Chapter 30

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"Gigi I swear your one of the sexiest girls I've ever met," I said staring at the small pictures London had a photographer take of us on the beach. "Thank you but I must say I'm not the only good looking one out here. I still don't know why you wouldn't take any London, this came out great." Gigi said and London giggled and waved her off.

"Is it so wrong to want to admire two beautiful women and not feel the need to be admired for once? It's called sharing the spotlight ladies." She said before walking off confidently. "This bitch," I said before laughing and Gigi joined me by laughing. "She's lucky she's beautiful and smart because if she weren't she wouldn't have the right to be this cocky." Gigi said with a smile.

"Let me see your picture again," I said and we walked over to the photographer London hired. "There we are," Gigi said and I eyeballed the picture knowing I have to lose weight soon so I can have her body. She looks freaking amazing.

"Your picture looks way better than mine, like we were at two different beaches

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"Your picture looks way better than mine, like we were at two different beaches." I said and she took the camera from my hands. "Don't stare too long, usually I would allow you to but now you're just gawking at it." She said and I laughed. "So Don," She said as we started walking towards our seats.

"What about him?" I asked and she shrugged. "I don't know, are you going to start seeing him again?" She asked and I shrugged. "Maybe, that is if I get the chance to. My best friend has had a tight grip on me lately, and won't let me even think about dreaming of Don." I said and she chuckled.

"Don't you mean your boyfriend," She said with a giggle. "He's not my boyfriend, he has a girlfriend." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Yea, that barely exist. She didn't stop you two from fucking like rabbits, so why should she stop you two from being together?" She asked and I shook my head. "I don't think she's stopping anything, if I was who I was a few months ago I would be with him.

But honestly, his girlfriend is cool, and taking him would cause unnecessary pain." I said and Gigi stopped and stared at me then burst out into laughter. "Do you find me a fool? I almost believed you for a second, because you sounded so sympathetic. But I know bullshit when I hear bullshit or see bullshit, and that was bullshit." She said and I laughed a little and smiled.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Come on Chris, you're totally saying that to make yourself feel better. You love your best friend, and if it weren't for Don you would be with him. But Don intrigues you, and have you wondering if you should leave your best friend alone and be with him. So that sob story you put on for your best friend's girlfriend is all bullshit to make you feel better about being stuck between Don and your best friend." She said and I didn't respond because I know she's right.

Then I felt the foul taste of spit up form in the back of my throat and I ran down to the water, because there was nowhere else to go convent enough to me. I got to the water and I couldn't hold it anymore. The spit up burst out of my mouth and scattered around in the water as Gigi held my hair back.

I started to stand up straight thinking I was done, but found myself bent over again as more spit up forced itself out. I couldn't even fight it, and it was awful and embarrassing. I stayed bent over as I kept gagging every five seconds, thinking I was about to throw up again but didn't.

"It's ok pretty, you're fine. We all do it and or have it, how do you think I look this good?" She asked and I cleared my throat. "What are you talking about? I don't have a eating disorder and I don't throw up purposely." I said and she shrugged with her lips.

"Oh, well I don't have a eating disorder but I eat little to nothing and force myself to throw up at least twice a day. I pee constantly too, so I drink a lot of water and stay hydrated." She said before walking off. I shook my head and just followed behind her. "So what do you think caused you to throw up?" Gigi asked considering I don't have a eating disorder or purposely throw up.

"I don't know, could be something I ate." I said with a shrug. "Or you could be pregnant," London said and I rolled my eyes. "Please, I'm too careful to be pregnant or to ever get pregnant. I always use a condom, and it hasn't popped at all." I said and she raised her eyebrows questioning me. "London leave it alone, she's not pregnant it's probably just a bug or something." Gigi said and and I nodded.

"Thank you Gigi," I said and London purses her lips. "I'm just saying, I wouldn't be surprised if you were." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Then be surprised that I'm not," I said and Gigi laughed. "That was a good one," She said and London held her hands up in surrender. "Alright, you're not pregnant. I was making a suggestion that's all," she said and I smiled.

"Well your suggestion...well educated guess was wrong. I'm sorry it wouldn't be a suggestion so I had to say educated guess, which it was, and it was still wrong." I said and she laughed. "I thought I was the smart one, I guess it's the new thing for all pretty faces to have some brains huh." London said and we all laughed.

We got quiet and I started thinking about what Gigi said before I started throwing up. "I think I'm going to see Don tonight." I said and they both just stared at each other then me. "Well alright then," Gigi said and London still looked stuck. "What about Aubrey? Why would you want to see Don? I thought you and Aubrey cut Don out of the picture." She said and I shook my head.

"No Aubrey cut Don out of the picture, and I'm just reentering him so I can be sure that I don't want him or sure if I do." I said and she shook her head. "And if you do where does that leave Aubrey?" She asked and I chuckled. "With his girlfriend and still my best friend." I said and she just stared at me in disagreement.

"Ugh, don't talk to me right now." She said before walking away. "I think it's a smart idea to do what you're doing. You're making sure you make the right choice, just be positive it is the right choice in whoever you pick." Gigi said and I nodded. "I'll try," I said before we walked and found London who is still pissed at my little experiment.

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