Roomate's Best Friend

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College, the one place i told my parents to never ship me to.  Sigh, now i'm stuck here with 45 dollars to my name and an empty bag of Fritos somewhere in my backpack. I rubbed my eyes and continued walking to the room coordinators' office. "Hi, um, my roommate is pissing me off by practicing yoga at 3 in the fucking morning every night so, do you think you can help me out here?" I yawned, shifting on my left leg and placing my suitcase on the floor beside me. The receptionist raised a finger and pointed to her phone and i sighed, rolling my eyes and sitting in the chair across from the window part. I glared at her sharply as she continued to file her nails and blab on the phone obnoxiously. I took an exhausted deep breath and sat slumped in my seat. I closed my eyes lightly, feeling as if a giant weight is placed on them.


"256? Isn't that in a boy's dorm though?" Y/B/F asks down the phone as i searched the dorm halls. Boys gave me countless glances from confusion to 'sexy'. I ignored them all and kept my focus on getting to my new dorm. "Anything is better than freaking Perilla waking me up while grunting and asking me to calm my aura." I rolled my eyes and looked down both ways as I reached a split in the dorm halls. I squinted my eyes at the tiny lettering on the map in front of me, directing people around the campus and dorms. "So, how the hell did you get a guy roommate, then? I gotta get me one of those." I didn't even have to be by them to know they were smirking now and biting their lip. I chuckled and shook my head. "Really, (Y/B/F)?" I shook my head and went down the 200 hall. "The receptionist lady doesn't have a clue what she's doing, obviously! All I'm saying is, direct me within their general vicinity so I can take advantage." I giggled and stopped in front of the door. "That poor, poor woman. Anyway, I gotta go. I'll text you later." I ended the call and sighed, knocking on the door. I couldn't get my key until tomorrow morning. I was not trusting that she'd hand me the right one and I wouldn't walk in on someone naked in the tub. The door opened to a kind-of-tall man with a slight stubble, russet brown eyes, a cheek piercing, tattoos everywhere, and quaffed hair. "Um, hi?" He frowned slightly and pulled a weird face, tilting his head. Stop staring, stupid! But his hair looks so soft?! "Hello?" His every feature held confusion and i tried to open my mouth to speak but felt it go dry. Speak, you idiot! "Um, h-hi, yeah. Sorry, uh, I was told that I was your new roommate?" I more asked then told, my voice three octaves higher. He laughed and I felt my face heat up. Was he laughing at me? "Jaime! I think your roomie is here." I frowned. So, I don't get the college cutie? I get his fucking friend?! WHAT THE HELL, FATE?! You're so cruel to me. A boy with spiky brown hair and a wide grin appeared, a sleeve of tattoos stretched across one arm and brown eyes that had crinkles at the edges from how much he's been smiling. I can tell already, this kid is way too happy for me. If he's like this all the time, I'll kill him. "Hey! I'm Jaime, you must be (Y/N), right?" I nodded and the cutie with the nice booty held the door open wider. As I walked in, I could feel his breath on my neck. "(Y/N), huh? Pretty sweet name you got there." I blushed every shade as I quickly followed behind Jaime as he showed me around my new dorm. "It's pretty weird how they made you the first girl to actually live in a room with a guy as a complete co-ed, don't you think?" Jaime asked as I set up my room. I nodded slightly and fixed the covers on my bed. "You don't talk much do you?" Jaime wonders, chuckling. I shook my head with a shrug and turned to see them both perched on the sides of my door. "Don't worry, Jaime over there will talk enough for the both of you." Cutie says with a smirk as Jaime thumps him. "I don't talk that much, you ass." Cutie laughed adorably and pushed himself up. "Yeah, well, I better head back and help set up for the party later."

"Party?" I glanced down at my alarm clock. It was 3 a.m. Who throws a party at 3 a.m?! "Yeah! You can come if you want! You can meet some of our friends and stuff! It'd be so fun! Then, we can have roomie bonding time!" I raised a brow at Jaime's excitement.

"Forgive him, he hasn't had a roommate since Vic left two years ago." Cutie patted Jaime's back. I nodded in understanding and Jaime smiled apologetically. "It's like 3 am? Why throw a party at 3 am?" I questioned. He smirked. "That clocks a few hours ahead, beautiful. It's 11. And the party doesn't start 'till 12." He winked and began to walk out. I felt my brain go to alphabet soup at the nickname he gave and felt my legs jog after him. "Wait!" He stopped and turned. "You never gave me your name." I tried to be flirtatious but it just made him laugh. Man, I make the man laugh more than I arouse him. That's a new all time low. "Tony." I nodded. "Tony," I mumble to myself with a small smile. "I'll see you later then?" Tony asks as he steps closer. I gulped and nodded vigorously. He laughed once more before kissing my head and leaving down the hall. "So, you're coming, then?" Jaime asks with a shit-eating grin, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "As long as I hear no wind chimes, waves crashing, and an annoyingly soft voice telling me something about manamalananabadama then, sure." He raised an amused brow and I laughed slightly. "Don't ask." He smiled brightly. "We're gonna get along just fine, you and I." I grinned.

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