You Dance In The Rain

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"(Y/N)? Are you okay in there?" My husband of five years,Tony,asks through the door. I sniffle and stand up,opening the door. "Yeah! I'm fine,Tone. Just perfect." I push past him and go downstairs to the living room and flip through channels on the TV. He walked down and stared at me. "Did i do something wrong? You've been distant for the past few weeks." I scoffed and kept flipping. "Tony,you're oblivious if you can't already tell that i figured it out." He frowned and slumped down next to me. "Oh.." I rolled my eyes and turned off the TV. There wasn't anything good on it anyway. I glanced over at Tony as he stared at the wall in front of us,me eventually doing the same. "D-do you remember those days back in kindergarten?" He looked over at me in confusion,his nose wrinkling slightly. "What days?" I sighed and avoided looking at him. "Do you remember when we would always go on adventures on our own,pretty much all the time. Do you remember back in High School when we were just two kids wild and fearless..without a care in the world.." I smiled slightly as i reminisced on the memories of the old Tony. The Tony I fell in love with. He chuckled. "Yeah,you had this spark  in your eyes..i remember i always wanted to sit next to you,i always wanted to be by you. No matter how.." I shook my head and sighed. "Sometimes i wonder if it was all a dream. All those times i just wanted you to be there to tell me i was alright. Were they just my mind creating this imaginary scenario to help me through tough times or just the whiskey messing with me..because this guy that's next to me isn't the same man that I fell in love with. You have changed so much that..I don't even know who you are anymore,Tony." I cried. "(Y/N),i-"
I looked over at him as tear drops glided down my cheeks and pounded on my lap. "Go ahead,Tone. Lie to my face like you do all the fucking time. Go ahead...say something...say anything to make this better. Tell me it isn't true.." Tony fumbled over his words once again and i sighed,standing up and making my way to the door. I had already packed my bags and took them over to my sister's yesterday. Now, i just need to do what i knew had to happen. "Tony,i'm leaving. I'm not coming back until i feel like the time is right,maybe not even then. Goodbye." I started walking to the door and took a step outside. "P-please don't go. I-I need you." His hand was wrapped around my wrist and holding me from taking a step forward. "I won't leave if you can look me in the eyes right now and tell me that Jaime was lying about what he saw." I spoke a bit more confidently. "I-I..can't." I felt my heart break to nothing in my chest at his words and huffed out all of the pain I was feeling into a single cloud,due to the oncoming winter. "I know."

"(Y/N),if you're really leaving...promise me something.." I nodded,still not facing him. "Anything.." I felt his hand on my shoulder and my body tensed. "Promise you'll try to forget me. You deserve to be happy,(Y/N). And if that means to make me miserable and to let you move on,than I will do just that. I can't make you happy anymore and I know that,so I want you to move on. Find someone worth your time,someone who can make you smile without making you cry after. Someone who can just call off of work when you're upset and stay with you and hold you,and care for you. I wanted to be that guy,I wanted to be that guy so fucking bad. You don't even know. But I can't be." He slowly let go of my hand and my shoulder. I bit my lip as a small sob was begging to escape. "I promise." With that,i left.

2 years later

"Thanks,sis!" I waved and left on my way to the nearest park. Tony and i haven't talked since that day but from what i hear from the guys he's been out a lot more lately. It's weird. I walk over to the grassy field in the park and lay back on the grass,staring up at the starry and moonlit sky. It was like a beautiful painting of Picasso and i loved every inch of it. It never ceases to amaze me. But then it started raining-no pouring in fact. But i didn't mind one bit. I love the rain. So,as any childish 23 year old would do,i danced. But then something just had to disrupt me. "Mind if i join you?" I jumped slightly and glanced over as,you guessed it,Tony Perry walked over,soaking wet with a bottle of Whiskey. He set the drink down in the grass and looked at me intently and laughed there after. "(Y/N),what are you doing?" I shrugged. "Dancing in the rain..duh." He smiles. "Well,i would love to dance with you.." I smiled back and laughed. "I'd like that..even though I never offered." We laughed. Tony pulled out his phone and turned on Kissing In Cars and we drank and slow danced in the rain. I looked down at my feet after a few dances and asked,"Tony,why'd you do it?" He sighed and lifted up my chin with a finger. "I was stupid. I was a stupid and immature guy who let a wonderful woman like you go. And i know sorry won't fix anything,(Y/N). And I know that I said to forget about me but I'm so happy that you didn't. All i need in life is you,the guys,and my family. Everything else doesn't matter. Because i love you,(Y/N) Perry." I smiled and kissed him passionately. "I love you too,Tony Perry."

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