He's Being Secretive (Part 2)

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You sighed as yet another taxi passed you by. It was frustrating you to no end. You hear the door open and Tony's soft sigh swift through the breeze. "(Y/N),what are you doing?"

"Flagging down a cab,what does it look like?" You sass back irritably. "It looks like you've never been outside a day in your life. You have no shoes or socks on, you're in your pajamas, and your hair is a mess." You frowned. "Wow. Way to make me feel like a real princess, Antonio." He winced at his full first name and sighed again. "Can we please stop fighting? It's freezing out here. I don't want you getting sick." You glared. "We can stop fighting as soon as you tell me what the hell is going on with you lately." The ends of his lips twitched upwards slightly and you raised a brow. "You'll find out soon, baby girl. I promise. Please, just come inside?" Tony held out his hand with pleading eyes and a small but reassuring smile. You couldn't help the thoughts of how adorable he looked when he did that and found yourself giving in and taking his hand. "I better not regret this.." You mumbled. "Hopefully you won't." Tony replied,tugging your hand slightly and leading you back inside. As soon as your toes reached the doorstep,they were wrapped in a warm embrace by the heat seeping through the cracks of the front door. You grinned, grateful that you won't need to saw off any toes anytime soon. You could admit you were stubborn at times but never that stubborn. "After you," Tony bowed and held the door open. You giggled and walked inside, his arm immediately catching your side and guiding you through the many halls. Your house was big and it was just the way you liked it. More room for guests and more quiet and privacy when alone. "Here we are.." Tony stuttered out nervously. You smiled wide at the vast arrays of chocolates and roses that lay ahead of you. "Tony, this is beautifu-.." As you turn to face your admirer, your boyfriend, and your bestfriend, you meet his awaiting and anxious gaze as he sat on one knee. When he knew he had your full attention, he reached in his back pocket and pulled out a red suede ring box. You slowly came to realize what was taking place and stared in shock and awe as he popped it open, revealing a beautiful 24 carrot engagement ring. "Tony, I-i...I don't know what to say.." You whisper as you thought over his unspoken question. Were you really ready for this?

Yes,yes I know. I shouldn't leave you on a cliff hanger but the rest is for you to decide. Would you marry him? Would you break up? If you'd like, you can make requests for the next one shot in my PM or in the comments (: See ya forks and dorks! ~DJ

Tony Perry ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now