You Can't Sleep

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Let me just say that the last chapter wasn't at all what I wanted it to be for the Christmas update ;-; Anyway, do any of you watch Pewdiepie?~DJ

(Y/NN)= your nickname

"(Y/N)?" Tony called. You smiled and pressed pause on your phone, running down the stairs and jumping into his arms. He chuckled and held you closely, spinning you around and setting you carefully on the floor. "You weren't supposed to be home till tomorrow!" You exclaimed breathlessly. "The show in Santa Monica was canceled, budget cuts." He shrugged with a wide grin. "Why didn't you call me from the airport? I could've picked you up, ya' dingus!" You playfully punch his shoulder and he laughs. "I wanted to surprise you. That and I knew that I would probably pass out in your tank of death." He joked. "Hey! It isn't that bad! It has a working window!"

"Yeah, the roof." Tony smirked.

"Fuck off." You giggled and smiled. "So, how was it?! Did you have fun?! Did you take pictures?! What do coconuts taste like?! Did you learn how to play the ukulele?!" Tony blinked and then laughed. "I can't answer questions a mile a minute, (Y/NN)." You blushed and smiled. "R-right. Sorry." He paused for a moment and stared into your eyes, sweeping the bit of hair that was blocking your left one behind your ear. "Don't ever feel sorry." You gulped and watched as his eyes switched from yours to your lips and back again. Without warning, he cleared his throat and took two steps back quickly. "Uh, during the dinner I brought, we can talk about all that stuff." You nodded shyly and smiled small, following him to the kitchen.


That night, you lie awake thinking of that moment. That tiny second that you could've sworn Tony felt the spark as well. That moment that you felt his hand embrace your cheek softly. That moment where you felt your heart beating rapidly in your chest. The dreams that have been resuming every time your eyelids close weren't any help at all. He was your best friend. 'Your best friend that obviously had an interest in you for point five seconds' your brain taunted. You sat up and recognized you would get no sleep tonight. Not with that almost kiss on your mind. You brushed your hand over your cheek, letting your eyes shut at the softness Tony's held. You shook your head to snap out of it and stood, walking out to the bathroom. After you splashed some water on your face, you gave yourself a small pep-talk. "You can do this. You always do. He doesn't like you like that. Just, stop freaking out over the minor details, (Y/N)." You felt a pull at your heart and looked away from the mirror. The words bounced back into your mind over and over in a steady mantra. You, of course, having no way to stop it. So, instead, you just leave it at that and begin your walk to the hall. You freeze when you see Tony's light on and knock on his door. "Come in!" You slowly opened the door and looked to him. "Is everything okay?" He smiled small. "Y-yeah, just, can't sleep. You?" You nod and walk over sitting next to him on the bed. The closeness made your stomach do somersaults and your heart run a marathon but you pushed the feelings aside. "Same here." Tony looked from you to the tv and blushed. "Maybe you could try sleeping in here with me? Ya' know-"

"I'd like that." You cut him off, smiling small. His eyes went wide but he soon recovered. "C-cool. Um, you can take the bed and I'll sleep on the floor or something." You giggled. "Or we can share the bed?" His blush went deeper. "Oh! O-okay, sure." You smiled and turned the light on your side off while Tony turned off the tv and the light on his side. "Night, (Y/N)." Tony whispered into the darkness. You decided to ignore your inner thoughts and take a chance. After all, what did you have to lose? You glanced over at the large gap between the two of you before scooting over a bit and poking his cheek. His eyes flashed open and he laughed, wrapping his arms around you, locking you safely in his warm embrace. You hummed and lay your head on his chest, the smile never dodging your lips even for a second. As your eyes slowly clamped shut, you heard Tony whisper the small words you had been waiting for since that day at the beach three years ago. "I love you, (Y/N). I don't know if you can hear me right now but, yeah."

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