Appreciation (Part 2)

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"Rockin' around the Christmas tree let the Christmas spirit ring.." You mumbled to yourself, decorating the Christmas cookies that your boyfriend claimed he would help with. But, as he was three hours late, you decided to get into it on your own. You had Christmas music blasting at full volume, an itchy and ugly Christmas sweater your best friend sent you, and already had the house smelling delicious. You were overly pleased with yourself at how good the cookies came out and smiled with excitement for your next project, decorating the tree. You reached on the breakfast bar and pulled down your reindeer ears. They jingled every time you moved and you couldn't help but giggle. You always got weird and super giggly around this time. You never had any clue why because the world sucked and you knew that first hand, but your Christmas spirit was still there somehow. You began with lining the bottom of the tree and stood up to tangle the tree with bright and beautiful lights. You grin and nod as you bend down to grab ornaments, you froze at the sound of keys in the lock but rolled your eyes and continued. You had no reason to stop for him. He was late. "Babe, can started without me?" Tony mumbled. As he swiftly walked over and tried to grab some tinsel, you snatched it and threw it on the tree with perfect accuracy. "You were late. I wasn't just going to sit around all day and wait for you." He looked taken back at your harshness but soon recovered and replied, "I was busy." You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "That's all you ever are anymore. 'Too busy.' " You quoted angrily. "I have things to do, (Y/N). I don't just sit on my ass all day." You didn't know how your mood could change so quickly in twelve minutes but it had. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Tony shook his head and started walking to the kitchen. "Nothing. Just drop it. Fuck, (Y/N). You always want to fight!" You glared sharply and followed after, throwing the reindeer ears to get his attention. "Really?! I always want to fight?! You're the one that came three hours late and started acting like a total prick!" He chuckled darkly. "Way to push the argument." You rolled your eyes. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"YOU ARE!" You jumped at his loudness and stepped back slowly. "You and your stupid college plans, a-and your sneaking around at night, and leaving me all alone! I know you're leaving tonight. I'm fucking sick and tired of your secrets, (Y/N)!" You scoffed. "Wow! My secrets?! Why don't you tell me why you're late then?! Probably out with that blonde chick again, right?!"


"WELL I GAVE UP MY LIFE FOR YOU!" You screamed back. You just stared at one another in pain and remorse. If that was truly how the other felt, then what would be the sense to carry on this relationship. You shook your head and sighed. "I can't keep doing this, Tony. I want to go and live my life but you won't let me. You're my boyfriend. You're supposed to support me." You mumbled on the edge of tears. You felt them softly begging you to be set free but you didn't listen and just let them cloud your vision. "What about me, huh?! Who's going to support me?!" Tony growled. You wiped the tears away forcefully and stormed to your room. "I can't believe you just said that." He laughed evily and followed you, the same you had done to him. "Where were you when I needed you?!" He continued. "I was right beside you the entire time, Tony! Why can't you see that?!" You cried. He couldn't sit up on his soapbox and say that you were never there for him. All the late nights you stayed with him to perfect his solos, all the fun nights you turned down because he was upset, you did everything you could for him. But he still wanted more. You started grabbing your bags from in your room because this argument went a little too long so you'd miss your flight if you didn't go now. "And what about now?! You're leaving!" You wipe your eyes again and walked past him. "Tony, I'm just going to college. I'm not leaving you. I want to live my life just like you want to live yours. Why can't you be a supporting and loving boyfriend for fucking once and be happy for me?!" You blubbered. "Because if you fucking leave, so does this relationship." You stared at him silently and he looked like he regretted every word that he just said almost instantly. "(Y/N-"

"No, you know what? Fine! I guess so." His eyes held hurt and he reached out for you, you stepped away and shook your head. "Merry fucking Christmas." As your taxi drove up, you slammed the door shut and trotted to the car. "San Fransisco airport, please."

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