Chapter 31

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

I sat down at the table with TJ's mother and Aunt and cousins. TJ is in the shower and I don't want to be with him right now. "So how are you and TJ?" His mother asked. "Well," I said before TJ walked into the dinning room. "I'm here, we can eat now." TJ said cutting me off. I just smiled at his mother because I didn't want to say it anyway.

As we ate everyone talked but I stayed quiet, and smiled occasionally. "What's wrong Asia? You haven't said a word all night aside from well and greeting everyone." TJ Aunt said and I couldn't even force a smile on my face. "I'm just tired, I'm ready to go home. Sorry, you guys can finish dinner. I'm just gonna go," I said standing up and TJ stood up too.

He grabbed my wrist to stop me and as a reflex and the fact that I'm mad I snatched away from him quickly. "Don't touch me," I said seriously and I know he knows he fucked up. "Can we at least talk about this?" He asked as I walked to the front door. "I don't want to," I said as I walked out of the house. He followed me and closed the front door behind him.

"Asia where are you going?" He asked since I started walking home instead of going to his truck. "I don't want your ride, I'm walking." I said and he started following me. "Asia stop," He said calmly and I kept walking not in the mood for this. "ASIA FUCKING STOP FOR ONE SECOND AND TALK TO ME, damn being so fucking stubborn." He shouted then started calming down.

I turned around to face him and it took everything in me not to cry. "You want to raise your voice at me? When I didn't do a damn thing, YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS ACTING LIKE WE DON'T MEAN SHIT!" I shouted and as my body started shaking and nerves jumping as I'm so mad. "What are you talking about?" He asked and now I'm really fighting my own tears.

"I only came to your house tonight because I wanted to see your mother. But I didn't realize I would feel so damn stupid and holding everything in would be so hard and I would bring the whole dinner down because I'm not happy." I said as my eyes watered. "So now you're not happy? You were just happy this morning then out of nowhere you got mad at me and didn't want to talk about it." He said and my tears started falling making me even more upset making more of them fall.

"I'm not happy because you're fucking with Crystal again! Why are you texting her like y'all all buddy buddy now? Why are you letting her be all up on you and laughing at the shit? Why are you all in her face? Why are you even hugging her? If you fucking want her back then go back to her! Don't smile in my face like you don't know what the hell is going on!" I shouted as more and more tears fell.

I just stood there and cried, and he pulled me into his arms and held me tightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would've had a problem with me talking to her." He said with sorrow in his voice. I pushed him off of me but he remained face to face with me. "You didn't see the way she was looking at you this morning, and she knew I saw her and just smirked like the shit was ok.

She looking at you like she can take you back at any second and you're making her feel like she fucking can. That's why I was mad and caught an attitude. But I was over that shit as the day went on because I felt comfortable enough in my relationship to know that you wouldn't entertain her. So with me thinking so highly of you, how do you think I felt when y'all were all laughing and hugging in each other's faces after school?

I felt like a damn dummy, how can I trust that you won't fuck her? How can I trust that you won't slip up and do some small shit with her because it was a in the moment thing? How do I know that y'all not doing something when I can't come to your practice? Because you have practice and she has practice at the same time. Basketball and cheerleaders, wow now I don't know what to expect.

I just need a break, I'm going home. I need some time alone, maybe we're just moving too fast." I said and I saw his eyes jump at my words and he tried to pull me into a hug twice but I didn't let him. "Asia I don't want her, I don't care about her. Nothing, absolutely nothing will ever happen between us again. We were just coolin, moving on as friends. I didn't want any grudges I wanted to let all that shit go, so I forgave her." He said and I just stared into his eyes as more tears fell from mine.

"You don't have to be her friend or do any of that just because you forgave her. Why not forgive and forget, and not only the incident between y'all but forget all about her. You can even forget about her or forget about me. Forget about all of it I just want some time to rethink if this is even a good choice for either of us, and I suppose you do the same." I said calmly as my tears hadn't stopped.

I looked behind him at his house and saw his entire family on the porch watching everything. "Go home to your family, I'm going home to mine." I said before walking away. I walked all the way home hoping for Chris to be home. I walked into the house and she wasn't, and I could've guessed that. Well I couldn't lately because A keeps her on a tight leash. But tonight I guess she's going back to being Chris.

I walked to Aubrey's house and rung the doorbell. Within a half of a minute, the door swung open and Aubrey appeared. "Chris," He said expecting her but getting me. "No," I said and he saw that I was crying and opened his arms. "And I'm still happy to see you regardless," He said and I laughed a little as I walked into his arms.

He stepped back as we hugged, bringing me inside. I just kept crying and he rubbed my back to calm me down. "What's wrong?" He asked and I looked up at him. "I think TJ is fucking his ex or on the verge of fucking her." I said and he shook his head. "Well I think Chris is on the verge of doing coke again because London came back in town and fucking with London she might end up finding her way back to that dude she was with." He said referring to Don.

"I really don't want her to fuck with that nigga ever," He said as we sat on his couch. "Again," I said finishing his statement. "Huh?" He asked confused. "You said you don't ever want her to fuck Don, and I said again. It happened already so you don't want it to ever happen again." I said and he stared at me as his jaws clenched and I realized Chris hadn't told him that.

"You didn't know?" I asked and he shook his head upset. This is why people need to be more honest, people like Chris and TJ are the sharks and Aubrey and I are the little fish that they run over and we allow it. If they just be honest, people like Aubrey and I wouldn't get hurt and we would know what's going on and when to walk away. "Oh, I'm sorry I thought she told you." I said and wiping my tears.

"Nah, she lied to me is what she did. She said she never fucked him, she looked me in my eyes tears and all and lied to me and said she didn't fuck him." He said getting more and more upset by the second. "I know how you feel, TJ told me he would never talk to Crystal and that she was out of his life for good before we were ever together. When we were pretending to be together he told me that, and now that we are really together him and that bitch are all of a sudden close friends." I said as I felt myself getting upset again.

"You want a drink?" He asked and I nodded. We got up and walked to his kitchen and he started getting the alcohol of his preference out.

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