Chapter 7

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I walked downstairs, ready to go, but decided to get breakfast first. I walked into the kitchen and saw Asia already in there, so I rolled my eyes and turned around and left out. I'm not in the mood to talk to her right now, she threw in my face that I slept with Aubrey and the fact that I still want to, makes me even madder.

I walked down the street to his house, not wanting to be in my own. I knocked on the door, and Ms. Graham opened it. "He's in his room, and good morning. I have a meeting to get to." She said walking out as I walked in. "Okay, thanks and good morning." I said smiling before walking in.

I walked up to A's room where he is sitting on his chair. He looked up at me and smiled, as usual. "Good morning," he said and I shook my head. "I didn't have one or a good night, but good morning." I said before laying across his bed.

"Why not?" He asked and I shook my head. "I don't want to talk about right now, but I had an argument with Asia." I said running my hand through my hair. "Mmm, you guys should be fine in a day or two." He said as if us arguing is normal. "Whatever," I said looking over at him.

Things got quiet for a good minute, and that's not usual. A and I always have something to talk about, even if we're talking about nothing for hours. I knew the whole sex thing would make things different. "Do you think about last night?" He asked shocking me.

It shocked me because it's like he read my mind, I mean we always think about the same things at the same time, but considering it's us having sex is what's shocking. "Um yea, why wouldn't I? I had sex with my best friend." I said looking down at his blanket playing with it.

"Well that's obvious, but do you think about it in a different way or only see it as we fucked and we're best friends?" He asked as I looked over at him. "Aubrey stop," I said not wanting to answer the question.

"Ok, let's just get out of here and get to school." He said standing up. I got up then we left out not talking about the whole sex thing at all. I looked over at him as he drove us to school, and I can see that he really wants to know the answer.

"I thought we wouldn't make things weird, A. Things are weird, and aren't normal. We're never quiet when we're around each other." I said looking over at him. "Things aren't weird, just talk and we can start a conversation." He said as if he doesn't feel the awkwardness.

"Did you and Diamond fix things?" I asked considering he hasn't said anything about her. "Something like that, I mean we're working on it." He said as the conversation went dry.

I stopped trying, maybe some time apart will make a conversation better, and that time apart is school I guess.


I sat in third period, Spanish four, which I share with A. He sits right next to me, at my table. There's two people to a table, and I happen to sit at the one next to him. See in the beginning of the year, she let us pick our own seats, and it would be our permanent seat for the rest of the year.

Of course in the beginning of the year I didn't expect to have sex with A, and I didn't expect for things to get awkward and uncomfortable. So of course I would choose to sit next to my best friend. The only problem is, now I'm regretting my choice.

"Are you coming over today?" He asked me in a whisper. I can't make things worse and start avoiding him, he's been by my side through hell and back for six years. We have been best friends too long to just stop being best friends over one little accident. I nodded my head before looking over at him.

"Yea, right after school." I said knowing we need to work past this awkwardness. Like he said, it's only going to be awkward if we make it awkward.


I sat on A's bed and he laid behind me, as my back is to him. He's laid across his bed with his legs hanging off of the side of the bed. I just sat indian style, with my hands in my lap. We're just sitting here in an awkward silence, and have been for five minutes. Neither of us saying anything, and it's making me sad because we're never like this.

I know the only way to remove the elephant in the room, is to comfront it. We always get past our obstacles, so why not now? "To answer your question from earlier, no I don't only think about last night as fucking my best friend. I really liked it, no I loved it....a lot. But I don't like what it's doing to us A. It's tearing us apart and making everything awkward and silent. Awkwardly silent, and I don't like that because we're never silent together.

Usually we're always happy and laughing. But when we're not, we're even sad and crying together, upset together, or angry together. But at least we aren't silent together, we keep our conversations going and keep them alive. Now there's not even a word being said because of last night. You told me things wouldn't be or get weird and they are." I said looking back at him.

He sat up, and I could see he's thinking. He walked over to his chair and sat down. "I don't want things to be weird Chris, I really don't." He said and I nodded before getting up and sitting on his lap. "That's why we shouldn't have crossed the line or broke the rules. So now we are going to crave each other because we had some bomb ass sex.

Like last night I wanted you so bad after the photoshoot. Like right now, I want you, but I know we can't ever cross that line again. I mean look what happened after the first time. Imagine what it would be like if there was a second, third, or fourth time." I said staring into his eyes.

"I don't know, but I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants to do it again." He said making me roll my eyes. "A I'm being serious, we can't do it again. I don't want to ruin our friendship, we've been best friends too long to grow apart because we crossed the line too many times. I love you A, and I don't want to lose you as my best friend. I can't imagine living without you by my side." I said staring into his eyes.

"You don't have to worry about that Chris. You don't have to because we won't cross that line again, and we will get over this like we get over everything else." He said as we are both now on the same page and being serious.

Now all we got to do is get our shit together, and get back on the path we were on before yesterday.

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