You Meet At A Party

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"Just when you think they wouldn't get anymore Mexican," You comment with a snort as you look around at the infinite amounts of Cinco de Mayo decorations. The Fuentes brothers were having yet another party and-judging by the fact that your best friend is Mike's girlfriend,you were forced to tag along. But here you were yet again,alone with a red solo cup filled to the brim with tequila. Lord knows you would need it if you were going to deal with a hyper and drunken Jaime tonight. "Hey,C-oh! S-sorry,uh,I thought you were someone else." The boy blushed and you smiled reassuringly. "I look like a lot of people,I was even Harambe at one point." He cracked an award-winning smile. "Oh really?" You hummed and nodded. "Yeah. But the guy was on major drugs so I don't really think that counts." You giggled and he laughed. "Good sense of humor. I like it. Tony," He held out his hand and you shook it with a smile and a blush. "(Y/N). But you can call me Daddy." You winked jokingly and he laughed again. "Wow. Someone's had a bit too much tequila already." He grasped the cup and put it on a nearby table. You pouted. "But I wanted that." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Or we can go to the ice cream parlor down the street." Your eyes brightened and you nodded vigorously. "Okay! I can never-..wait,shit. I forgot I came with Alysha." You whined. Tony raised an amused brow. "The same Alysha that I saw straddling Mike and pretty much fucking him with clothes on in the kitchen?" You cringed. "Right,well,the quicker we get out of here the better." You grabbed his hand and dragged him  outside.

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