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"Pancakes!!! I told you twelve times I need pancakes!! Not waffles! God, you idiot! Make the same mistake twice and I'll stab you in the eyes with my fork!" I giggled hearing my sister and her raging pregnancy hormones bark at her husband. He scrambled down the stairs and straight toward the coat rack. "Happy Valentine's Day big bro! Welcome to the family by the way." I winked and laughed. He pouted. "Your sister is a psychopath when she's hungry and being pregnant increased it by a whopping one-hundred and twenty percent." I laughed again and walked over patting his back. "It's okay, buddy. You'll be fine. Just get her a large chocolate chip pancake from Sam's place up the street and she'll be fine for like an hour or so." He nods. "The restaurant or is there an actual neighbor named Sam? I can't make the same mistakes twice." I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. "No, there's a restaurant up the street in big bold letters." He took a breath of relief and smiled at me. "Thanks, (Y/N)." I grin and nod once. "No worries," He smiled. "Oh, yeah! And happy--"

"(Y/N)?! HAS HE LEFT YET?! WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING HIM SO LONG?!" I chuckled and he gulped. "You might wanna put some wind behind you. She sounds like she's on the move." He frantically Leaves, leaving the door open behind him as he completely disregards his KIA and bolts down the street. I shake my head. "Such a gullible one." Tony steps up and watched in the direction my sister's husband has gone. "Where's he off to in such a hurry?" I shook my head and smiled. "(Y/S/N) wanted pancakes." He laughed. "Makes more sense. So, I came to ask if you had any plans tonight? I wanted to take you somewhere." I smiled wide. "Really?!" He made an odd confused face and said, "Uh, yeah? Anyway, be ready by nine. I'll be around to get you." I squealed and nodded vigorously. "Okay! See you later! Love you!" I kiss his cheek and close the door and speed up stairs, shutting the door. "(Y/S/N)! Guess what?!" She looked at me at first perplexed and calm but then frantic and frazzled. "Did he forget the pancakes?!" I shook my head and face palmed. "no. He didn't. Tony just asked me on a date! I thought he forgot what today was but, he remembered!" I squealed  ran to get ready.


"Hey, uh, you look...nice? What's the occasion?" Tony asks shyly, keepimg his eyes on the road. I laughed. "Well today is a special day. Thought I'd spruce up a little for wherever you're taking me tonight." He laughed and shrugged. "Well that's normally not a thing you'd wear to the place we're going and what we're gonna do but, okay?" I grinned and watched the other cars whizz by I. the excitement of the moment. Tony is playing coy, thinking I wouldn't catch on. Jokes on him, I already knew. He stopped the car and told me to close my eyes. I did so and heard his car door open and shut along with his scuttling feet to get to the other side. I grinned and he opened my door, putting his hands over my eyes. "Ready?" I hummed and nodded, smiling brightly. "Okay, one, two,...three. Open them." I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. A bunch of boxes and wires abd skateboards lye amuck in the messy room. It was huge though I'd give it that. "W-where are we?" He smiled. "Welcome to ASP Skateboards! What do you think?" My smiled faltered lightly. "It's nice, baby, but, um...what am I doing here?" He smiled and walked over, kissing my head. "I wanted you to be the first to see it. I spent every last dime I had to get this baby up and runin'." I shook my head and scoffed. "Unbelievable,.. you forgot didn't you?" He frowned. "Forgot what?" I felt tears spring to my eyes and shook my head. "At least my sister's husband attempted to remember what today was!" Tony's from runs deeper as confusion becomes more eminent on his features. I gave up and figured I'd just tell him and head home. "Its Valentine's day and my birthday, you asshole!" His eyes bulge and I can see the words sink in. "Oh my--fuck, I totally forgot!" I scoffed and turned. "Obviously. You know what? Im going home." I take off my heals and begin to walk.

______Next Morning_____

I woke up in a mood, honestly. My boyfriend of two years had forgotten on of the most important days to me and hadn't even called or texted to check up on me since I had left. I sighed and rolled out of bed, slumping down the stairs and going straight to the kitchen. I reached in the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice soon after. Someone rang the doorbell and I groaned. "Can somebody get that?!" No answer. That's when I remembered that my sister had her last ultrasound this morning and no one would be here. I groaned as the person began to pound on the door. "Fuck off, I'm coming." I rolled my eyes and marched over, swinging the door open only to want to shut it afterwards. "Hi." He scratched the back of his head and looked to the ground. I tried my best to ignore his messy hair and paint covered shirt covered and smelling of sawdust. "What do you want, Tony?" I ask trying to make it hurt but only to have it come out as a disappointed whisper. "I need to take you somewhere." I lolled my head back and groaned. "Not this again--" He grabbed my hand and I looked him in his pleading dough brown eyes. "Please,...come with me." I sighed and slowly gave in. "Alright. Just let me go get changed--"

"No time!" He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I whined, "No, Tony! I have to change!" He shrugged causing my body to go up and down with his shoulder. "Why you already look beautiful." I blushed and stayed silent.

"Where are we going?" I watched from the window in boredness and he chuckled. "You'll see. We're right here." I looked around and then across the street a newer store caught my eye. '(Y/N) & Tony's' I smiled wide and looked back at him. "I-i don't understand." He smiled. "(Y/N), I'm sorry I forgot. So this is me trying to make it up. Will you be my business partner and well.." He pulled a velvet box from his pocket. "My forever?" He opened it and inside was a shiny diamond ring. I nodded vigorously and kissed him. "Now, wanna see our new shop?" I smiled and laughed.

Sorry this update came so late but, I figured since its not been that long, I'd post it anyways. Hope you enjoyed! ~DJ

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