All I Want For Christmas Is You (Part 4)

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"So, he asked you out?" Your roommate screeched in anger. You hold the phone away from your ear and sigh. "It's not a date, (RM/N). It's just as friends. Besides, me and you are having that Christmas party tonight anyway, right?" You grabbed a few more beers and stacked them on top of one another, watching the madness of last-minute Christmas shopping commence around you. "Yeah, but-"

"I'll just invite him to that instead! Piece of cake!" You cheered, grabbing a few packs of plastic cups. You knew this party would happen and with your roommate, it was always a rager, despite your constant protests against it. You being an introvert should've been a thing the room assignments could've kept up on. "What if he has something to do tonight?" They returned quickly. "Then they won't get to hang out." You shrugged and grabbed a large pack of pain pills and coffee. You decided against getting bananas. (THOSE ARE THE FUCKING DEVIL AND SHALL BE BURNED IF I EVER MAKE CONTACT WITH ONE!) As you pushed your cart you could've sworn you heard Tony's laugh. You whipped around only to be met with an old woman being beat with a newspaper over a boxcar sleeping bag. You frowned and turned around, walking up to the cashier. "Merry Christmas!" You sighed and put on a plastic smile. Might as well play the part of jolly. "Hi! Merry Christmas to you too!" You watched as your last item was bagged and placed back in your cart as the cashier talked you ear off about what her ex boyfriend got her for Christmas, not like you cared but you wanted to be nice for a change. Especially, since she kept your little secret of a elf costume when she saw it. Not that the huge gasp and horrible whispering didn't throw anyone off, however.


"Please tell me you got it?" Your roommate pleads as soon as you enter the door with your arms filled with bags. "Hey, (RM/N)! Do I need any help with these bags you say?!" They roll their eyes and grab a few, helping you lug them to the kitchen counter. "So?! Did you get them?!" You laughed and held up your elf costume and their Rudolph costume.  "This is going to be the best Christmas ever!" They smirked and you laughed. "A normal person would have a ugly Christmas sweater kind of party but, no, you just had to have a slutty Christmas costume party." They shrugged. "What can I say? What works, works." You rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed your costume. "I'm going to get changed."



You sighed as yet another stranger tried to hit on you and sipped more of your beer. Quite frankly, it wasn't making you drunk enough to enjoy a single bit of this party but you still attempted to have some fun. And by 'attempt' you were leaned up against the wall in the farthest corner from everyone else and watching smashed adults practically rape each other with clothes on in your living room. "(Y/N)?" You glanced over at your best friend and sighed. "Hey." They frowned. "Why aren't you dancing or something?" You shrugged. "Not really in the mood." They smirked and eyed you up and down. "In an outfit like that? C'mon! You have to be willing to have a little holiday spirit!" You rolled your eyes and sipped your drink. "Why does everyone say that? I have holiday spirit just not this year." You growled, hoping it would make them go away and leave you alone. "Why, what's wrong?" They pushed. "Nothing." You spat through gritted teeth. "Hey guys-(Y/N)? What's wrong?" You felt your fingers curl around the cup tighter. "Noth-"

"She says she's not in the mood for holiday spirit this year but she won't tell me why." You glared sharply but neither of them seemed to notice. "What?! That's insane! How can you not have Christmas spirit in a slutty elf's costume?!" Your roommate exclaims. "Because I-"

"That's what I said! Like you're practically a walking Christmas spirit dispenser!" Your best friend shouts back. No one seems to notice as your anger grows every time you're cut off or talked over which seems to push you farther. "Maybe she's just a boring person today?" Your roommate offered. "Maybe the alcohol could help with that." Your best friend suggests. "NO, IT FUCKING WONT!" You scream. The music stops and everyone turns to stare at the scene in front of them. "Woah, chill, (Y/N). We're only trying to have a good time." You rolled your eyes and slammed down your red solo cup on the coaster. "No. Just leave me the fuck alone, alright?!" You screech, running up to your room and shutting the door. "Figured you would come up at some point," You gasped and kept facing the door. "You always hated parties." He continues, walking up behind you and brushing your hair to the left side of your shoulder. "H-how did you.." You were lost for words. "You left the window unlocked." You blushed in embarrassment and slowly turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his waist, staring into his chocolate brown eyes. "This is a dream..i-it has to be." Tony laughs and leans his forehead against your own, placing a small kiss on your lips. "Merry Christmas, (Y/N)." You smiled brightly at the recognition that it was all real and held him tighter, tucking your head in the crook of his neck and smiling at his familiar smell-besides the smoking from the party, of course. "Please tell me this isn't a dream.." You whimpered, holding onto him tightly. "It's not." You grinned and looked up to him once again. "Hey, it's eleven eleven. Make a wish for a Christmas gift." Tony smiles. "All I want for Christmas is you." You grinned and kissed his lips.

There you go! The ending to yet another Christmas. Now, onto New Years! >:) Thank you guys so much for putting up with me! I love you forks and dorks!~DJ

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