Chapter 17

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I stumbled to the house, after Don dropped me off. Once I got the front door open, he honked his horn and I turned and smiled and waved, knowing I'm drunk as hell. I walked inside of the house and closed and locked the door.

I ran to the bathroom as a rush of nasty disgusting spit up came rushing up my throat. I threw up in the toilet, and then went to the stairs. I looked up them and knew I was gonna make it, so I went and the last thing I remember is falling onto the couch and everything going black.


I woke up on the couch, in same clothes from last night feeling dirty as ever. I walked upstairs as my head throbbed with pain, and hopped in the shower and brushed my teeth. Once I was done I walked into Asia's room.

"Sleep good?" She asked not looking up from her laptop. "Yea, I guess. But my head is fucking killing me." I said before flopping down onto her bed. "Oh, I thought you were meeting someone you might do a photoshoot with, how did it turn out to be this?" She asked closing her laptop and staring at me.

"He's sexy as fuck, nice ass house, tall and strong, light eyes, and full of fun and games. You don't want to know half of the shit we did together with liquor. You don't want to see ninety percent of it either." I said and she smiled and shook her head.

"Well I hope it wasn't inappropriate," A said walking into Asia's room. "Don't you knock anymore?" I asked and he shrugged. "Y'all don't knock either, so why should I?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "This isn't my room A, what if she was getting dressed?" I asked and he looked at her. "She looks pretty damn dressed to me, so more about this nigga that had you out until four in the morning, dropping you off and shit." A said.

"You were watching?" I asked and he nodded. "You were loud enough while getting out of his range rover, that I had to go look." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Well just know he's a big hunk of something, and we are doing a photoshooottt tomorrroooowww!" I said singing the last part.

"Well I'll be there," he said and I shrugged. "Bring Diamond while you're at it, I don't want you to be lonely or the third wheel next to Don and I." I said being funny. "Whatever man," he said sounding a bit annoyed and jealous.

I just smiled, "I can't waiiiittttt." I said and Asia looked at me. "Until the photoshoot?" She asked and I shook my head. "No, until tonight, and yea that too I guess." I said and A smiled like he know what's going on. "What's tonight?" Asia asked and I started cheesing.

"Don and I are going to another party, and I guess I'll be his date. He said the party is usually boring and he needs someone like me on his side, that will make everything fun and get the party turnt up." I said and A looked at me like I lost my mind.

"I thought we were having some us time tonight," he said making me remember it. "Oh yea, I am so sorry. I have to reschedule that, I can't just cancel on Don, we are just getting to know each other and I don't want him to think I can't keep my word. Plus he's really fun, and my mind just go blank when I'm with him. So that's why I forgot, I got lost in those sexy ass eyes and muscles, and oooohhh!!!

What am I going to wear? I need to go shopping because I have to look good, he always looks good, besides I want to look good for him." I said already fantasizing. "Whatever," A said sounding salty. "Don't ruin my mood," I said to him and he shrugged nonchalantly.

"You looking and sounding kind of jealous over there Aubrey," Asia said making me laugh. "Girl please, he's all about Diamond and what she wants. He don't have time to be jealous about me spending time with Don. Besides, he'll make plans with Diamond real fast, now that I canceled." I said knowing he won't, and just want to get to him a bit.

The Jackson Sisters (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora