Hogwarts Hearts

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"Come on, slow poke!" You squealed, running up to Hogwarts' Castle. Tony and Vic laughed, Jaime running up after you. "Where's Mike?" You wonder aloud with a raised brow. "How am I supposed to know?" Jaime shrugged. "He's your best friend?" Tony laughs, walking up to you. "He's yours too!" Jaime whines, pouting slightly. "But I actually know where he is." Tony retorted with a smirk. Vic walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You blushed and he rested his head on your shoulder, Tony frowning while watching your every move. Sure, Vic asked if it was alright if he could make a move on you before the trip but Tony never thought it would be so soon. He quickly looked away when Mike was approaching. "What's up fuckers? Guess who I found at the Alley?" You all smiled at the newcomers. "Hey!" Alex smiled brightly, hugging you and spinning you around. "'Sup!" Jack patted your head. "I never had kids but yet I still take some home." Rian rolled his eyes playfully. Zack waved quietly and sipped his banana smoothie. Tony and Vic were matched in surprise as you talked freely with the boys of All Time Low, Jaime, and Mike. The rest of the day you had the time of your life. Then, it was time to take a short break. "We'll go get the snacks and stuff." Zack informed with a tiny grin as he and the rest left you and Tony alone. Vic, struggling to find an excuse to stay, being dragged along. "So, you enjoying yourself?" Tony attempts a smile but his face stays still as stone. You smile regardless and jump slightly in your seat. "Yes! Who knew this place could be this fun?" He smiled and chuckled. "Mike's came here about fifty times now so I'm sure he could've told you." You hugged him and he hugged you back. "Thanks for bringing me along, I really appreciate it." Tony's smile extended to both ears and he found himself rubbing his hand up and down your back. "Yeah, uh, no worries, (Y/N)."

"Lunch is served." Jack gave a fake bow and you smiled in his direction, grabbing your portion and setting it in front of you, leaning against Tony with a smile of content. This was all you wanted. You, your friends, and a day free from all the population. Well, not all the population of course but, the few that you despised.

"Harry Potter world, your excellency never seems to change with each visit." You all gave Mike weird looks as he hugged the magic shop and he gave you a look. "Are you really surprised?" You looked from each other back to him and shrugged in agreement. "THE WAND SHOP!" You shrieked, grabbing Tony's hand and dragging him inside. "Hello, my dear." The wandman smiled. "Hi!" You giggle at his weird sounding greeting. "What can I do ya' for?" He questioned, leaning against the counter in front of him on his elbows. "We'd like two wands please." You grin. Tony looked down at you the entire time in admiration.

"Ah, you must be the lovely young lad that she was talking about." He heard the wandman speak. His head piped up and he notices you're across the shop, looking over the different wands that the second employee was helping you with. "U-uh, what?" The man chuckled and held out a hand to help Tony to his feet. "You know, Hogwarts is a great place to start a new adventure. Magical, even. I suggest you give it a shot." He winked. Tony blinked but then blushed once he understood. "Yes, sir. But, she's not into me that way. She likes my buddy-"

"Ah, ah, ah. A man as old as I, knows differently. The way she looks and speaks about you is only out of love. Don't lose your shot." Tony glanced over at you again to catch your gaze. You waved with a broad smile and he chuckled and waved back. "I won't."

"Finally, we made it in Hogwarts this time." You scold Jack with a playful glare. "I'm sorry, I have a small bladder, okay?" He pouted. You laughed and caught up to Jaime and Tony. "Hey! Miss me?" You wink and see Tony blush and Jaime smirk. "Nope, but he did." He nudged Tony into you and you mocked him. "He's a sassy little fucker, isn't he?" You laugh lightly. "You'd know more than I would." Tony shrugged, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You wrapped yours around his waist and felt your heart beat rapidly. It was a weird feeling that didn't seem to subside, no matter how many deep breaths you tried to take. He looked down at you and laughed. "What are you doing?" Your eyes widen when you realize you'd been caught and you smile nervously. "N-nothing, what are you doing?" He laughed harder and kissed your head. "Wondering if you'll date Harry Potter before you go on a date with me." He replied smoothly. You almost tripped over your own two feet at the sentence but played it off with a skip. "Uh, nah, he's not my type." You mumbled, trying to hold a cocky smirk but instead maintaining a small smile. "Hm. Good. Then, I have a shot if you have no plans this Friday." He smirked. You blushed and smiled down at your feet. "Sure!" He chuckled and kissed your head once more as you entered the hallow gates leading to the Hogwarts castle. "After you m'lady." Tony held the door with a playful bow and you laughed and curtseyed, stepping into the dining area with wide eyes. The set made it so realistic that the place seems even more magical. Little did you know that while you were marveling at the whimsical world around you, Vic and Tony were in the back having a very heartfelt and meaningful discussion.

"Dude, what the fuck? I thought you said you didn't want her?" Vic sighed. "I-I did..., but I do. I'm sorry, man." Tony scratched the back of his neck and Vic shook his head with a smile. "As long as you're making her happy, I'll get over it. But, I swear to god if you fuck up or hurt her, I'm breaking both of your legs and extracting all of your fingers." Tony cringed at the graphic punishment and harshness that Vic's voice held while announcing it but brushed it off with a smile. "Of course. I only want the best for her, dude."


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