Chapter 29

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🌼Asia Dee🌼

My phone started ringing as I finished up my hair in front of my mirror. I looked down to see I had a incoming call from. "Daddy💋😜💎" which is TJ of course. I know I know, I'm such the hypocrite. I used to make fun of girls who did things like this and knowing myself, if I weren't me and I saw another girl with the same nickname, I would laugh at her and call her an idiot because it has only been a month.

I answered the FaceTime and smiled because he was just smiling in the camera. "Good morning, are you outside?" I asked as I felt my cheeks tingle. "Yea, and good morning. You ready?" He asked and I bit my bottom lip to avoid smiling even more. "Umhm," I hummed knowing if I say yes I will just start smiling and won't be able to stop.

I'm just happy we're finally together, I waited so long for this. "I can hear you trying not to smile," he said with a chuckled and I laughed. "Well it gets exhausting, smiling all the time all day and you didn't even do anything for me to smile." I said and he chuckled. "Well it's a good sign to me that I'm doing right and making you happy. When you're not smiling is when I will know I fucked up." He said and my smile grew.

"I'm on my way down now," I said standing up and picking up my phone. "Ard, I picked you up a orange juice because I know it's your favorite." He said as I walked down my stairs. "Thanks," I said with a smiled as I opened my front door and walked out. I walked to his truck with my tote on my shoulder.

I decided no book bag today, I look really pretty and I needed a tote to compliment me even more. I hung up the phone as soon as I sat my butt on the seat in the truck then I closed the door. I leaned over to him and he leaned over to me and pecked each other's lips. "Are you coming to my practice today?" He asked as I put my seatbelt on and he started driving. "Yea, oh and I have a photo shoot this Saturday. It's just a reminder," I said and he nodded.

"Okay, and momma want you to come over for dinner." He said and I smiled. "Okay, how is she?" I asked although I have her number and we text all the time. But because she don't really text that much, she text back really late so we end up talking on the phone instead. "She good," He said as we pulled up at school. We got out of his car, and I joined him on the other side of the car. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek, making me smile bigger, as we walked to the school.

We walked inside and there's a big group that's supposed to be a line blocking us from getting in. "What the fuck is this?" TJ said to himself lowly. That's when I saw Chris, and took TJ's hand and pulled him to the middle of the circle where she is. "What's going on?" I asked her and she turned and looked at me and smiled and we hugged. "Girl they installed medal detectors because someone threatened the school and said a child who goes here would come in here and shoot the school up.

They don't know who the person will be so they're making us use medal detectors for now on." She said and I rolled my eyes. "Nobody is going to shoot up this school," I said and TJ chuckled before pulling me into a hug and kissing all over my cheek as I laughed lightly. "You don't know that, it's probably some crazy white kid." He said and Chris laughed.

I happened to look over across the crowd and saw Crystal, TJ's ex who was all over him the night of the game when he told his family I was his girlfriend, the day he lied. She was watching us, and I when I caught her she smirked and looked me up and down before looking at TJ who isn't paying attention and licked her lips. I looked away as I felt myself start to get heated.

"What's wrong?" TJ asked and I shook my head. "Nothing," I said and he just stared at me. "What?" I asked annoyed although he didn't do anything with her. The thought that he used to bothers me, and I know I'm going to have to watch him because Crystal will try something. I know TJ will shut her down, but I am still upset because of the thought that he might not.

"Nothing," He said as his mood changed too. He looked ahead waiting for the line to move so we can be closer to getting in school. I know he's feeling the way he is because of me, but I'm feeling this way because of Crystal and him.


I walked into the gym because TJ has practice and I told him I would stay. I smiled at the thought of seeing him, I didn't see him all day aside from lunch and him walking me to class. The first thing I see when I walk in is TJ hugging Crystal and she's all in his face laughing like they're together or something. It made me so mad but I just walked in the bathroom.

I waited for a good twenty minutes before walking out and walking back into the gym. There's no point in arguing with Crystal, TJ is supposed to be faithful to me. Crystal don't matter she don't owe me shit, but TJ I thought we were good. It has only been a month and he's already acting up. I sat on the bleachers next to his duffel bag as he practiced. I opened his bag and took out his phone and unlocked it.

I saw messages he didn't see yet and one is from Crystal. I didn't even know he still had her number. As I read their messages I see that he has been buddy buddy with this bitch like they're friends or something. Now this bitch want to look at me like she can take him back this morning and I'm looking like a damn fool by letting her upset me. I'm looking like a fool because he making her feel like she can have him.

Now before he knew I was here, he was letting her be in his face. Smiling and laughing and it's not like he wasn't with the shit because he was. He was in her face too and hugging her like what the fuck. After practice was over he came over to me ready to give me a kiss and I pushed him away and stood up ready to go.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked like he don't fucking know what he been doing. "I'm ready to go TJ, so let's go." I said not in the mood for all the kissing and hugging because I'm pretty sure he doing it with that bitch. He grabbed his bag and we left the school. On the ride to his house, I didn't say anything to him, I didn't even look his way.

"What did I do? Your not smiling, won't look at me, not talking. Something is wrong," he said and I didn't respond to him. I'm just trying to make it to dinner with his mom and go. "Asia," He said and I didn't respond. I don't have to respond if I don't want to, just like he can do what he want to I can too. "Asia can we talk about whatever the problem is?" He asked as he parked out front of his house.

I unlocked my door and opened it, and he grabbed my wrist. "Asia this is childish, if we got a problem let me know so we can fix it." He said and I looked at him then snatched my wrist from him and got out and walked to the door. I wasn't going to wait for him to unlock the front door so I rung the doorbell.

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