eighty one

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I waited for the Barista to finish my smores frap. I was meeting with Ashley at Starbucks to tell her the news, ya know, that she's my maid of honor. I sat down with my drink before Ashley came in, she ran over to me "Ashleyyyy I haven't seen you in forever!" I said into her shoulder as she hugged me. "Yea well South Carolina's pretty busy," she said. Ashley moved to South Carolina to go to college. "You look like you're gonna burst," she says, stepping back and looking at my belly. "Yea I'm due in like 2 weeks," I stated before we sat down. "So when's the wedding?" She asked "in a month, speaking of the wedding," I started. "I'm your maid of honor," she said nonchalantly "how'd you know?" I asked "I'm your only friend Alana," she said chuckling. "Well there's that," I said, she squealed "yes yes yes I can't wait," she said excitedly. "I think we should go on a retreat type thing ya know, when you have the babies you'll have a little weight, so I think we should take the month before your wedding and get our bodies together," she suggested. "Do you actually think Kalin is gonna let me leave for a month before our wedding?" I asked. "Kalin will give you anything you want, just ask," she said "I'll try, but Kalin is kinda stubborn and where is this gonna be," I said "back home in SC plus you're stubborn too which makes you two perfect for each other," she said. I chuckled "so where are you staying while you're here?" I asked "at the Four Seasons," she said. "Well you can stay at my house if ya want," I offered "nah the Four Seasons have room service," she said, I laughed.


"Kalin!" I yelled "upstairs!" He yelled back. I crawled up the stairs and into our room "I could've helped you up the stairs," Kalin said, grabbing my Hand. I smiled "oh geez you're gonna ask for something," he said "Kalin how'd you know?" I asked. "You always do that cute little smile and tilt your head a little," he said, wow he knows me well. "So...I was with Ashley earlier and she was talking about how me and her should go on a retreat type thing," I started. Kalin stood there contently waiting for the but. "A month before the wedding and in South Carolina," I said briskly "what?! You want to leave a whole month and go to South Carolina!" He yelled. "Yes, Kalin I just want to get my body together for you, I don't want to be all fat and chubby while you're ripped," I said, he softened. "Alana I don't want you gone for a month," he said "when do you plan on coming back?" He asked "a day before the wedding, but Kalin we leave for our honeymoon the night of the wedding do it's fine," I stated. "Alana what if something happens, you want to leave fresh after giving birth," he said "nothing will happen Kalin," I whined. "2 weeks," he said "3," I said innocently with my bottom lip poked out. "Ugh Alana fine," he said "I love you," I said, pecking his cheek. "I love you too, we have to go get the suits tailored, I'll see you later," he said, kissing my lips. I looked down at my stomach and smiled "I love you guys too," I said.

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