Lost an Earring

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"Hey El, you coming to study group tonight?" My friend and classmate Edward asked as he stood up from his desk.

"Seven, right?" I closed my notebook and put it down in my bag. Edward nodded as he walked to the door and I stood up following him out into the hall. "Yeah, I'll see you then." I smiled as the two of us parted ways.

I started down the hall towards the door to exit the building. It was late August and the air was already hot and stale and it was only noon. I've never liked summer; I've always been more of a fall and winter person. I was halfway across the quad when I heard my phone ring; I reached into my bag and grabbed it not looking to see who was calling.


"Where you at ho?" Alana said in her best American accent on the other end.

"I'm on my way home now." I laughed.

I started to hear a beep as if someone else was trying to call me. I pulled the phone away from my ear and saw a number I didn't recognize.

"Hurry! Clueless is on!"

"Oh shit." My American accent was rubbish. "That movie is da bomb."

"Don't ever do that voice again." I could just imagine Alana's serious face as she said that to me.

The other line continued to beep.

"Okay. I'll be home soon."

I hung up and answered the other call that was coming in.


"Eleanor?" I stopped in the middle of the quad; I had never heard my name said so beautifully before.

"Hello?" The voice said. "Eleanor, It's Louis."

Just then someone bumped into me, causing me to trip, almost knocking the phone out of my hand.

"Hey." I tried to stay calm.

"Sorry it took me so long to call, things have been mad."

"It's okay, I just thought you forgot about little old me." I joked as I started walking again towards my flat.

"How could I ever forget about you?"

I started to blush as I walked by a mom with her small children.  The little girl with her had to have been at least six and was wearing a backpack with One Direction on it. If only she knew that at the moment she walked by me that I was on the phone with a member of the band. I smiled at her and continued on my way.

"So," Louis said, "I was wondering what you were doing tonight?"

"Oh," I was taken back by the question, "are you in Manchester?"

"No silly." Louis laughed. "I'm in London. Wait are you in Manchester?"

"Yeah, I go to Uni here remember?"

There was silence on the other end. Did I say something wrong?

"Right. Well I've been meaning to come up to Manchester."

"It' a three and a half hour drive." I said shocked. "And I have a study group tonight." I bit my lip, why would I turn down a chance to hang out with Louis Tomlinson.

"A cute boy says he wants to drive three and a half hours to see you and you would rather study?"

"When did a cute boy call me?" I couldn't believe at what I had just said.


I giggled at Louis's, maybe he was right, I could take the night off from studying. Now that I think about it, I have been working really hard lately and a night out does sound nice. 

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