Jaime's Twin

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(Y/N) walked around the house in search of her parents. 'This is it.' She thought. 'The final moments in the house.' How was she going to tell them? How was she going to tell anyone? She sighed and shook her head,as if to shake the thought away, and walked out into the backyard. She heard laughing and got curious. As she turns the corner, she sees her mother faced away from her. "Mama,i just wanted to tal-..oh. Hey,Jaime." She rolled her eyes as her brother,Jaime,poked his head out from behind the petite woman in front of them both. Their mother sighed. "Twins. Not today,okay? This is a big day for us all." (Y/N) furrowed a eyebrow and sat down on the nearest lawn chair. "Um,how exactly is it a big day,Mama?" Her father came out with a huge smile and their little puppy,Fraiar,following. "Well,(Y/N)," Her father began as he wrapped an arm around her mother. "Me and your father have an announcement to make.." Jaime smiled wide, while (Y/N) sat cluelessly staring. "Well? What is it?" She asked impatiently. "Your brother's going to pay so we get the entire house renovated!" Her mother and father exclaimed simultaneously. (Y/N)'s fist clenched as they complimented Jaime continuously. "Isn't it great?!" Her mother exclaimed happily. (Y/N) glared at her twin. "How do we know that he has a job anyway? He might be lying about all of this band stuff and dealing like everyone else in SD." Her mother scoffs and hugs Jaime. "Oh,(Y/N),don't be silly. Jaime is way too smart to be a dealer. He's a good boy." (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she sees his hidden tattoos poking out from under his sleeve. "Of course he is." She grumbled and stood up. "I'm going out." Everyone continued their conversations and boasting in Jaime's glory so she took that as a sign to leave. (Y/N) looked one last time at her childhood home before slamming the door and getting into her car. "Time to move on." She mumbled to herself before starting the car and heading down the road.

°2 months and 3 days°

(Y/N)'s boss Erick walks over and hands her a buss bun full of dirty cups for the bar. "Put this in the back. You're on bar duty tonight." (Y/N) groaned and did as he said. So far she hated working at a crummy bar on 6th in New York. She felt that it was a downgrade instead of an upgrade. But she refused to go home. She just couldn't stand always being compared to Jaime. So, she bought a ticket to move to England tomorrow morning. Sure,it wasn't a complete fresh start like she wanted but she had always dreamed of living there. Even though she hated to admit it,if it wasn't for this job she wouldn't have enough money to do it. (Y/N) walked back to the door and flipped the sign on. After that,she made her way over to the bar and waited for the drunken partiers to flood in like the Titanic. "Hey,sexy." She was snapped out of her thoughts by a drunken man with spiked up blonde hair and a slight stubble. She rolled her eyes. "Can i help you?" The man gave a sloppy smirk. "Yeah,name's Greg. I was thinking you could give me your number-" (Y/N) glared. "Not. Interested." Greg was taken back but regained his 'composure' and slurred again,"Oh,c'mon,doll. Don't be like that." He grabbed her arm tightly and her eyes widen. "Hey,babe! Is there a problem here?" (Y/N) looked over and smiled gratefully at the new guy. "Uh,nope! I was just askin' her for a vodka on the rocks." Greg released her arm as the other guy wrapped his arm around her proactively. "I think you've had enough tonight." He glares. Greg nods vigourously and clumsily made his way out. (Y/N) sighed. "Thanks." The mystery guy smiles down at her and tips his hat. "No problem. That dude was a total creep." (Y/N) smirked. "And how do i know you aren't?" He chuckles and winks. "I guess you'll wait and see,huh?" Her cheeks burned as she smiled and bit her lip. "Yeah,i guess so. I'm-"

"(Y/N)! This woman needs a whiskey!" (Y/N) sighs and yells back,"COMING!" She looks at the man again. "I have to go." He smiles down at her. "Okay. Well,uh,my friends are having a concert at the Webster Hall tonight. Um,if you're not busy than maybe we could-"

"(Y/N)!" She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'd love to! Can you just give me your number? I have to go home and change." He smirked. "What you're wearing now is fine." She laughed and shook her head. "Yeah,yeah. Just put your number in." He smiled and grabbed her phone,quickly typing in his number and handing it back. "I'll pick you up at nine." (Y/N) smiled. "Hopefully,you will." He nods and starts to walk off. "Oh,shit! Wait! You never told me your name!" She called out after him. He turned with a warm smile and said,"Tony." She smiled back and waved. "See ya' tonight,Tony!"

"Am i off yet?" (Y/N) asks, exasperated as a person stumbles over and starts making grabby hands at her. Erick sighs and nods. "Have fun. Just be careful for me,okay?" She was suprised that he actually cared. "England's not like SD or New York,(Y/N). You have to be smart and don't try to do stupid shit. The cops down there can arrest whoever they want for no reason." She nods and smiles a bit. "Thanks." He nods and walks off.

(Y/N) sighs as she looks at herself one last time in the mirror. "I guess this is as good as i'm gonna get."

As Tony walks up the steps he gets a phone call and groans. "Hello?"

"Hey,man!" Jaime beams down the line. "Dude,i said i was going to be busy tonight." Jaime shrugged on the other line as Mike drove to the venue. "I know. But i thought you wouldn't want to go alone so me and the guys are going t-" Tony's eyes widened as he shook his head frantically. "No. Nonononononono. And if you didn't hear it the first time,no. You guys were supposed to go to that party-" He bit his lip and Jaime laughed. "Well,it didn't feel right going without you so we just thought we can go to the concert with you." Tony sighed,knowing there was no way around it. "Fine." Jaime smiled wide. "Good. We'll be at the venue in ten!" Tony rolled his eyes and hung up. He never understood why Jaime was so loud and wild but he couldn't change the way his best friend was. He knocked on the door and waited for the gorgeous bartender. (Y/N) promptly opened the door and Tony's jaw practically hit the sidewalk. "Woah.." She laughs. "Do i look okay?" He nodded slowly and she smiled. "Well,come on then. We have a concert to get to." He gulped and nodded. "Y-yeah. After you.." (Y/N) started walking and Tony followed after.

(Y/N) shivered slightly but tried to supress it,hoping Tony wouldn't notice. 'I knew i should've brought a damn jacket.' She mentally scolds herself. "You cold?" She shakes her head and smiles. Tony takes off his jacket anyway and put it around her shoulders. "Oh. Uh,you d-don't have to-" He kissed her forhead and smiled. "I know. But i'm going to
anyway." She blushes and looks at her hands. "T-Thanks." He guided her chin up and smiled at her. "You're gorgeous you know that,right?" That was the start of her amazing life with the handsome guitarist.

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