embryo in my stomach. "Josh, I-I'm pregnant." I can't bring myself to breath, for the intensity in the room is at an all time high. He stands up, considering this for a moment, taking both my hands in his, smiling he says, "Lily that's amazing! "Josh." I interrupt as he goes on, "It's ok! I've always wanted to have a kid, and with you as a mom," "josh." "t-this is great! This is amazing news, This i-" "Josh! I'm pregnant and ITS NOT. YOUR. KID!" I scream. That's it, everything's out in the air. No more secrets. The room is still, all is silent except our heavy breathing. We just stare back at one another.

Cliff hanger bawhahahhahahhah

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