Your First Tattoo

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"Tony,i really don't think it's a good idea." (Y/N) stutters nervously. Tony smirked. "What's wrong? Scared of a little pinch?" (Y/N) glared at her obnoxious best friend playfully. "No. I'm scared of needles..and the pinching that comes along with it." He laughed and shook his head,parking the car. "Think of it as Saint Patty's day and everyone besides you is wearing green." She sighed and stared at the shop in front of them,biting her lip. "Hey," Tony grabbed her hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. "It's gonna be alright," He smiled gently. "I'll be right there the whole time. If it makes you feel any better,i'll get one with you." (Y/N)'s eyes lit up and she nods vigorously. Tony laughs and unbuckles his seatbelt. "Let's go then!"


After they were finished,they went to Applebee's for lunch. "I wasn't scared at all," (Y/N) bluffed with a sly grin. Tony rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Sure,you weren't." She smiled and ate more of her favorite dessert and glanced at his hand. The plastic wrap hung around it to mask the tattoo and keep it from infection but Tony requested that they get a bandage to hide the tattoo as well. (Y/N)'s curiosity grew with every second that she looked at it. "What did you get?" Tony choked on his beer and spluttered a little,her laughing when he regained his composure. "What?" Tony chuckled nervously. "I said: What did you get? Ya' know,for your tattoo?" She gestures towards his hand and he nods. "Right,well,'s a secret." (Y/N)'s eyebrow furrowed. "When you get a tattoo it's never a secret. Everyone can see it eventually." Tony thought about Mike's thigh tattoo of a penis pushing a lawnmower and smirked. "I guess that's true," She giggled. "Tell you what,i'll show you mine if you show me your's." Tony nods. "Okay," They decide to reveal them on the count of three. Tony counts down and they both pull theirs off,slowly and carefully. They make sure not to pull it off too far so it could stay in place. Tony laughed at her tattoo of Alice of Wonderland fighting the Jabawalkee with a lightsaber while (Y/N) stared at his in awe. It was her name surrounded by a heart and today's date. "Tony,what does your's mean?" She asks in confusion and anxiety. He scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly. "Well um,...i probably should've asked you first but uh,..i've liked you for a while now and i wanted to know if you'd be my girlfriend. You know,officially." (Y/N)'s smile grew. "No.." Tony's eyes went wide and she giggled. "I'm kidding. Of course,i'll go out with you,Tony." He smiled wide and released a breath of relief,grabbing her other hand. "Awesome," (Y/N) blushed and smiled down at them. "Yeah. Next we force Vic to get a unicorn on his ass." Tony laughed and shook his head. "You sure are a weird one,huh?" She shrugs and laughs.

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