You Find His Dog

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You were currently lounging in your backyard with a book in hand and sunglasses blocking the harmful sunlight-a casual Tuesday for you. You normally have no other plans but today was the day that you met the most adorable and amazing dork of your life. As you got halfway through the book,you noticed a red ball fall to your side of the fence. Your head swiped up in curiosity and you cautiously approached it,picking it up. There hasn't been anyone living in the house next door to you in years after the Grans family moved to the suburbs. But if they were gone,how did a red ball manage to appear in your yard? That's when you heard a bark from behind you. You turned around in anxiety and there sat a little blonde dog. You smiled wide and kneeled down to pet him. You had always been a dog person and this dog was just increasing your admiration for them. "Hey,buddy!" The dog yipped excitedly and you giggled. "What's your name?" You ask rhetorically,checking his tag. "Doug. Hm. Cute." Doug's tail wagged crazily and you smiled brighter. "Hi,Doug! Where's your owner?" In the distance you hear feet running your way,Doug turning and running towards them. You blinked and ran after him. "Doug,wait!" You lost your footing and knocked into someone,sending you both tumbling to the ground. "Oh,shit. Sorry. Are you okay?" You looked up and met his beautiful and heart-melting brown eyes. "Y-yeah,I'm okay. Are you okay?" He smiled and nodded. You heard a bark and your head whipped in that direction. Doug pranced over and licked your face. You laughed and smiled. "Doug,stop it." The boy frowned and blushed from over top of you. He stood up and held out his hand to help you up. "No,it's fine. Is he yours?" You ask,bending down and scratching behind his ear. "Y-yeah. Thanks for finding him for me. I'm Tony." He held out his hand again and you stood and shook it. "(Y/N),and I'm guessing this is yours?" You held up the red ball and he smiled. "Yeah. Thanks...again. I just moved in next door and forgot to close the fence when I let him out back." He leaned down and snapped the leash on. "What made you want to move?" You ask. Tony grinned and leaned back up,shrugging. "I wasn't really into the city life. You?" You shrugged and walked over to your front porch,sitting down with him. "Same reason. I like peace and quiet." You glanced at him and Doug hopped up on your lap. "Where you from,Tone?" He chuckled. "San Diego." You smiled. "How about I show you around and we hang out at my favorite guitar shop after?" Tony's eyes went wide along with his smile. "You play?" You nod vigorously. "Okay,yeah! Sure! Wait, a date?" You giggled and pet Doug. "Yeah. Unless,you don't want to?" He shook his head and smiled. "No,yeah! Let's do it." He blushed. "N-not like do it,do it but,like,let's go on the date." You laughed again and kissed his cheek,standing up and holding Doug. "I'll see you tonight at six,then." You handed the adorable pup to it's equally-adorable owner and smiled. "Bye,Doug. Bye,Tony!" He waved and walked back to his yard.

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