You Start Over

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You skipped down the hall happily with your best friend Jaime chuckling from behind you. "You're too happy today. What's up?" You smiled and opened your fridge. "I've got a date." He laughed. "Hm. And I wonder who that could be.." You rolled your eyes playfully and smirked. "Yeah,yeah." He smiled. "I really am happy that you two are trying it again." You tossed him a bottle of evion and he caught it expertly with a cocky smirk. "Me too. I just hope this time it'll last." You shrugged and a knock rang throughout the house. "He's here. I'll see you later,alright?" Jaime grinned and nodded. You smiled and grabbed your phone and keys before making your way to the door. "Oh,and,Jaime?" He hummed and walked over,meeting you at the foyer. "Don't burn down my house." He glared at you playfully and you walked out. "Hey,Turtle!" You say and he looks up. "Hey,(Y/N). Ready to go?" You nod and you both begin the journey to his car. "Um,listen,(Y/N). I'm sorry about-" You stopped and held a hand over his mouth. "Don't. Let's just start off from the beginning." He smiled. "I'd like that." Tony walked up to his car and faced you. "Hey,I'm Tony." He states,holding out his hand. You giggled. "Nice to meet you,name's (Y/N)." You grabbed his hand and shook it for a second before looking into his eyes and pulling him into a hug. "I missed you." You say,since you felt that if you didn't now,you never would. He kisses the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you. "I missed you too."

Tony Perry ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now