Mix Ups Go A Long Way

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It was my last day Seattle before I had to go to Baltimore for the next three years. Stupid college. I just got out of school and it figures that I actually had to go back. I was going to school for photography but, I had a hobbie in tattoo design. My brother Marcus really got me into it but, my parents said I should take the more "grown-up" path and go to college. They didn't enjoy the fact that he dropped out to be a tattoo artist. They always wanted him to be a boring lawyer like my dad. I kinda feel bad for him because my parents resent him-like the snobs they are-because of it. It sucks but I can't do anything about it. I try to stand up for him but it never works. They always claim that he's put these crazy thoughts in my head. I rolled my eyes at the thought and gripped my messenger bag tighter. I opened the doors to the small motel. There were only a few scattered cars in the parking lot so it wasnt really that popular. I walked up to the desk to see a old lady sleeping with a magazine on her chest. It was casually rising and falling in rhythm with her breathing. I cleared my throat hoping to catch her attention. Nothing. I sighed and rang the bell,she flinched slightly and mumbled a curse word. I stiffle a laugh. "Uh, excuse me? Can I get a room please?" I said in a soft but shy voice. She peeked out of one eye at me before quickly shutting it. "Yeah,yeah,here. First door on your right." She grumbled angrily before tossing a key on the counter. I nodded and smiled before making my way down the skinny, 80's themed motel. I lowly grumbled a complaint when I stub my toe on a jukebox. "C'mon!" I groan and keep walking finally landing in front of my door. I unlock it and walk inside before setting my stuff down in a chair. Way too exhausted to change. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes. I shifted a little and turned. My hand felt a warm,hard but soft object. Weird. "Hey, there.." I screamed and jumped up punching him in the face. "Ow! Shit!" I turned on the lights and grabbed a chair. I pointed it toward him like a lion tamer would. "What the fuck?! Dude, why in the hell are you in my room?" I panicked. He chuckled and let go of his nose. "This is my room. But I could use a roomate?" He winked. My face went disgusted. Need I remind you i'm not in the mood? "Uh, no, thanks. I'm good..." He frowned and I sat the chair down cautiously. "She must've made a mistake and gave me your room by accident." I pondered out loud. He laughed. "No shit,captain obvious." I rolled my eyes at his rude comment. That cocky little shit. "Whatever. I'll just go get a new one." He hopped out of the bed and aproached me. "Wait! You obviously need a room, and there is no way that lady is gonna give you your own. By now you would end up with and old guy who smells like moth balls and tomato juice. Just stay in here. I can sleep on the couch and you can sleep on the bed." I smiled sweetly at the mysterious stranger and nodded. "Okay. Deal. But no funny business..." I pointed an accusing finger. He put up his hands in innocence. "I promise." He smiled. His smile was almost as bright as his personality. I huffed and walked to the bed and sat down patting beside me. His eyes flickered with hope and he walked over and joined me. "So, what's your name gorgeous-girl-who-found-her-way-into-my-room?" I giggled and blushed. "I'm (Y/N).." He smiled and nodded. "What about you flirtatious-boy-who-is-hitting-on-a-stranger? What's your name?" I supressed a chuckle and he laughed. Okay, that was hot. "Tony. By the way, i'm not hitting on a stranger...i'm hitting on you." I laughed and punched his arm playfully. He grabbed his arm feigning an injury while pouting. I rolled my eyes. "So, Tony. What's your story?" He sent me a questioning glance so I continued. "How did you end up in a smelly, old motel in Seattle with a random stranger?" He shrugged. "Long story. What about you?" He asked biting his lip nervously. I'm an open book. Even if we just met. It doesn't entirely matter to me. I like to think of myself as a 'people person'. I'm not a push-over but I am nice. "Well. I was born in Ohio moved to Seattle late last November. My parents lived here with my older brother, Marcus, before I was born. I was a fairly popular person in school. It wasn't that I was the 'go-to-gal'. I just was a fairly nice person. My tenth grade year my brother found out he wanted to be a tattoo-artist. So he dropped out of college and opened his own shop in Nebraska. I was really into photography but I started moving toward tattoo design in the eleventh. My parents, of course, disapproved. They said i should stick to something more grown-up and realistic. They now resent my brother because he threw college away. Me and him are close still. I used to have this dream that we'd run his shop together. But, now tomorrow I have to start my journey to Baltimore. I heard they have a cool school down there." Tony looked impressed of what he heard. "You have any drawings you can show me?" I nodded getting up and grabbing my sketchbook. "Here ya' go!" I handed it off to him and stared at his chocolate brown eyes in wonder. Why didn't he tell me his story? Then I remembered what my brother told me. You can always tell a lot about a person by their tattoos. Tony examined the drawings and sketches humming in approval. "Do you have any?" He looked at me for a moment before paying attention to the drawings again. "Any what?" I rolled my eyes at him being so oblivious. "Tattoos, Tony. Do you have any tattoos? " I stated slowly.  He blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, yeah. Uh, I have a lot actually.." I tilted my head a little. "Can I see one?"  He nodded and showed me a skull thing on his neck,right on his adam's apple. It looked like it hurt to get but regardless, i smiled. I had one on my back. Mine was more out of spite my junior year though. It was of a wing with a broken skull. "What?" Tony asked. I shook my head out of the small trance and looked at my fingers. "N-nothing it's just-" I sighed and pulled up my shirt showing him. He laughed. "Woah! That is both awesome and creepy as fuck!" I giggled and nodded. "I know right?!" He smiled and stared at me. My smile faded and I suddenly became insecure. "What? Is there something wrong?" I asked frantically. Normally I couldn't give two fucks what people think. But, with Tony it was different. Wait-no. I'm not into him!You are positivley, most definitely- "No! You're just..really beautiful..." Tony breathed. I shook my head chuckling. "No,i'm not." He looked insulted yet suprised. "Yes,you are. I dont lie, (Y/N)..." I turned and faced him again looking him in his eyes... I am positively falling for this boy! Not just any boy though..Tony. This handsome,cocky, and funny boy in front of me. "I'm gonna try something,okay? S-stay still.." I nodded still staring into his eyes. He placed his soft hand on my cheek,sending electricity throughout my body. My stomach erupted with butterflies. He slowly leaned in and brushed my lips. I groaned in frustration and he chuckled. Such a tease. Tony crashed his lips into mine sending shockwaves and the butterflies crazy. He licked my bottom lip, begging for entrance and I didn't let him. I smirked. That'll teach him about being a tease. He chuckled again and lightly pushed me onto the bed. I squealed and giggled. He pulled back panting and smiled. I did the same. My hazel eyes probably showing every emotion im feeling. "Wow.." Tony nodded in agreement. "How's about you and me go on a dinner date tomorrow night.." Did he just- "You're really amazing and i'd love to get to know you better. And i feel like a date will do just that. Well, more than one but that's-" I smiled. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "And we have plenty of time to do this.." He leaned back in and caught my lips sending my body into the same problem as before. Kissing him felt amazing. And if I could do it all the time there was no way I was going to say no. Besides, I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to get to know this mysterious boy in front of me. Tony pulled away and bit his lip nervously,his hair dangling in front of me, tickling my nose. I pretended to think about it. I slowly smiled and nodded. "What am I gonna wear?" He smiled wildly. "Awesome! This is gonna be so fun!" I nodded and kissed his cheek, giggling. He was so adorable.

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