Cliché Apocalypse

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We've been living here for a few months now and Vic is getting more irritable the second. I get that he lost Danielle. But, i did too! Why did he let her die in the first place but saved himself?! I looked at him and growled. That douche. "HELP! IS SOMEONE OUT THERE?! HELP ME, PLEASE!" I quickly ran to the side of the boat and peered into the darkness. "HELP!" I saw a girl about 6 or 8 running away from a corpse. "Vic! We have to stop the boat!" He rolled his eyes not looking up from his notebook. "I told you already, we aren't stopping under any circumstances." I rolled my eyes and looked back at the girl. There's only one thing to do, the boat wasn't moving that fast anyway. I shrugged and jumped off. I landed on my ankle and heard a painful crack. I groaned and kept running on it. It didn't matter how painful it was, i was saving that kid if it killed me. I grabbed the knife from my belt loop and came behind the zombie. I was close enough to throw it, aiming for it's head. The girl closed her eyes as the zombie dropped to it's knees then toppled over completely. "It's okay to look now..." I pulled her delicate hands from her eyes with a small smile. "Thank you." I nodded and gave her a small hug. "(Y/N)! Why would you-..Oh. Hi. What's your name, little one?" Tony asked. She looked at him and back at me. It was like she was asking permission. I nodded. "I'm Nala. My brother, Daylen, is suppose to be here somewhere..i just don't know where.." I smiled and picked her up. "How old are you?" She put up six, making me chuckle. "Well, i think we can help you find Daylen, how's that sound?" She smiled and nodded anxiously. "Yes, please." Tony laughed at her eagerness and followed us. Thankfully, my ankle wasn't hurting anymore. We heard a little whimpering cry come from behind a tree. I looked at Nala and she shrugged. I gulped and walked carefully towards it. The closer we got the louder and smaller the cry. I sighed a breath of relief seeing a small black-haired boy, crying in his hands. "DAYLEN!" He stopped crying and looked up. I gave a sad smile and sat Nala down, walking over and sitting next to him. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He pointed to his leg and my eyes gradually followed. I watched in horror as his leg had a huge gash, oozing with a pool of red. "W-what happened?" He cried a little again while telling the story. "I had to use t-the bathroom this morning so, i got out of our tent and went into the w-woods. I heard a noise and thought it was just Nala messing with m-me. I walked around from where i was and went to it, no one was there so, i j-just went back. When i was halfway there, i got p-pushed down by a thingy and it scratched my leg. I took a rock and threw it." I brought him into a hug. "You truly are a little warrior huh, kid? Are your parents okay?" He shook his head. "We've never met them..." I sighed and hugged him tighter. "It's okay, sweetie. Whad'ya say we go back to the boat and get you all fixed up, yeah?" He nodded and sniffled. I wrapped my arms around him and lifted him up. "What's your names?" Nala asked from behind us with Tony. I smiled and kept walking. "I'm Tony, that's my girlfriend, (Y/N). She's a super hero.." He whispered the last part and she giggled. Daylen looked up at me with hope gleaming in his eyes. "Y-you are?" I smiled and nodded. "If you want me to be..." He nodded. We finally got to the boat. Vic was yelling about how much time we lost by stopping. "Yeah, yeah, JAIME! COME STITCH THIS KID UP! MIKE GET THE BANDAGES!" Vic mumbled a few curses under his breath while walking back to the front. They quickly ran out and grabbed him taking him to the infirmary. I sighed and sat down as the boat began to move again. "Are they gonna save him?" I looked at the small frail girl and nodded. "He's gonna be fine.." She frowned as her stomach grumbled. I giggled. "Hungry, little one?" She nodded. I swooped her up and walked to the kitchen. "Well, we have lots of food and one rule..." She furrowed her eyebrows as i sat her on the counter. "What?" I raided the pantry pulling out ingredients. "Always, have one of us get it for you so we have enough to last us.." She nodded and swung her feet watching me cook. "What's that?" She pointed to the whey. "That is called, whey. It's a healthy grain that makes you big and strong..It's also what gives me my powers." Her eyes went wide. "REALLY?! WILL I GET POWERS, TOO?!" I chuckled and nodded. I sprinkled some onion powder on the burger and flipped it. Yes, we know. You're suppose to have lots of canned foods, not normal. We are on our way to a Walmart center to get the supplies and stuff we need now. The whole timing thing is because Vic is worried that if we don't get there first, it'll all be gone. He might be right. I was fine with that. Tony promised me a while ago that we'd be fine. He promised that we'd make it to the Safe Haven and maybe even be the ones to survive. I believe him. I trust him with my life. After all, he is the one who saved it back on that beach. That day we met was like everything had a reason. I met him and fell in love. Yeah, pretty cliché.

I made this so long ago and forgot to ever post it ha-DJ

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