Chapter 22

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

Today I didn't really feel like doing much. I just want to be different, try something I usually do don't on my own. So I threw on a dress, I wanted to keep it small, no drastic changes. You will almost never see me in a dress, so that's why I'm in one now.

"What's got you all depressed?" Chester asked standing at my locker. "Life," I said before closing my locker. "I noticed Chris isn't here, is she sick?" He asked and I shook my head. "No Ches, she's at her photoshoot. She's doing one with Don Benjamin," I said and he smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me, I would've skipped just to meet him, he could've been my future husband." He said making me chuckle. "Good luck with that, Chris has already got him on her arm. They're even going to parties together, and from the looks of things, he's sticking around. She even spent the night at his place yesterday.

Imagine that, he pulls her to a pool party, keeps her out all night, brings her home to grab a overnight bag, and take her back to his place." I said and he kissed his teeth, as we started walking. "That lucky bitch, I'm surprised Aubrey let her out with a 21 year old man, a sexy 21 year old man." He said and I looked at him like he's crazy.

"He's 21?" I asked and he nodded. "Yea girl, you ain't finding an 18 or 19 year old looking that good." He said and I noticed we were about to walk past TJ and his friends. "I wonder if she knows he's 21," I said and he nodded. "She does, she has to if they're going out to parties together. Don only party with people 18 and older, and barely anyone 18 mostly 20 and up.

Someone if not him must've told her that within an hour of her being at the party." He said and we actually were close to TJ. I looked at him and he looked at me but I hurried and looked away. I just kept walking, feeling weird as if we were supposed to speak.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked and he chuckled. "I told you that's my future husband, I need to know these things." He said and I playfully rolled my eyes.


As I was walking to lunch, I was passing the gym, which is TJ's class and I saw his mother so I made my way inside to see what was going on. "Enough about all of that, where is Asia? Aren't you going to pick her up from class?" She asked and he looked stressed out. "No mom, we-" he said before I cut him off saving him the hard time and her the heartbreak.

"Decided to meet at the cafeteria, but someone didn't tell me that he was staying and going to be a little late. But now I can see why, hi Ms. Johnson." I said catching both of their attention. "Hi, I'm sorry he didn't tell me I was holding him up, or that he was meeting you." She said with a smile. "Don't worry, it's fine. Better you than some girl trying to push up on him," I said and she laughed.

"Well I should get going, I was just dropping in to check on you two. Now I have to go have lunch with your aunt." She said and I smiled. "Bye, drive safely." I said hugging her before she walked away. Once I knew she was far enough I turned to TJ having nothing else to say.

"You're welcome," I said before starting to walk away but he grabbed my arm once we got to the center of the basketball court. I turned to face him considering he stopped me. "Look if this is about last night then-" I said before he cut me off by pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

Although I was shocked, I just shut up and enjoyed the moment and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his neck, considering his are already around my waist. So this is how it feels to kiss him. Like two big pillows on my lip, sending electricity through my body starting at my lips.

He licked my bottom lip, and I slightly opened my mouth giving him access. He slid his tongue into my mouth smoothly and I got nervous. I tried not to think about matching his movements, so that our tongues will move in sync, because if I thought about it, I would think too much. If I think too much, I would try too hard. If I try too hard, it's noticeable, and I might mess up and he might think I'm a bad kisser.

I just prayed that I wouldn't mess up, and then my mind went blank. After our kiss lasted a good five minutes, we pulled away. Yes I was counting the seconds and minutes in my head. He just stared down into my eyes as his head rested on my forehead. "I've been dying to say two things all day." He said lowly but considering we're extremely close, I heard him as if he were speaking out loud.

"What?" I asked at the same tone. "One, I'm sorry for the way I acted and spoke to you last night." He said and I just stared up into his eyes. "You don't have to apologize, you had every right to feel the way you felt and or feel." I said and he shook his head. "Regardless of what I'm going through or how I feel, the way I spoke to you and acted was wrong. I shouldn't have put so much pressure on you, and I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you because you did nothing wrong." He said and I couldn't argue with that.

"What's the second thing?" I asked and he chuckled before looking down at me, then back into my eyes. "That dress is extremely too short and not school appropriate." He said with a little chuckle and I just smiled and laughed a little. "I'm sorry I'll do better, but you're starting to act like my boyfriend. I thought I broke up our pretend relationship last night." I said and he chuckled.

"You did, and that doesn't stop my opinion that I've been giving you before we were quote unquote together. But you're confusing me now, you step up to my mother and pretend like last night didn't happen, but want everything to stop." He said standing up straight and just plainly staring into my eyes and talking normal.

"I saw you needed help, and school isn't the best place to tell her." I said and he nodded. "Well I'm going to have to tell her sooner or later." He said and I nodded. "I know," I said and we got quiet. He wrapped his arm around my neck and I looked up at him to see him smiling. "Let's go to lunch," he said before we started walking with his arm around my shoulders and my around his middle back.

My heart raced through my chest, as I know that although we're still going to be friends, that I want to be so much more. I'm actually questioning myself about if I want to continue going along with this little lie of his.

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