Perfect World (Part 2)

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"It's been what-two years? Where the hell did you get the idea to go back?!" (Y/BF) screeched, following you around your Uncle and Aunt's home as you pack various objects into a random suitcase. Well, 'pack' being a loose term. You stuff a pair of skinny jeans in and face them. "Tony, that's where." They stare at you like you've grown three heads and you go back to throwing stuff in the floral print pack you found in the closet. "Tony?! Your boyfriend you haven't seen in, like, months?" You walk out and they follow you close behind. "Think about it, (Y/N)! For all you know, he could have a new chick! He could be sexing her up right now!" You stopped and glared sharply. They held up their hands in surrender. "I'm just saying." You sighed and relaxed slightly, a tired look glazing your features. "Look, (Y/BF), I know you're only trying to look out for me because, that's what best friends do. But..I love him. It's been long enough. I miss him way too much." You watch their face fall and frown, finally understanding the fuss. "You think I'm going to leave you like I did him." You spoke.

"I don't want you to forget me." They sniffed, tears streaking down their cheeks. You shook your head and brought them tightly into your arms. "I could never forget you. Ever. You're the only other good thing about this stupid town. My best memories have you in them." You reassured them, rubbing their back softly. They quickly returned it and held you as if you'd disappear if you were released. "Don't you dare let go." You smiled small. "I won't."


"Okay, (Y/N). Walk in, say your hellos, then, walk out." You mumbled to yourself. You knew it wouldn't be that easy with Jaime, however. The kid could take a minutes trip and make it into an hour. You shook your head and chuckled lightly at the thought, opening the door. "..IT WAS MINE! I PUT MY NAME ON IT, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Jaime shouts as you set your bag down on the sofa. "WELL, I DIDN'T SEE IT!" Mike shouts back. "YOUR PIG-SWEAT MUST'VE WIPED IT OFF!" Jaime growled, sounding as if he was straining. You walk in calmly and make your way around the corner and into the kitchen. You weren't as surprised as anyone else would've been when you saw Mike sitting on Jaime, drinking lemonade and eating a batch of hot wings. "Oh. Hi, (Y/N)." Mike smiles, barbecue sauce smeared across his lips and a piece of chicken falling onto his bare chest. Jaime's face brightened and he quickly looked up at you with a bright smile. You leaned against the doorway, crossing your arms over your chest. You shook your head and laughed. "My boys."

"(Y/N)!" Jaime squealed like a child, kicking his feet up and down. He squirmed under Mike, desperately trying to get up. You giggled and walked over, grabbing Mike and helping him up and holding out a hand for Jaime. "Mikey, play nice. You know you can't sit on Jaime, he's like a twig. You'll break him." You teased, messing up his hair. "Actually, Vic and i have been working out more. We're pretty ripped if I do say so myself." You rolled your eyes playfully as he gave a boasting smile. "Yeah, yeah." He produced a toothy grin and pulled you into his chest for a hug. "We missed you, (Y/NN)." You smiled softly and patted his back. "I missed you guys, too." You felt Mike staring at you and turned to face him as he approached you for a hug. You took two steps back quickly and he pouted. "Hug me when you're not covered in sweat, saliva, and wing sauce." He nodded and you kissed his cheek. "Anyway, I gotta go. I'll be back later to get my shit." They laughed and waved as you ran out.


You reached in your back pocket with slow and steady movements. You slowly pulled out the key ring that you haven't seen in years and gulped, your heart pounding in your chest and your hands shaking like leaves in the wind. You searched through and saw the faithful key that had kept you between you and the man of your dreams. What if he changed the locks? Your anxiety whispered over your shoulder. What do you do then? He could've changed the locks to keep you out. You closed your eyes tightly and sighed, trying to take deep and gentle breaths. "I've come this far. It's too late to back out now, might as well try." You opened them again and stared at the key in silence. You have to. With one final blink, you shoved the key in and turned the lock to the left, feeling the door open slowly as you pushed into it. You smiled in surprise and relief and quickly made your way inside. "Hello?" You called throughout the quiet home. "Tony?" You mumble again, quizzically entering every room on the lower level. "Who's down there?" You hear from the top of the stairs. Your smile grew from ear to ear and you ran up them and into his arms. "TONY!" He laughed and froze a moment before wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around. "I missed you so fucking much," You whispered as tears reached the bottom of your eyelids. You felt him grab your cheek gently and join your lips in a loving and passionate kiss. "I missed you too."

"See? I told you I'd come back." You laughed lightly. He smiled and stared into your eyes. "In a perfect world. This world is perfect to me now that you're in it again." You smiled brightly and kissed him.

Okay so this was really cheesy but here it is! Another update! Should I continue making them or focus on books only? Leave me a comment and let me know :) ~DJ

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