Chapter 26- What If

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Ethan's POV
"She's not answering my calls." I complain to my mom, "Lily's probably really busy sweetie, she'll call you back sometime." My mom says, I roll my eyes and run up the stairs to my room. I slouch down on my bean bag and stare at my sisters contact name. I really want to call her again but I really don't want to bother her, you know what I really should call her, the last thing I've heard from her is that her little tumblr friend was Josh Dun, talk about cat fish. D*mnit Lily you will answer this time. I click the call button next to my sisters contact name and bring the phone up to my ear. It's starts to ring, and ring, and ring, and ring, and ring. I'm about to give up and hang up when someone answers the phone, "Hello." this voice isn't my sisters, it's not her usual happy-go-lucky voice,  it's her... It's just not like her to sound so broke. "Hello?" That voice sounds again, "What's wrong with you?" I hear her sigh and it takes a minute for her to answer, "We uh.... We need to talk."
Lily's POV
   "We uh.... We need to talk." I say sighing. I'm sitting on a park bench in the forest where I found out Josh was my tumblr friend. I love this place because it's so peaceful, it's pretty early in the morning so the fog is creeping through the trees, it's sprinkling a little, but I don't mind. "Ok then, let's talk." I begin to tell him every little thing, from the accident, to the promise ring, to the little up and downs, to the death of zack, and lastly Tyler's suicide attempt. I promised myself I wouldn't tell another living soul about Tyler's 'episode' but I had to tell my brother, I can trust him with absolutely anything. "Wow. Ok. I guess a lot has happened. You didn't have a panic attack when uh... Tyler did that?" Ethan says as I brush some water off the bench. "No I did, I just tried my best and held it in till I got out of the room, but don't worry, Josh was there to help stop it." I say standing up, starting to walk down a path in the forest. "Oh I have one more thing to tell you, with the whole thing going on with Tyler and stuff, we are coming back home to Ohio for a couple weeks, you know, before the tour starts back up and uh... I was thinking if things get settled down at Josh and Tyler's houses, me and Josh could drive the 10 minutes to our house so I can visit and he can meet you guys. That'd be okay?" I question biting my lip, they would wanna meet Josh right? Anyone would want to meet him. I mean like my sisters a huge fan, of course she'd want to see him! "If I can get it past mom, sure." Even though I can't see my brother I know he winked and that means he'll make it happen, I giggle and tell him I love him. "Love you too, see you soon." My brother ends the call, a small smile creeps onto my face, talking to my brother always cheers me up.

     "Do you happen to know when Lily will visit me?" My mother says, my heart drops and I start to become overly panicked. I can hear everything, blood pumping through my body, my stomach digesting, beeping Monitors, footsteps.... Lots of footsteps. "Mom?!" I scream looking at her slowly disappear into the hospital bed, she's demonically laughing, the lights, where'd they go, darkness......
        The air is thin, it's hard to breath, I can't see anything at all but my eyes are wide open. "Lily!" A voice screams someone in the darkness. That voice seems familiar. I can feel someone below my feet, the ground maybe? I don't know. I stand up but feel nauseous, all my senses are gone, I can no longer feel, see, or anything. I walk, trembling to the voice in the distance. Light! Blinding light. Tyler! "STOP!" But it's too late, he's floating, drinking pills from many bottles. I start to run towards him but I run into something and fall back. My head starts to pound as I look up to see the thing blocking me. Josh-, "Ha! Look at you, sick little twisted b*stered STAND UP!" I can only look at him in shock, I feel a sharp pain in my back and I see that Josh has now kicked me. I lower my head to the black non-existent floor and sob. "Your so weak. Your nothing, a piece of meat. You thought you meant something to me, you thought were so adorable, you thought you were even the slightest good enough for me. Well I got news for you, your horribly wrong," Josh takes a knife out of his back pocket and thrashes it into my chest, "Now die, your useless, the world is better off without you anyway." He starts to laugh demonically like my mother did before I slowly... Fade... Away.

"Lily wake up!" Someone pleads. I sit up now wide awake. I'm hyperventilating and sweating. "Oh my god!" Josh yells squeezing my waist, I push him away, and accidentally push him off the bed. I turn to the other side of the bed and through up. I start to sob and hide under the sheets. I'm alive, I look down at my chest to see nothing, what the h*ll. The covers get pulled off my face and Josh grabs my hands and he pins them to the bed. I scream but stop suddenly when I see his eye is black and blue and bleeding. "I hit you." I get out before he starts speaking, "It was just a dream, your ok, I promise....." He continues to talk but his voice becomes muffled by the ringing in my ear along with my thoughts.

Omg I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but hey, we got 2K likes! Thank you all! Also school starts back up for me next week, and I want opinions, should I keep writing this story during school or should I wait till next summer? Please comment, vote, eh you know the drill ;) love you all and thanks! ❤️😘

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