Chapter 24

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

"What are you doing?" TJ asked confused as he stared at me. I turned my head and looked at him. I don't know how or why, but I felt myself needing a mental break from life, from reality. So I left Chester at school, I didn't call Chris or Aubrey or anyone, I didn't touch my phone or even look at it, and I let go of everything that made me think.

I cleared my mind, not a single thought. But somehow I wound up at a store, in a shopping cart. No one should have found me that I know, but as always when Chris or Aubrey isn't around and I'm at a low state, TJ pops up to save the day.

"I don't know, I just needed a break from life, and I ended up here." I said and he leaned on the pushing handle of the cart, as my back is to him. "Why do you feel you need a break? What's going on?" He asked and I stayed quiet.

Quite honestly, on top of modeling, pretending to be his girlfriend, breaking up the pretend relationship, helping him again, him kissing me, and me wanting to be more and holding it in, and having to worry about school. I just need a break from reality, because he's throwing me off.

One minute it feels like he wants me, and the next it feels like it's all a game and for show for his mother and family. Emotionally it is too much for me, especially considering I never wanted to be with someone so much, relationship wise.

No male has ever made me feel the way TJ makes me feel. He makes me feel important, beautiful, wanted, and needed. He gives me a shoulder to cry on,  listening ear whenever I need it and however long I need it, he provides me with advice, tender care, all types of support, he showed me how a happy family should look with his very own, and most of all I trust him.

"Little things make big things, and holding everything in, can make an even bigger thing so when I explode I explode. I don't want to explode so I took some time to relax where I won't be found or bothered, but obviously I can be found this easy." I said and he was quiet.

"Come with me tonight," he said and I looked up at him confused to where he's taking me. "Where?" I asked and he looked down into my eyes and smirked. "Out, to relax. I'm going to a party, and you can come with me to unwind, and meet a couple of my friends. They'll show you a good time, and make you forget about everything else that's going on." He said and I just stared up at him.

"Okay, but what about your mom?" I asked and he looked up and then back down into my eyes. "She's on a plane with my aunt as we speak. They're taking a trip to the DR (Dominican Republic) to have some fun time. So I will be alone anyways," he said and I shook my head.

"I will go with you, but you won't be alone. I'll stay over, it'll be a nice break from seeing my dad and getting all upset and worked up about what he say." I said and he thought about it for a second before shrugging. "Okay, sure." He said and I turned back around.

"But to get you a little ready for tonight," he said before running and pushing the cart I'm in, scaring me half to death as I'm screaming off of the top of my lungs. My heart is beating out of my chest, as my nerves are jumping, and fear rang through my body. "TJ stop, stop, stop!" I shouted as he continued running down a hill.

I hung onto the tiny bars, clenching them for dear life. I'm so afraid of falling out since we're going down hill, like my modeling, me going out period and my face and body are in jeopardy. "TJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!!" I shouted as I am about to cry.

As soon as my tears were about to fall he jerked the cart stopping it and making sure I didn't fall out. The jerking itself made my tears fall with a force. As I breathed heavily, shaking too, all I heard was TJ laughing so hard he had to hold his stomach.

I got out of the cart and realized my legs are shaking. I placed my hand on my chest which is hurting because my heart is beating so fast. TJ threw his arms around me loosely, hugging me as he continued to laugh. I'm still in shock, but I managed to push him off of me.

"It's not funny, and you're not funny." I said crossing my arms as I'm still breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, next time try, and don't let it be a next times." I said walking away. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, then kissed my temple and my heart fluttered.

Why does he keep kissing me? I feel like he's starting to like me, but then again I will never know because he's unpredictable.

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