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"So, you like girls and boys?" (Y/N) asks, plopping down on the couch. "What?" Mike laughed and raised a curious brow. "Well, I'm looking through pictures and stuff that the fans made and apparently, you and Tony are dating." (Y/N) laughed with him, showing him the images on her tablet and flipping through them thoughtlessly. "Wait, go back." Mike said with a giant smirk. (Y/N) did as she was told and flipped back but instantly blushed and looked away once she saw. "Is that--" Vic began, coming up behind the two on the couch. "The first of many (Y/N) and Tony fan art? Oh yeah." Jaime smiled and walked out of the room. "Okay, okay. It's there, we all saw it, now just no one tell To--"

"Hey, Tone! Come look at this fan art, dude!" Jaime called from down the winding hall. (Y/N) face palmed. "At least he doesn't know who's in it?" Vic shrugged, trying to pick on the bright side of things. "Really, man? I'm kinda busy right now, Hime-time." Tony's voice muffled through the door and (Y/N) took a deep breath of relief. "It's you and (Y/N)!" Jaime sang, causing the small group to face palm in unison. The door to Tony's room slowly opened and he stepped out. "Someone made fan art...about me and...(Y/N)?" He sounded so surprised and Jaime's smile brightens. (Y/N)'s face drains of color as she waits for his next response. "Mhm! Mhm! (Y/N) has it pulled up on her tablet! Come on." The foot steps drew nearer and (Y/N) quickly flicked through as many as she could. The farther it was from that adorable artwork, the better and less awkward it was for her. "Guys, do me a favor and laugh." She stopped at an only minimally funny picture and busted out into fake and nervous laughter. She knew she was a terrible actress but, somehow Tony didn't notice. Vic and Mike joined in, laughing more at how serious this was to (Y/N) than following in her footsteps of fake laughter. "Aw, where'd it go?!" Jaime pouted, causing Tony to chuckle and pat Jaime's back. "Maybe you imagined it, dude." Jaime brushed his hand off and stomped in a childish manner. "It was right there! I saw it! With my own two eyes!" (Y/N) giggled. "Calm down, Hime, it's not a big deal." Vic and Mike smirked towards each other and Mike 'accidentally' flicked it back when (Y/N)'s head was turned. She watched as Tony glanced down at the tablet and blushed. She tilted her head and Jaime looked majorly pleased. "What?" (Y/N) asks in bewilderment. "The fans are really good." Tony mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. "They got your smile perfectly." She turned as soon as the picture showed selections of others. "Wow." They slid through and more appeared as the seconds went by. "I guess it's official then," Tony shrugged with a smile. "What's official?" Mike asks. "(Y/N), um, will you...share your Instagram followers with me?" He asks as if it was a proposal. (Y/N) laughed and gasped dramatically. "Why, I thought you'd never ask!" They hugged and the guys laughed and cheered. (Y/N) was happy Tony wasn't acting all weird about it. He was one of her best friends. She couldn't have anything awkward between them. She loves all the guys. They're her family.

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