Chapter 25

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Once I got in, and Diamond was in, A got in. He put the key in, and he just stopped and leaned back against the seat and put his hands on his face. I looked out of the window not wanting to watch. "Ahh!" He shouted in frustration as he punched the steering wheel with all his might, scaring me half to death making me jump to the side hitting the door and window.

"What the hell Aubrey, calm down." I said breathing heavily as I stared at him like he lost his got damn mind. "Chris are you fucking him?" He asked staring at me with a strong face. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Answer the fucking question! Are you FUCKING him?" He shouted and I looked at him knowing no matter how angry he think he is, and how much he want to know, the truth will hurt him so much more.

"Aubrey start the car and let's go," I said sternly not answering the question. "Christina answer the damn question, are you fucking that nigga?" He shouted as his face turned red. "AUBREY IF YOU DON'T START THIS DAMN CAR AND FUCKING DRIVE, I WILL GET OUT OF THE DAMN CAR AND GET A RIDE FROM DON HIMSELF!" I shouted back and he blew out a aggressive breath.

"Try me, he's parked right there." I said staring at him sternly keeping my word.  He still didn't start the car so I reached for the handle and he locked the door and started his car. He pulled off and I put my seatbelt on and crossed my arms, rolling my eyes.

We all were quiet, Aubrey drove mad, I stared out the window aggravated, and I don't know what the hell Diamond was doing. "Can you answer the question?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "It's none of your business or concern." I said and he gripped the wheel tighter and drove a little faster.

"Christina I'm not playing with you, are you fucking him yes or no?" He asked more aggressive. "I don't like how you're talking to me, I don't like your tone." I said childishly knowing I'm making him madder. "ARE YOU FUCKING HIM? ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION BEFORE I MAKE YOU ANSWER THE QUESTION." He said and I looked at him like he lost his mind because I honestly believe he has.

"First of all, you can't make me do shit. Secondly, I don't have to tell you shit. Thirdly, it's none of you're damn business. Fourthly, that's a little PERSONAL. Fifthly, you need to watch how you talk to me, I'm not your child." I said and he turned even more red as his veins look like they're about to burst.

"I don't give two fucks about how personal it is, answer yes or no Christina." He said and I crossed my arms and looked back at Diamond. "That's a little too personal even for best friends, don't you think Diamond? You wonder why I'm always so lonely and alone, and this is why. He acts a fool when I hang around any other guys, or meet someone who I can probably be with.

Don't you think he should have a little more respect? More respect for my privacy, respect for my decision not to say so, and respect me enough not to talk to me like this." I asked and she nodded. "Yea, I may not like her but you don't have to talk to her like that. And why do you care if she's fucking him or not?" Diamond asked and I turned back around and smirked.

"Yea, why do you care Aubrey?" I asked knowing I'm pushing all of the right buttons. "Diamond shut the fuck up, it's none of your damn business what I ask her or how I speak to her. She's my best friend, not yours. I can speak to her however the hell I fucking please." He shouted and I jumped as well as Diamond.

"Aubrey-" she said before he cut her off. "Aubrey, shut the fuck up Diamond. This is none of your business," he said upset. "And who she's fucking is none of your business! You're acting like you're fucking her. Or like she's you're girlfriend! You need to watch how you speak to me because I'm not one of your friends, I'm your girlfriend." She shouted.

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