Chapter 37

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I couldn't take it anymore, I had to come back and see what these two are up to. They both know me so well so if it's good it would be great, if it's bad it will be terrible. The thought is killing me, so I just have to ruin the surprise. We all pulled up and the girls are headed to the backyard down to the beach.

TJ pulled up as I was walking to the door and I was confused because I know he showed up earlier when Asia was waiting for him. "Chris did Asia leave?" He asked and I laughed. "No her head hurts supposedly. But I think she's just saying that so that her and A can be left here alone to plan something for me. That's why we came back so early." I said and he chuckled.

"Well now I feel slow because I brought her some ibuprofen for her head, and some food because you can't take it on a empty stomach." He said and I smiled. "Aw that's sweet, the thought will count a lot, trust me." I said and I waved to him to follow me in. He walked in and so did I. "I'll be back, I'll go get her and sneak up there so I can see exactly what they're hiding." I said with a big smile.

"Okay, I'll be here." He said and I smiled as I walked up the stairs. As I got further up the stairs I started hearing moaning and it struck everything in me. My smile fell and my mind went blank as my legs kept walking towards the sound of the moans. I stopped in front of A's room and I placed my hand carefully on the doorknob and hurriedly turned the knob and pushed the door open.

The first thing I see is Asia on top of Aubrey. They both stopped and stared at me in shock as they both scrambled off of each other. Then I felt it, my tears started pouring down my face and something was hurting my ears. It turns out the thing that was hurting my ears are my own shouts of crying as I hit the floor. I sat there on my knees crying my eyes out as they both were in shock as well.

Asia panicked and grabbed the sheet and her clothes and ran out of the room past me and down the stairs. I could see Aubrey's lips moving, he's calling my name but I can't hear him. He came closer to me and the sound came back as did everything else around me that had started to crumble I started fighting him as I cried. "How could you? THAT'S MY FUCKING SISTER!!" I shouted out in pain and rage.

"I'm sorry," He said and I kept punching him. "Don't touch me, don't touch me,don't..." I said as I kept fighting him as I cried. I heard feet running up the stairs and it was TJ. He started swinging on Aubrey and they started fighting. The girls heard me screaming and crying and came running towards the sounds of the fighting and tumbling.

They tried to break up the fight, but they all stopped after seeing how dangerous it was considering either of the guys weren't giving up on this fight. I guess it doesn't take much for the people you love the most to hurt you, because who fucking knows how long this shit has been going on.

After the fight I sat there venting to the girls, TJ and Aubrey were both gone along with Asia; she never came back after she ran out. "I saw the signs but I thought nothing of them, the thought didn't even cross my mind. I just knew they would never do anything like this to me because they both love me.

I fucking thought they were planning a fucking surprise for me. How fucking naive could I have been?" I asked as I kept drinking drink after drink. After a while of drinking and venting, I found myself isolated from the girls on the beach, crying silently to myself as I thought back to as far as I could remember to find out when this little situation with Aubrey and Asia started.

The fact they could do this to me fucking hurts. After a few hours alone torturing myself with my thoughts and the whole scene I walked into, I started to grow numb to the outside world so that the pain would just fade. But it didn't fade, it's why I'm numb, in my mind my world is crashing and crumbling down quickly, as my heart had already broke into a trillion pieces in my chest.

"How are you feeling?" London asked sitting next to me. I just stared at the ocean water and didn't respond because I have nothing else to say to anyone. If I can't trust Aubrey and Asia then I can't trust anyone. "Do you want to get anything else off of your chest while it's just you and I?" She asked and I kept my eyes focused on the water.

"Well I thought you would need some comfort from someone else you care deeply for, because I knew you wouldn't talk to me or anyone else right now. So I called Don, he's on his way. Maybe he can get through to you and help you cope and overcome everything, considering no one else can right now. That may not happen tonight, tomorrow, this week, this month, or next month, but you will get over this." She said and I just sat there knowing I won't get over this ever.

She rubbed my back and pulled me into her arms, laying my head on her chest as she rocked back and forth waiting for Don to arrive.

🌼Asia Dee🌼

As I was riding Aubrey, I kept moaning being so close to climaxing. Then the door swung open and there stood Chris. She started crying instantly and I felt myself about to cry. I jumped off of Aubrey as he scrambled to get away from me as well. I grabbed the sheet to cover up my body and grabbed my clothes and ran out of the room past her completely naked.

I had nothing but a sheet wrapped around my body and my clothes in my hand. No shoes, no socks, no bra, no underwear, just my sweater and jeans. I got down the stairs hearing Chris scream and cry her heart out as Aubrey tried to comfort her, which he failed to do. Then I got to the bottom of the stairs and came face to face with TJ. My heart sunk, I couldn't breathe.

He looked so confused and then he looked so angry, and I just ran out of the front door, not able to look at him any longer. I kept running, running for miles, until I was far, far away. I stood in a big field of grass and got dressed and dropped the sheet and started running again. I don't have my phone, I left it behind. So I can't call a Uber, Lyft, or anything. I couldn't even call a Taxi and I can't expect to be able to stop one riding by because they don't come around here.

I finally stopped running and started walking back home as I cried my eyes out. My sister caught me having sex with the man she loves, the man I love found out I was playing with him while I was fucking my sister's best friend. How will they ever forgive me? I told Aubrey we shouldn't have, I knew we would get caught up. I just felt it in my gut, and now look at us. I'm walking a far distance until I get home as I'm crying and getting tired. My legs are weak from the sex, and I feel dirty because I didn't have time to stop and shower after being caught.

I'm just in a fucking mess, a world wind of mess that I probably won't get out of. I don't know if Chris will ever forgive me, honestly if she does it will never be the same between us. TJ, I really don't think he'll forgive me, I might not ever see him again after this. It was a human mistake, we all make them, but it's so hard to get past them. I really fucked up now, I know I did.

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