Chapter 10- room for two

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"Morning" I hear Josh say over by the coffee maker. I open my eyes and groan at the light shining through the window. "Get up and get dressed, we need to be on the tour bus by 11, I'm going to go get dressed, your coffee is in the bathroom" Josh says, I thank him and he leaves. I roll over and check my phone for the time, 9:30, that's gives me a half hour to obsess over social media. I check Instagram and look through my notifications, a bunch of new followers and likes and comments. I go to the photo Josh posted of me, 300K likes, 7K comments, I start looking through the comments out of curiosity and most of them are nice and asking if I'm his girlfriend but some of them are mean and dirty. After I've read enough comments I go through his Instagram, stalking him a little. I loose track of time and before I know it, "It's 10:49!" I basically scream. I jump out of bed faster than I ever have before and rush to the bathroom, well sh*t. I grab my cold coffee Josh made me and chug it down. I decided my skin is clear enough without foundation today, so I put concealer on and curl my eyelashes. *buzz
Josh- hey are you ready yet?
Me- not really
Josh- thank god! Everyone's running a little late so, 11:15 Maybe?
Me- yes!
  I sigh in relief and put some mascara on and some eyeliner on. I dry shampoo my hair and wear it down, my hair is wavy, so I don't look too bad and I go to my suitcase for clothes. I grab my patterned romper and throw it on, I decide it will be the most comfortable thing to wear since we'll be stuck on a bus for 8 hours. I throw on some black vans and finish packing up my stuff. *buzz
Tyler- hey me and Jenna are downstairs getting on the bus, I tried texting Josh but he won't answer me back so can you go over and bring him down?
I text Tyler back and tell him that's ok. I get really nervous, because Josh could be doing anything to not answer him back. He could be dead, taking a shower, or naked. Oh god. I do a double take of the room, making sure I have everything. I shut my door and walk over to Josh's room. I knock a few times and with no answer, I loose patience and open the door. "Jos-" Josh falls into me but then jumps off. "I was just coming for the door" he laughs his bare chest rising. "It's alright, did you get Tyler's texts?" I say trying to hide my red face. He walks over to his bed and I follow, "No my phone is dead what's up?" He says throwing on a shirt. His muscles, gahhhh. "Lily?" He says catching me stare at his body. I shrug it off and say, "Tyler and Jenna are on the bus, we need to leave." He looks at me in shock then runs to pick up everything off the floor, "Sh*t" he says and I kneel down beside him helping him pick up his stuff. "I'll help, what do you need help with?" I say to him and he stands up and puts everything in his suit case on his bed, "Can you go get all my things in bathroom?" I agree and run to the bathroom. He doesn't have much considering he's not a girl. I pick up all his colognes and snapbacks and run into the living space. "Here" I help him put his stuff in his suitcase, we briefly touch each other and it sends tingles all through out my body. "Ok let's go, Tyler and Jenna shouldn't have this much alone time" he winks at me, I laugh and grab my stuff as we leave his room.
         "Hey guys we only ordered two hotel rooms this time because we had shortage of money" Mark says closing the door and starting the bus. "Me and Jenna, you and Josh?" Tyler says looking at me. Josh looks at me then looks at Tyler, "I think that'll work." Josh says looking at me for approval, I nod my head. Sharing a room with him? I mean like we basically already do, but officially? Josh gets up and goes to the back to use the bathroom. It's silent for a few minutes but Tyler breaks it, "You know, Josh loooooooves you." My eyes grow wide and I look at Tyler and Jenna. Jenna told me this before but never Tyler. I mean like Tyler should know who his best friend likes, right? Josh comes back and it's awkward silence, well at least for me it is. Tyler keeps sending me smirks and sending Josh winks. "When we get to the hotel the actual concert isn't for a week but me and Tyler gotta go help set up the stage later." Josh says and Tyler nods his head. A whole week? "I'm hungry let's get Taco Bell" Tyler says making us all laugh.

Tyler's POV
    "Here," I say throwing a few things to Josh, "Help me hang these up." Me and him stand on some ladders. We start hanging up things and it gets me more and more excited for the concert, Josh always says I'm like a girl because I get over excited about every concert, he usually gets nervous, like really nervous. I try my best to help him get over his nerves but having Lily here for the concerts helps him. He really likes her, and he's been liking her since we found her tumblr. If I'm being honest here I think she's an amazing girl and perfect for Josh. She's nice, sweet, and pretty, just like my jenn-"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Josh says demolishing my thoughts, "Did what?" I say honestly quite confused, he smirks at me and says, "We didn't have any shortage of money, you told Mark to only get two hotel rooms" Ohhhhh yah, that was something I did. "Yep, I did that, didn't I?" I say trying to be as serious as I can but, we both end up laughing our heads off.

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